342 research outputs found

    Momentum distribution in heavy deformed nuclei: role of effective mass

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    The impact of nuclear deformation on the momentum distributions (MD) of occupied proton states in 238^{238}U is studied with a phenomenological Woods-Saxon (WS) shell model and the self-consistent Skyrme-Hartree-Fock (SHF) scheme. Four Skyrme parameterizations (SkT6, SkM*, SLy6, SkI3) with different effective masses are used. The calculations reveal significant deformation effects in the low-momentum domain of Kπ=1/2±K^{\pi}=1/2^{\pm} states, mainly of those lying near the Fermi surface. For other states, the deformation effect on MD is rather small and may be neglected. The most remarkable result is that the very different Skyrme parameterizations and the WS potential give about identical MD. This means that the value of effective mass, being crucial for the description of the spectra, is not important for the spatial shape of the wave functions and thus for the MD. In general, it seems that, for the description of MD at 0k3000\le k \le 300 MeV/c, one may use any single-particle scheme (phenomenological or self-consistent) fitted properly to the global ground state properties.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figure

    Self-Consistent Separable Rpa Approach for Skyrme Forces: Axial Nuclei

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    The self-consistent separable RPA (random phase approximation) method is formulated for Skyrme forces with pairing. The method is based on a general self-consistent procedure for factorization of the two-body interaction. It is relevant for various density- and current-dependent functionals. The contributions of the time-even and time-odd Skyrme terms as well as of the Coulomb and pairing terms to the residual interaction are taken self-consistently into account. Most of the expression have a transparent analytical form, which makes the method convenient for the treatment and analysis. The separable character of the residual interaction allows to avoid diagonalization of high-rank RPA matrices and thus to minimize the calculation effort. The previous studies have demonstrated high numerical accuracy and efficiency of the method for spherical nuclei. In this contribution, the method is specified for axial nuclei. We provide systematic and detailed presentation of formalism and discuss different aspects of the model.Comment: 42 page

    Reference genes for normalising gene expression data in collagenase-induced rat intracerebral haemorrhage

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    Background: The mechanisms of brain injury following intracerebral haemorrhage (ICH) are incompletely understood. Gene expression studies using quantitative real-time RT-PCR following ICH have increased our understanding of these mechanisms, however the inconsistent results observed may be related to inappropriate reference gene selection. Reference genes should be stably expressed across different experimental conditions, however, transcript levels of common reference genes have been shown to vary considerably. Reference gene panels have therefore been proposed to overcome this potential confounder. Results: The present study evaluated the stability of seven candidate reference genes in the striatum and overlying cortex of collagenase-induced ICH in rodents at survival times of 5 and 24 hours. Transcript levels of the candidate reference genes were quantified and ranked in order of stability using geNorm. When our gene of interest, transient receptor potential melastatin 2 (TRPM2), was normalised against each reference gene individually, TRPM2 mRNA levels were highly variable. When normalised to the four most stable reference genes selected for accurate normalisation of data, we found no significant difference between ICH and vehicle rats. Conclusion: The panel of reference genes identified in the present study will enable more accurate normalisation of gene expression data in the acute phase of experimental ICH.Naomi L Cook, Timothy J Kleinig, Corinna van den Heuvel and Robert Vin

    Legal coercion, respect & reason-responsive agency

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    Legal coercion seems morally problematic because it is susceptible to the Hegelian objection that it fails to respect individuals in a way that is ‘due to them as men’. But in what sense does legal coercion fail to do so? And what are the grounds for this requirement to respect? This paper is an attempt to answer these questions. It argues that (a) legal coercion fails to respect individuals as reason-responsive agents; and (b) individuals ought to be respected as such in virtue of the fact that they are human beings. Thus it is in this sense that legal coercion fails to treat individuals with the kind of respect ‘due to them as men’.The Leverhulme Trust (ECF-2012-032); AHRC (AH/H015655/1

    Integral representation of the RPA correlation energy

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    Using the spectral function F'(z)/F(z) the RPA correlation energy and other properties of a finite system can be written as a contour integral in a compact way. This yields a transparent expression and reduces drastically the numerical efforts for obtaining reliable values. The method applied to pairing vibrations in rotating nuclei as an illustrative example.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figures (eps files

    Oscillatory Size-Dependence of the Surface Plasmon Linewidth in Metallic Nanoparticles

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    We study the linewidth of the surface plasmon resonance in the optical absorption spectrum of metallic nanoparticles, when the decay into electron-hole pairs is the dominant channel. Within a semiclassical approach, we find that the electron-hole density-density correlation oscillates as a function of the size of the particles, leading to oscillations of the linewidth. This result is confirmed numerically for alkali and noble metal particles. While the linewidth can increase strongly, the oscillations persist when the particles are embedded in a matrix.Comment: RevTeX4, 5 pages, 2 figures, final versio

    Wavelet signatures of KK-splitting of the Isoscalar Giant Quadrupole Resonance in deformed nuclei from high-resolution (p,p') scattering off 146,148,150^{146,148,150}Nd

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    The phenomenon of fine structure of the Isoscalar Giant Quadrupole Resonance (ISGQR) has been studied with high energy-resolution proton inelastic scattering at iThemba LABS in the chain of stable even-mass Nd isotopes covering the transition from spherical to deformed ground states. A wavelet analysis of the background-subtracted spectra in the deformed 146,148,150Nd isotopes reveals characteristic scales in correspondence with scales obtained from a Skyrme RPA calculation using the SVmas10 parameterization. A semblance analysis shows that these scales arise from the energy shift between the main fragments of the K = 0, 1 and K = 2 components.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figure

    Developing a multivariable prediction model for functional outcome after reperfusion therapy for acute ischaemic stroke: study protocol for the Targeting Optimal Thrombolysis Outcomes (TOTO) multicentre cohort study.

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    INTRODUCTION:Intravenous thrombolysis (IVT) with recombinant tissue plasminogen activator (rt-PA) is the only approved pharmacological reperfusion therapy for acute ischaemic stroke. Despite population benefit, IVT is not equally effective in all patients, nor is it without significant risk. Uncertain treatment outcome prediction complicates patient treatment selection. This study will develop and validate predictive algorithms for IVT response, using clinical, radiological and blood-based biomarker measures. A secondary objective is to develop predictive algorithms for endovascular thrombectomy (EVT), which has been proven as an effective reperfusion therapy since study inception. METHODS AND ANALYSIS:The Targeting Optimal Thrombolysis Outcomes Study is a multicenter prospective cohort study of ischaemic stroke patients treated at participating Australian Stroke Centres with IVT and/or EVT. Patients undergo neuroimaging using multimodal CT or MRI at baseline with repeat neuroimaging 24 hours post-treatment. Baseline and follow-up blood samples are provided for research use. The primary outcome is good functional outcome at 90 days poststroke, defined as a modified Rankin Scale (mRS) Score of 0-2. Secondary outcomes are reperfusion, recanalisation, infarct core growth, change in stroke severity, poor functional outcome, excellent functional outcome and ordinal mRS at 90 days. Primary predictive models will be developed and validated in patients treated only with rt-PA. Models will be built using regression methods and include clinical variables, radiological measures from multimodal neuroimaging and blood-based biomarkers measured by mass spectrometry. Predictive accuracy will be quantified using c-statistics and R2. In secondary analyses, models will be developed in patients treated using EVT, with or without prior IVT, reflecting practice changes since original study design. ETHICS AND DISSEMINATION:Patients, or relatives when patients could not consent, provide written informed consent to participate. This study received approval from the Hunter New England Local Health District Human Research Ethics Committee (reference 14/10/15/4.02). Findings will be disseminated via peer-reviewed publications and conference presentations

    How many species change names in a germplasm bank? Study of the Anhembi Experimental Station eucalypt germplasm bank and practical implications.

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    Eucalypts are a long-cycle crop that have been introduced in Brazil during several decades. The germplasm banks of the country make available several populations whose botanical classifications are somewhat outdated since these classifications have been subject to several modifications over the years. This study outlines a review of species with outdated classifications in the Anhembi Experimental Station of Forest Sciences (ESALQ/USP), one of Brazil?s main eucalypt germplasm banks and discusses the possible implications for the breeding programs that use said germplasm. In this survey, we found records that indicate introductions were made of populations of 20 eucalypts species. However, this number has increased according to the most recent update of botanical classifications, and the Anhembi Germplasm Bank has currently 22 species after a few species were reclassified. Furthermore, a major change has been the reclassification of some species from the genus Eucalyptus to the genus Corymbia. One original introduction, Eucalyptus maculata, is now considered to be (according to original provenances), Corymbia maculata and C. variegata. One species originally introduced as E. pellita has been renamed E. scias; E. pellita still exists in north Queensland, Australia and Papua New Guinea, while E. scias has a much smaller southerly distribution in New South Wales, Australia. Similarly, an introduction of E. phaeotricha is now generally considered to be E. tindaliae, and an introduction of E. resinifera is now considered to be E. macta (according to the provenance area of the introduction). The confusing classification of the species is aggravated, in some cases, by the lack of detailed studies that allow comparing the species introduced with the same name, regarding wood productivity, tolerance and/or traits that are fundamental for defining the species to be introduced or worked on by the breeding programs