63 research outputs found

    Of mice and men: molecular genetics of congenital heart disease

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    Development of Indicators to Assess Quality of Care for Prostate Cancer

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    BACKGROUND: The development, monitoring, and reporting of indicator measures that describe standard of care provide the gold standard for assessing quality of care and patient outcomes. Although indicator measures have been reported, little evidence of their use in measuring and benchmarking performance is available. A standard set, defining numerator, denominator, and risk adjustments, will enable global benchmarking of quality of care. OBJECTIVE: To develop a set of indicators to enable assessment and reporting of quality of care for men with localised prostate cancer (PCa). DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS: Candidate indicators were identified from the literature. An international panel was invited to participate in a modified Delphi process. Teleconferences were held before and after each voting round to provide instruction and to review results. OUTCOME MEASUREMENTS AND STATISTICAL ANALYSIS: Panellists were asked to rate each proposed indicator on a Likert scale of 1-9 in a two-round iterative process. Calculations required to report on the endorsed indicators were evaluated and modified to reflect the data capture of the Prostate Cancer Outcomes Registry-Australia and New Zealand (PCOR-ANZ). RESULTS AND LIMITATIONS: A total of 97 candidate indicators were identified, of which 12 were endorsed. The set includes indicators covering pre-, intra-, and post-treatment of PCa care, within the limits of the data captured by PCOR-ANZ. CONCLUSIONS: The 12 endorsed quality measures enable international benchmarking on the quality of care of men with localised PCa. Reporting on these indicators enhances safety and efficacy of treatment, reduces variation in care, and can improve patient outcomes. PATIENT SUMMARY: PCa has the highest incidence of all cancers in men. Early diagnosis and relatively high survival rates mean issues of quality of care and best possible health outcomes for patients are important. This paper identifies 12 important measurable quality indicators in PCa care

    Análise das demandas judiciais para o fornecimento de medicamentos pela Secretaria de Estado da Saúde de Santa Catarina nos anos de 2003 e 2004 Situation of lawsuits concerning the access to medical products by the Health Department of Santa Catarina State, Brazil, during the years 2003 and 2004

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    Neste trabalho, é analisada a situação dos processos judiciais contra a Secretaria de Estado de Saúde de Santa Catarina determinando fornecimento de medicamentos em 2003 e 2004. As variáveis consideradas foram: patologia declarada, medicamento solicitado, origem da prescrição, possíveis alternativas terapêuticas na Relação Estadual de Medicamentos (Resme), registro dos medicamentos na Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária (Anvisa) e custos totais. Foram analisados 622 processos, com gasto de R11.333.750,00.Osservic\cosprivadosdesauˊdeoriginaram56 11.333.750,00. Os serviços privados de saúde originaram 56% das prescrições. Hepatite C e artrite reumatoide foram as doenças mais referidas. Em 40% dos casos, os produtos faziam parte da Resme. Dos produtos solicitados, 6,2% tiveram a sua comercialização iniciada no Brasil a partir do ano 2000, destacando-se Interferon Pequilado e Infliximabe, responsáveis por 46% do total dos gastos. Alguns processos envolviam medicamentos que não possuíam registro na Anvisa, e houve casos em que a indicação de uso do medicamento não estava aprovada no país. Os resultados indicam que a reavaliação dos elencos de medicamentos padronizados e a melhoria no acesso aos tratamentos, aliadas à melhor divulgação dos programas de distribuição de medicamentos, são medidas que potencialmente poderão reduzir o número de processos judiciais.<br>This study describes the situation of lawsuits concerning the access to medical products by the Health Department of Santa Catarina State (SES/SC), Brazil, during the years of 2003 and 2004. The variables considered were: declared illnesses, medicines demanded, prescription origin, possible alternatives therapeutics in the Santa Catarina State Register of Essential Medicines (Resme), the medicines registration at the National Health Surveillance Agency (Anvisa) and total expenditure. 622 lawsuits were filed. Total expenditure was R 11,333,750,00 (Brazilian Reais). Private health care was the source of 56% of the prescriptions. Hepatitis C and rheumatoid arthritis were the most commonly diseases involved. About 40% of requested drugs were on the Resme. 6.2% of required drugs were approved in Brazil after 2000. PEG-Interferon and Infliximab were responsible for 46% of total expenditure. There were still some cases of drugs or indications not registered at Anvisa. These results indicate the need to reassess the list of medicines regularly provided by the SES/SC, and also to improve accessibility to (and information concerning) Programs of medicines distribution. These measures may potentially reduce the number of lawsuits filed against the State