88 research outputs found

    In vivo clearance of surfactant lipids during acute pulmonary inflammation.

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    BACKGROUND: A decrease in pulmonary surfactant has been suggested to contribute to the lung dysfunction associated with pulmonary inflammation. A number of studies have implicated surfactant clearance as a possible mechanism for altered pool sizes. The objective of the current study was to specifically investigate the mechanisms of surfactant clearance in a rodent model of acute pulmonary inflammation. METHODS: Inflammation was induced by intrapulmonary instillation of lipopolysaccharide (LPS: 100 μg/kg). Lipid clearance was assessed at 18 and 72 hours post-LPS instillation by intratracheal administration of radiolabel surfactant-like liposomes 2 hours prior to isolation and analysis of inflammatory cells and type II cells. RESULTS: At both 18 and 72 hours after LPS instillation there was significantly less radioactivity recovered in the lavage fluid compared to respective control groups (p < 0.05). At both time points, the number of cells recovered by lavage and their associated radioactivity was greater compared to control groups (p < 0.01). There was no difference in recovery of radioactivity by isolated type II cells or other cells obtained from enzymatic digestion of lung tissue. CONCLUSION: These results show that increased clearance of surfactant lipids in our model of acute pulmonary inflammation is primarily due to the inflammatory cells recruited to the airspace and not increased uptake by alveolar type II cells

    The Flagellum of Pseudomonas aeruginosa Is Required for Resistance to Clearance by Surfactant Protein A

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    Surfactant protein A (SP-A) is an important lung innate immune protein that kills microbial pathogens by opsonization and membrane permeabilization. We investigated the basis of SP-A-mediated pulmonary clearance of Pseudomonas aeruginosa using genetically-engineered SP-A mice and a library of signature-tagged P. aeruginosa mutants. A mutant with an insertion into flgE, the gene that encodes flagellar hook protein, was preferentially cleared by the SP-A(+/+) mice, but survived in the SP-A(-/-) mice. Opsonization by SP-A did not play a role in flgE clearance. However, exposure to SP-A directly permeabilized and killed the flgE mutant, but not the wild-type parental strain. P. aeruginosa strains with mutation in other flagellar genes, as well as mucoid, nonmotile isolates from cystic fibrosis patients, were also permeabilized by SP-A. Provision of the wild-type fliC gene restored the resistance to SP-A-mediated membrane permeabilization in the fliC-deficient bacteria. In addition, non-mucoid, motile revertants of CF isolates reacquired resistance to SP-A-mediated membrane permeability. Resistance to SP-A was dependent on the presence of an intact flagellar structure, and independent of flagellar-dependent motility. We provide evidence that flagellar-deficient mutants harbor inadequate amounts of LPS required to resist membrane permeabilization by SP-A and cellular lysis by detergent targeting bacterial outer membranes. Thus, the flagellum of P. aeruginosa plays an indirect but important role resisting SP-A-mediated clearance and membrane permeabilization

    Marine Cyanobacteria Compounds with Anticancer Properties: Implication of Apoptosis

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    Marine cyanobacteria have been proved to be an important source of potential anticancer drugs. Although several compounds were found to be cytotoxic to cancer cells in culture, the pathways by which cells are affected are still poorly elucidated. For some compounds, cancer cell death was attributed to an implication of apoptosis through morphological apoptotic features, implication of caspases and proteins of the Bcl-2 family, and other mechanisms such as interference with microtubules dynamics, cell cycle arrest and inhibition of proteases other than caspases

    Effects of circadian disruption on physiology and pathology: from bench to clinic (and back)

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    Nested within the hypothalamus, the suprachiasmatic nuclei (SCN) represent a central biological clock that regulates daily and circadian (i.e., close to 24 h) rhythms in mammals. Besides the SCN, a number of peripheral oscillators throughout the body control local rhythms and are usually kept in pace by the central clock. In order to represent an adaptive value, circadian rhythms must be entrained by environmental signals or zeitgebers, the main one being the daily light?dark (LD) cycle. The SCN adopt a stable phase relationship with the LD cycle that, when challenged, results in abrupt or chronic changes in overt rhythms and, in turn, in physiological, behavioral, and metabolic variables. Changes in entrainment, both acute and chronic, may have severe consequences in human performance and pathological outcome. Indeed, animal models of desynchronization have become a useful tool to understand such changes and to evaluate potential treatments in human subjects. Here we review a number of alterations in circadian entrainment, including jet lag, social jet lag (i.e., desynchronization between body rhythms and normal time schedules), shift work, and exposure to nocturnal light, both in human subjects and in laboratory animals. Finally, we focus on the health consequences related to circadian/entrainment disorders and propose a number of approaches for the management of circadian desynchronization.Fil: Chiesa, Juan José. Universidad Nacional de Quilmes. Departamento de Ciencia y Tecnología; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Duhart, José Manuel. Universidad Nacional de Quilmes. Departamento de Ciencia y Tecnología; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Casiraghi, Leandro Pablo. Universidad Nacional de Quilmes. Departamento de Ciencia y Tecnología; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Paladino, Natalia. Universidad Nacional de Quilmes. Departamento de Ciencia y Tecnología; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Bussi, Ivana Leda. Universidad Nacional de Quilmes. Departamento de Ciencia y Tecnología; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Golombek, Diego Andrés. Universidad Nacional de Quilmes. Departamento de Ciencia y Tecnología; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin

    Het nemen van beslissingen door volwassenen met ADHD:Een systematisch literatuuronderzoek

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    Personen met aandachtstekortstoornis met hyperactiviteit (ADHD) hebben een grotere kans om minder goede (levens)beslissingen te nemen en om risicovolle activiteiten te ondernemen dan personen zonder ADHD. Mogelijk komt dit doordat de kenmerken van ADHD van invloed zijn op het besluitvormingsproces. Hoewel beslissingsproblematiek reeds uitgebreid is onderzocht bij kinderen en adolescenten met ADHD, is er nog relatief weinig bekend over de besluitvorming van volwassenen met ADHD. Om die reden was het doel van dit literatuuronderzoek de aard en omvang van eventuele tekorten in het besluitvormingsproces van volwassenen met ADHD vast te stellen. Hiertoe is de bestaande literatuur, waarin de prestatie van volwassenen met ADHD op beslissingstaken werd vergeleken met de prestatie van een gezonde controlegroep, systematisch doorzocht, waartoe de databases PsycINFO, MEDLINE en PubMed zijn geraadpleegd. In totaal werden er 31 studies geïncludeerd. In de meerderheid van de studies (i.e. 55 %) weken de prestaties van volwassenen met ADHD af op een of meer van de gebruikte beslissingstaken in vergelijking met de controlegroep(en). Dit literatuuronderzoek levert daarmee voorzichtig bewijs voor het bestaan van verschillen in het besluitvormingsproces tussen gezonde individuen en volwassenen met ADHD. De grote inconsistentie in de bevindingen wordt deels verklaard door de verscheidenheid aan domeinen van besluitvorming die werden onderzocht, de comorbide stoornissen van de participanten en het medicatiegebruik in de ADHD-groepen. Het literatuuronderzoek besluit met een bespreking van de implicaties die de bevindingen hebben voor theorieën over de onderliggende mechanismen van ADHD
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