3,066 research outputs found

    Effects of Reminiscence Therapy Using Nostalgic SONGS on The Cognitive Function of The Elderly Living in The Community.

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    The study aimed to examine the effects of reminiscence therapy using nostalgic songs on the cognitive function of elderly people living in the community. The subjects were 34 people who had undergonea ssessment of their vital functions using a basic check list and stated that they had problems related to "withdrawal" or "cognitive functions". Their cognitive functions were assessed using the Hasegawa Dementia Scale-Revised (HDS-R) and Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) prior to and following the implementation of reminiscence intervention using nostalgic songs. The cognitive functions of the elderly were classified into three levels and assessed according to the judgment criteria of those scales. There were significant differences in the total HDS-R score and scores for the subscale items -"recital of numbers in reverse order" and "delayed recall"-received by all subjects. There were also significant differences in the total MMSE score and scores for the subscale items -"spatial orientation" and "delayed recall" -received by all subjects. Regarding cognitive function levels, there were significant differences in the total score and subscale score for "delayed recal" received by elderly people who had been determined as having "cognitive dysfunction" using the HDS-R and "mild cognitive dysfunction". That is, it is not possible to evaluate possible dementia, but there is a risk of transitioning to suspicion of dementia when it is left unattended, using the HDS-R and MMSE

    Kiyoko Ike Autobiography, n.d.

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    Current issues in dementia and dementia care in East Asia

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    Current issues in dementia and dementia care in East Asi


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    The Psychotherapeutic Nursing (PTN) is a holistic care to ease physical pain and emotional-social agony, and to support psychological development and growth of patients with physical illness or injury. This approach is expected to help them become aware of, and satisfy, their suppressed needs and desires. In this research, the author, a nurse and psychotherapist, applied the PTN to a patient in a terminal stage of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), and investigated the psychological process of the patient under the PTN. The patient, once overwhelmed by anticipatory anxiety and fear of death, overcame conflicts and fear of death, came to adapt himself to his miserable fate, accepted death, and finally passed away in peace with the intervention of PTN. In this process, the author supported him in expressing and then satisfying his definite and specific needs and desires with arrangement of human and physical resources. Information and ideas were exchanged among the staff so that the same goal could be shared, and the entire ward functioned psychotherapeutically. The patient died a peaceful death, being respected as a human being

    On historical semantic changes of the Thai morpheme Hâj

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    The present paper investigates historical semantic changes of the Thai multifunctional morpheme hâj by analyzing actual tokens of hâj expressions in Thai inscriptions produced from the end of the thirteenth century1 through the twentieth century. Having examined the diachronic corpus data, I consider that the following grammaticalization pathway of hâj is most plausible: (a) verb for change of location (caused motion) > (b)verb for change of state (induced situation) > (c) complementizer preceding complement clause for either a non-volitional or volitional situation of irrealis2 (such as inducive and desiderative situations) > (d) complementizer preceding complement clause for volitional situation of irrealis (such as permissive and directive/coercive situations). On this basis, I assume that the notion of the event participant’s volition had nothing to do with early semantic changes of hâj constructions.Australian National Universit

    The New “American” House in the Colonial Philippines and the Rise of the Urban Filipino Elite

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    In addition to the bahay na bat0 of the Spanish period, what other historicalarchitectural structures can be found in Philippine cities? Thisarticle argues in favor of the importance of Amwican-period public buildings,which showcased American superiority, and the Filipino urbanelites\u27 interpretation and appropriation of American colonial culture andtheir creation of American-style dwellings. Because Americans did notbuild houses either for Filipinos or for themselves, Filipino elites, particularlyin regional cities where professional architects were almost nonexistent,were the ones who created American wooden houses and thusdeclared their claims to colonial modernity. These elite houses thenbecame intertwined with family histories and their rise to economicprominence, as several examples from Cebu demonstrate.KEYWORDS: American colonialism, public buildings, residential architecture,family histories, Ceb

    A cross-linguistic study of diphthongs in spoken word processing in Japanese and English

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    This paper investigates the proper treatment of diphthongs in Japanese and English in terms of spoken word processing. Three phoneme-monitoring experiments were conducted with three different groups of language users: Japanese monolinguals, English monolinguals and semi-bilingual Japanese speakers of English; both English and Japanese materials were used. The results showed that English monolinguals treat diphthongs as single units during language processing, while Japanese monolinguals treat them as two separate units. The processing of Japanese and English diphthongs by semi-bilingual Japanese speakers of English is also discussed.This study is supported by Department of Linguistics and Department of Psychology