33 research outputs found


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    This paper explains the reasons for loyalty programs emergence in retail and their significance to retailers and buyers, as well as the components they consist of. Subsequently, customers’ attitudes on these loyalty programs components on the fast moving consumer goods (FMCG) market in Croatia have been analyzed. Aim of the study was to explore the antecedents of loyal customers and therefore only those espondents who participated in at least one loyalty programs were used for testing the research question of the paper. The results of the conducted research undoubtedly show that, customers appreciate the simplicity in loyalty programs and ask for their transparency. They want to be able to choose rewards within loyalty programs and prefer delayed, but more valuable rewards. It has also been confirmed that customers want to win points in innovative ways. The research results, in view of buyers’ priorities and the factors deemed crucial for the success of such programs on Croatian retail market, can be of use to retailers who wish to improve their loyalty programs. It is clearly evident from the research results on Croatian market what customers consider as important and what they want from a loyalty program

    Utjecaj početnog eksplantata i regulatora rasta na kulturu kalusnoga tkiva europske tise (Taxus baccata L. Washingtonii)

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    The effects of explant source, medium composition and growth regulators were examined in order to optimize the induction and selection of fast growing callus lines of European yew (Taxus baccata L. Washingtonii). Callus cultures were induced from isolated mature zygotic embryos or from segments of juvenile branches. Following two months of growth on induction medium (MS + 3.0 mg/L NAA, 0.5 mg/L kinetin, 100 mg/L arginine, 2.5 % sucrose and 0.8 % agar), callus proliferation was induced in 86.4 % of embryo explants and 100 % of branch-cutting explants. The growth potential of established callus lines was found to vary in response to genetic potential and culture medium composition. The growth rate of stem-derived callus obtained on induction medium was superior to that obtained using all other tested media modifications (duplication time 9.6 days). However, the growth of embryo-derived callus lines was enhanced by increasing the iron content from 27.8 to 55.6 mg/L FeSO4 ∙7H2O in the maintaining MS medium (duplication time for line E2 was 8.5 days). In two out of three embryo-derived lines, tissue growth was further improved by transferring onto modified B5 medium (duplication time for lines E2 end E5 was 4 and 5.7 days, respectively). HPLC analysis confirmed the presence of the anticancer agent cephalomannine in calli grown on B5 medium and a taxane-like substance in calli grown on MS medium.Ispitan je utjecaj eksplantata i sastav hranidbene podloge na rast kalusnih linija europske tise. Kalusne kulture potaknute su na eksplantatima čitavih zrelih zigotnih embrija i odsječaka jednogodišnjih grančica odrasle biljke. Nakon dva mjeseca uzgoja na indukcijskoj podlozi (MS s dodatkom 3,0 mg/L NAA, 0,5 mg/L kinetina, 100 mg/L arginina, 25 g/L saharoze i 8 g/L agara) proliferacija kalusa postignuta je na 86,4 % embrijskih eksplantata i na 100 % eksplantata grančice. Rast ustaljenih kalusnih linija ovisio je o genetskom potencijalu i sastavu hranidbene podloge. Najbolji prirast svježe mase kalusa dobivenog iz tkiva grančice ostvaren je na indukcijskoj podlozi (vrijeme udvostručenja mase kalusa bilo je 9,6 dana). Kalus induciran iz embrija rastao je brže na podlozi MS s povećanim udjelom željeza (55,6 mg/L umjesto 27,8 mg/L FeSO4 ∙ 7H20) pa je masa tkiva linije E2 udvostručena za 8,5 dana. Prirast mase tkiva u dvije od tri embrijske kalusne linije poboljšan je supkultiviranjem na modificiranu podlogu B5 (tkivna masa linija E2 i E5 udvostručena je nakon 4, odnosno 5,7 dana). Analizom HPLC u kalusnim kulturama uzgajanim na podlozi B5 dokazana je prisutnost antikancerogene tvari cefalomanina, a u kalusnom tkivu raslom na podlozi MS prisutnost neodređene tvari slične taksanu

    Depression, Anxiety and Cognitive Dysfunction in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus – A Study of Adult Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in Osijek, Croatia

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    im of the study was to determine the rate of depression and anxiety in the patients with diagnosed Type 2 Diabetes mellitus (DM), and also to determine the state of the congnitive functions in patients with Type 2 Diabetes mellitus compared with the control group. Study was designed as a epidemiological cross sectional study, sample consisted of 108 patients, 66 of the patients were diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes mellitus, and 42 were control group. All of them were interviwed by psychiatrist and tested through clinical interview with Hamilton depression rating scale, Hamilton Anxiety rating scale, Mini mental state examination and questionnaire about sociodemografic data. Results show that group of patients with DM were statistically significat more depressed than the control group of the patients (p=0.035). Pathological anxiety measured by Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale (HAM-A) appeared in 34 DM patients and 7 of the patients in control group, which is also statistically significant difference (p=0.002). Evaluation of the congnitive status done with Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE showed us tha patients with DM presented more cognitive dysfunctions compared with the control group. We can conclude that the high prevalence of psychiatric disorders in diabetic patients points to the need for greater investment in appropriate diagnostic evaluation of patients that consider mental issues


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    Ponašanje je najbrži način adaptacije životinje na promene kojese dešavaju u njenom organizmu ili u životnom okruženju. To je vidljiva osobinaživotinja. Zbog toga, veterinari mogu da koriste znanje o ponašanju životinja umnogim granama veterinarske prakse i veterinarske nauke. Poznavanje ponašanjaživotinja može biti od pomoći u dijagnostici u veterinarskoj praksi. Osim toga, znanjeo ponašanju životinja može se primeniti u svim postupcima postupanja sa životinjamakao i pri njihovom obuzdavanju, prilikom kliničkog pregleda životinja, u procesimaučenja i obuke životinja, u usmeravanju kretanja životinja, hranjenju, reprodukcijii mnogim drugim aktivnostima. Smeštajni sistemi i sve vrste obogaćivanja uslovaživota su proizvodi primenjene nauke o ponašanju životinja. Veterinari moraju znatikako da spreče poremećaje u ponašanju i patološke oblike ponašanja životinja, alii kako da ih leče. Takođe, oni treba da znaju kako da primene znanje o ponašanjuživotinja za dobrobit životinja. Dalje, nauka o ponašanju životinja može se primenitiu kontroli divljači i štetočina na humaniji način, kao i u očuvanju vrsta. Postojemnogi drugi primeri primene znanja o ponašanju životinja u veterinarskoj praksi, akoji su izneti u ovom radu


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    Behavior is the fastest way of animal adaptation to changes that occur in itsorganism or in its habitat. This is a visible feature of animals. Therefore, veterinarianscan use knowledge about animal behavior in many branches of veterinary practice andveterinary science. Knowledge of animal behavior can also be helpful in diagnosticsin veterinary practice. In addition, knowledge of animal behavior can be applied inall animal treatment procedures, as well as in their restraint, animal examination,animal learning and training, animal tracking, feeding, reproduction and many otheractivities. Accommodation systems and all kinds of enrichment of living conditionsare part of applied animal behavior science. Veterinarians must know how to preventbehavioral disorders and pathological forms of animal behavior, but also how totreat them. They also need to know how to apply knowledge about animal behaviorto protect animal welfare. Applied animal behavior science can be applied to controlgame animals and pests in a more humane way as well as in conservation of species.There are many other examples of application of animal behavioral knowledge inveterinary practice, as it is presented in this paper

    Criminal Offences of Neglect and Abuse of Children and Minors in Practice of the Municipal Court in Rijeka

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    U raduje istraživana praksa Općinskog suda u Rijeci, kroz četiri godine, od 2003. do 2006. godine. Istraživanje je obuhvatilo sve pravomoćne presude u tom razdoblju za kazneno djelo zapuštanja i zlostavljanja djece ili maloljetne osobe (čl. 213. KZ-a\u27). Dobiven je ukupni broj počinitelja i neke karakteristike počinitelja, te ukupan broj žrtava, njihova dob i spol. Obrađivani podaci obuhvatili su neke karakteristike visine izrečenih kazni, izdvojena su kaznena djela počinjena u stjecaju i ona počinjena u sudioništvu. Rezultati provedenog istraživanja ukazuju na porast broja počinjenih kaznenih djela (opisan u čl. 213. KZ-a), presuda, počinitelja i žrtava što nam govori o ozbiljnosti problema i potrebi za sinergijskim djelovanjem u rješavanju problema.This paper focuses on the research of court reports of the Municipal court in Rijeka in time period from 2003 to 2006. The research covers ali validjudgements issued in the given period concerning offences of neglecting and abusing children or under-aged persons. We have obtained the total number of perpetrators, certain characteristics of perpetrators, total number of victims and the victims\u27 age and sex. The processed data included common characteristics of the set penalties while the offences made coincidentallv and those committed together with an accomplice have been put aside. This paper points to the increase in the number of judgements concerning child abuse as well as perpetrators and victims which shows the graveness of this issue and calls for joint action which is needed to resolve it