6,985 research outputs found

    Quantization of scalar perturbations in brane-world inflation

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    We consider a quantization of scalar perturbations about a de Sitter brane in a 5-dimensional anti-de Sitter (AdS) bulk spacetime. We first derive the second order action for a master variable Ω\Omega for 5-dimensional gravitational perturbations. For a vacuum brane, there is a continuum of normalizable Kaluza-Klein (KK) modes with m>3H/2m>3H/2. There is also a light radion mode with m=2Hm=\sqrt{2}H which satisfies the junction conditions for two branes, but is non-normalizable for a single brane model. We perform the quantization of these bulk perturbations and calculate the effective energy density of the projected Weyl tensor on the barne. If there is a test scalar field perturbation on the brane, the m2=2H2m^2 = 2H^2 mode together with the zero-mode and an infinite ladder of discrete tachyonic modes become normalizable in a single brane model. This infinite ladder of discrete modes as well as the continuum of KK modes with m>3H/2m>3H/2 introduce corrections to the scalar field perturbations at first-order in a slow-roll expansion. We derive the second order action for the Mukhanov-Sasaki variable coupled to the bulk perturbations which is needed to perform the quantization and determine the amplitude of scalar perturbations generated during inflation on the brane.Comment: 14 page

    Quantum-mechanical generation of gravitational waves in braneworld

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    We study the quantum-mechanical generation of gravitational waves during inflation on a brane embedded in a five-dimensional anti-de Sitter bulk. To make the problem well-posed, we consider the setup in which both initial and final phases are given by a de Sitter brane with different values of the Hubble expansion rate. Assuming that the quantum state is in a de Sitter invariant vacuum in the initial de Sitter phase, we numerically evaluate the amplitude of quantum fluctuations of the growing solution of the zero mode in the final de Sitter phase. We find that the vacuum fluctuations of the initial Kaluza-Klein gravitons as well as of the zero mode gravitons contribute to the final amplitude of the zero mode on small scales, and the power spectrum is quite well approximated by what we call the rescaled spectrum, which is obtained by rescaling the standard four-dimensional calculation following a simple mapping rule. Our results confirm the speculation raised in Ref. \cite{Kobayashi:2003cn} before.Comment: 11 pages, 11 figure

    Scalar perturbations in braneworld cosmology

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    We study the behaviour of scalar perturbations in the radiation-dominated era of Randall-Sundrum braneworld cosmology by numerically solving the coupled bulk and brane master wave equations. We find that density perturbations with wavelengths less than a critical value (set by the bulk curvature length) are amplified during horizon re-entry. This means that the radiation era matter power spectrum will be at least an order of magnitude larger than the predictions of general relativity (GR) on small scales. Conversely, we explicitly confirm from simulations that the spectrum is identical to GR on large scales. Although this magnification is not relevant for the cosmic microwave background or measurements of large scale structure, it will have some bearing on the formation of primordial black holes in Randall-Sundrum models.Comment: 17 pages, 7 figure

    Numerical study of curvature perturbations in a brane-world inflation at high-energies

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    We study the evolution of scalar curvature perturbations in a brane-world inflation model in a 5D Anti-de Sitter spacetime. The inflaton perturbations are confined to a 4D brane but they are coupled to the 5D bulk metric perturbations. We numerically solve full coupled equations for the inflaton perturbations and the 5D metric perturbations using Hawkins-Lidsey inflationary model. At an initial time, we assume that the bulk is unperturbed. We find that the inflaton perturbations at high energies are strongly coupled to the bulk metric perturbations even on subhorizon scales, leading to the suppression of the amplitude of the comoving curvature perturbations at a horizon crossing. This indicates that the linear perturbations of the inflaton field does not obey the usual 4D Klein-Gordon equation due to the coupling to 5D gravitational field on small scales and it is required to quantise the coupled brane-bulk system in a consistent way in order to calculate the spectrum of the scalar perturbations in a brane-world inflation.Comment: 16 pages, 5 figure

    Universality of massive scalar field late-time tails in black-hole spacetimes

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    The late-time tails of a massive scalar field in the spacetime of black holes are studied numerically. Previous analytical results for a Schwarzschild black hole are confirmed: The late-time behavior of the field as recorded by a static observer is given by ψ(t)t5/6sin[ω(t)×t]\psi(t)\sim t^{-5/6}\sin [\omega (t)\times t], where ω(t)\omega(t) depends weakly on time. This result is carried over to the case of a Kerr black hole. In particular, it is found that the power-law index of -5/6 depends on neither the multipole mode \ell nor on the spin rate of the black hole a/Ma/M. In all black hole spacetimes, massive scalar fields have the same late-time behavior irrespective of their initial data (i.e., angular distribution). Their late-time behavior is universal.Comment: 11 pages, 14 figures, published versio

    Inflaton perturbations in brane-world cosmology with induced gravity

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    We study cosmological perturbations in the brane models with an induced Einstein-Hilbert term on a brane. We consider an inflaton confined to a de Sitter brane in a five-dimensional Minkowski spacetime. Inflaton fluctuations excite Kaluza-Klein modes of bulk metric perturbations with mass m2=2(21)(+1)H2m^2 = -2(2\ell-1) (\ell +1) H^2 and m2=2(2+3)H2m^2 = -2\ell(2\ell+3) H^2 where \ell is an integer. There are two branches (±\pm branches) of solutions for the background spacetime. In the ++ branch, which includes the self-accelerating universe, a resonance appears for a mode with m2=2H2m^2 = 2 H^2 due to a spin-0 perturbation with m2=2H2m^2 = 2H^2. The self-accelerating universe has a distinct feature because there is also a helicity-0 mode of spin-2 perturbations with m2=2H2m^2 = 2H^2. In the - branch, which can be thought as the Randall-Sundrum type brane-world with the high energy quantum corrections, there is no resonance. At high energies, we analytically confirm that four-dimensional Einstein gravity is recovered, which is related to the disappearance of van Dam-Veltman-Zakharov discontinuity in de Sitter spacetime. On sufficiently small scales, we confirm that the lineariaed gravity on the brane is well described by the Brans-Dicke theory with ω=3Hrc\omega=3Hr_c in - branch and ω=3Hrc\omega = -3H r_c in ++ branch, respectively, which confirms the existence of the ghost in ++ branch. We also study large scale perturbations. In ++ branch, the resonance induces a non-trivial anisotropic stress on the brane via the projection of Weyl tensor in the bulk, but no instability is shown to exist on the brane.Comment: 20 pages, 4 figure

    Gravitational backreaction of anti-D branes in the warped compactification

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    We derive a low-energy effective theory for gravity with anti-D branes, which are essential to get de Sitter solutions in the type IIB string warped compactification, by taking account of gravitational backreactions of anti-D branes. In order to see the effects of the self-gravity of anti-D branes, a simplified model is studied where a 5-dimensional anti-de Sitter ({\it AdS}) spacetime is realized by the bulk cosmological constant and the 5-form flux, and anti-D branes are coupled to the 5-form field by Chern-Simon terms. The {\it AdS} spacetime is truncated by introducing UV and IR cut-off branes like the Randall-Sundrum model. We derive an effective theory for gravity on the UV brane and reproduce the familiar result that the tensions of the anti-D branes give potentials suppressed by the forth-power of the warp factor at the location of the anti-D branes. However, in this simplified model, the potential energy never inflates the UV brane, although the anti-D-branes are inflating. The UV brane is dominated by dark radiation coming from the projection of the 5-dimensional Weyl tensor, unless the moduli fields for the anti-D branes are stabilized. We comment on the possibility of avoiding this problem in a realistic string theory compactification.Comment: typos corrected, 11 pages, 3 figure

    f(R) brane cosmology

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    Despite the nice features of the Dvali, Gabadadze and Porrati (DGP) model to explain the late-time acceleration of the universe, it suffers from some theoretical problems like the ghost issue. We present a way to self-accelerate the normal DGP branch, which is known to be free of the ghost problem, by means of an f(R) term on the brane action. We obtain the de Sitter self-accelerating solutions of the model and study their stability under homogeneous perturbations.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures. Contribution to the proceedings of Spanish Relativity Meeting 2009, Bilbao, Spain, 7-11 September 200

    Coupled boundary and bulk fields in anti-de Sitter

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    We investigate the dynamics of a boundary field coupled to a bulk field with a linear coupling in an anti-de Sitter bulk spacetime bounded by a Minkowski (Randall-Sundrum) brane. An instability criterion for the coupled boundary and bulk system is found. There exists a tachyonic bound state when the coupling is above a critical value, determined by the masses of the brane and bulk fields and AdS curvature scale. This bound state is normalizable and localised near the brane, and leads to a tachonic instability of the system on large scales. Below the critical coupling, there is no tachyonic state and no bound state. Instead, we find quasi-normal modes which describe stable oscillations, but with a finite decay time. Only if the coupling is tuned to the critical value does there exist a massless stable bound state, as in the case of zero coupling for massless fields. We discuss the relation to gravitational perturbations in the Randall-Sundrum brane-world.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figures, revtex

    Brane-world inflation: slow-roll corrections to the spectral index

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    We quantify the slow-roll corrections to primordial density perturbations arising from inflation driven by a four-dimensional scalar field with a monomial potential in a five-dimensional non-compact bulk spacetime. Although the difference between the classical brane-world solutions and standard four-dimensional solutions is large at early times, the change to the amplitude at late times of perturbations generated from quantum fluctuations is first-order in slow-roll parameters, leading to second-order slow-roll corrections to the spectral index. This confirms that the leading-order effects are correctly given by previous work in the literature.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figur