4,253 research outputs found

    Distinct populations of neurons activated by heroin and cocaine in the striatum as assessed by catFISH

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    Despite the still prevailing notion of a shared substrate of action for all addictive drugs, there is evidence suggesting that opioid and psychostimulant drugs differ substantially in terms of their neurobiological and behavioural effects. These differences may reflect separate neural circuits engaged by the two drugs. Here we used the catFISH technique to investigate the degree of overlap between neurons engaged by heroin versus cocaine in adult male Sprague-Dawley rats. The catFISH technique is a within-subject procedure that takes advantage of the different transcriptional time-course of the immediate-early genes homer 1a and arc to determine to what extent two stimuli separated by an interval of 25 min engage the same neuronal population. We found that throughout the striatal complex the neuronal populations activated by non-contingent intravenous injections of cocaine (800 µg/kg) and heroin (100 and 200 µg/kg), administered at an interval of 25 min from each other, overlapped to a much lesser extent than in the case of two injections of cocaine (800 µg/kg), also 25 min apart. The greatest reduction in overlap between populations activated by cocaine and heroin was in the dorsomedial and dorsolateral striatum (~30% and ~22%, respectively, of the overlap observed for the sequence cocaine-cocaine). Our results point toward a significant separation between neuronal populations activated by heroin and cocaine in the striatal complex. We propose that our findings are a proof of concept that these two drugs are encoded differently in a brain area believed to be a common neurobiological substrate to drug abuse

    Effect of Expression Conditions on the Yield of Dika Nut (Irvingia Gabonesis) Oil under Uniaxial Compression

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    Efficient expression of Dika nut oil from the kernel is required for its subsequent use in producing comparatively cheap lubricant. Various factors responsible for proper oil expression include particle size, moisture content, heating temperature, heating time, pressing pressure and pressing time. Sundried Dika kernel ground to two particle sizes (fine: ≤ 1.4 mm and coarse: between 1.4 and 2.8 mm) were conditioned to moisture content of 3, 6 and 9 wt%. Considered in the study, are heating temperature ranging from 50 to 150oC in steps of 25 degrees Celsius and heating time of 5 to 25 minutes in steps of 5 minutes. Pressing pressure of 5 to 25 MPa in steps of 5 MPa and pressing time of 2 minutes interval were also considered. The maximum oil yield was then correlated with the processing conditions. Test results showed that coarse particle gave higher oil yield. Maximum oil yield of 72.2% of the available oil was obtained at 6% moisture content, heating temperature of 100oC and heating time of 10 minutes. Regression analyses of the oil yield with heating temperature, heating time, and pressing gave r2 values of 0.9678, 0.999 and 0.9128. The processing conditions therefore has significantly influence the quantity of oil obtained from Dika kerne

    Unusual fish mortality in Minicoy Lagoon

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    The article reports that except atherinids, all fishes other fishes were affected due to low oxygen level