2,526 research outputs found

    Luminosity Dependent Evolution of Lyman Break Galaxies from redshift 5 to 3

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    In this contribution we briefly describe our recent results on the properties of Lyman break galaxies at z~5 obtained from deep and wide blank field surveys using Subaru telescope, and through the comparison with samples at lower redshift ranges we discuss the evolution of star-forming galaxies in the early universe.Comment: 2 pages, 1 figure, for the proceedings of the IAU Symposium 235, Galaxies Across the Hubble Time, J. Palous & F. Combes, ed

    The Influence of Thermal Pressure on Equilibrium Models of Hypermassive Neutron Star Merger Remnants

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    The merger of two neutron stars leaves behind a rapidly spinning hypermassive object whose survival is believed to depend on the maximum mass supported by the nuclear equation of state, angular momentum redistribution by (magneto-)rotational instabilities, and spindown by gravitational waves. The high temperatures (~5-40 MeV) prevailing in the merger remnant may provide thermal pressure support that could increase its maximum mass and, thus, its life on a neutrino-cooling timescale. We investigate the role of thermal pressure support in hypermassive merger remnants by computing sequences of spherically-symmetric and axisymmetric uniformly and differentially rotating equilibrium solutions to the general-relativistic stellar structure equations. Using a set of finite-temperature nuclear equations of state, we find that hot maximum-mass critically spinning configurations generally do not support larger baryonic masses than their cold counterparts. However, subcritically spinning configurations with mean density of less than a few times nuclear saturation density yield a significantly thermally enhanced mass. Even without decreasing the maximum mass, cooling and other forms of energy loss can drive the remnant to an unstable state. We infer secular instability by identifying approximate energy turning points in equilibrium sequences of constant baryonic mass parametrized by maximum density. Energy loss carries the remnant along the direction of decreasing gravitational mass and higher density until instability triggers collapse. Since configurations with more thermal pressure support are less compact and thus begin their evolution at a lower maximum density, they remain stable for longer periods after merger.Comment: 20 pages, 12 figures. Accepted for publication in Ap

    Properties of the remnant disk and the dynamical ejecta produced in low-mass black hole-neutron star mergers

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    We systematically perform numerical-relativity simulations for low-mass black hole-neutron star mergers for the models with seven mass ratios Q=MBH/MNSQ=M_{\rm BH}/M_{\rm NS} ranging from 1.5 to 4.4, and three neutron-star equations of state, focusing on properties of matter remaining outside the black hole and ejected dynamically during the merger. We pay particular attention to the dependence on the mass ratio of the binaries. It is found that the rest mass remaining outside the apparent horizon after the merger depends only weakly on the mass ratio for the models with low mass ratios. It is also clarified that the rest mass of the ejecta has a peak at Q3Q \sim 3, and decreases steeply as the mass ratio decreases for the low mass-ratio case. We present a novel analysis method for the behavior of matter during the merger, focusing on the matter distribution in the phase space of specific energy and specific angular momentum. Then we model the matter distribution during and after the merger. Using the result of the analysis, we discuss the properties of the ejecta

    Non-axisymmetric instabilities of neutron star with toroidal magnetic fields

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    The aim of this paper is to clarify the stabilities of neutron stars with strong toroidal magnetic fields against non-axisymmetric perturbation. The motivation comes from the fact that super magnetized neutron stars of 1015\sim 10^{15}G, magnetars, and magnetized proto-neutron stars born after the magnetically-driven supernovae are likely to have such strong toroidal magnetic fields. Long-term, three-dimensional general relativistic magneto-hydrodynamic simulations are performed, preparing isentropic neutron stars with toroidal magnetic fields in equilibrium as initial conditions. To explore the effects of rotations on the stability, simulations are done for both non-rotating and rigidly rotating models. We find the emergence of the Parker and/or Tayler instabilities in both the non-rotating and rotating models. For both non-rotating and rotating models, the Parker instability is the primary instability as predicted by the local linear perturbation analysis. The interchange instability also appears in the rotating models. It is found that rapid rotation is not enough to suppress the Parker instability, and this finding does not agree with the perturbation analysis. The reason for this is that rigidly and rapidly rotating stars are marginally stable, and hence, in the presence of stellar pulsations by which the rotational profile is deformed, unstable regions with negative gradient of angular momentum profile is developed. After the onset of the instabilities, a turbulence is excited. Contrary to the axisymmetric case, the magnetic fields never reach an equilibrium state after the development of the turbulence. This conclusion suggests that three-dimensional simulation is indispensable for exploring the formation of magnetars or prominence activities of magnetars such as giant flares.Comment: 19 pages, 11 figures, to be published in A&

    Evolution of equal mass binary bare quark stars in full general relativity: could a supramassive merger remnant experience prompt collapse?

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    We have evolved mergers of equal-mass binary quark stars, the total mass of which is close to the mass shedding limit of uniformly rotating configurations, in fully general relativistic hydrodynamic simulations, aimed at investigating the post-merger outcomes. In particular, we have identified the threshold mass for prompt black hole formation after the merger, by tracing the minimum lapse function as well as the amount of ejected material during the merger simulation. A semi-analytical investigation based on the angular momentum contained in the merger remnant is also performed to verify the results. For the equation of state considered in this work, the maximum mass of TOV solutions for which is 2.10 MM_\odot, the threshold mass is found between 3.05 and 3.10 MM_\odot. This result is consistent (with a quantitative error smaller than 1%) with the universal relation derived from the numerical results of symmetric binary neutron star mergers. Contrary to the neutron star case, the threshold mass is close to the mass shedding limit of uniformly rotating quark star. Consequently, we have found that binary quark stars with total mass corresponding to the long-lived supramassive remnant for neutron star case, could experience collapse to black hole within several times dynamical timescale, making quark stars as exceptions of the commonly accepted post-merger scenarios for binary neutron star mergers. We have suggested explanation for both the similarity and the difference, between quark stars and neutron stars

    General-relativistic neutrino-radiation magnetohydrodynamics simulation of black hole-neutron star mergers for seconds

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    Seconds-long numerical-relativity simulations for black hole-neutron star mergers are performed for the first time to obtain a self-consistent picture of the merger and post-merger evolution processes. To investigate the case that tidal disruption takes place, we choose the initial mass of the black hole to be 5.4M5.4M_\odot or 8.1M8.1M_\odot with the dimensionless spin of 0.75. The neutron-star mass is fixed to be 1.35M1.35M_\odot. We find that after the tidal disruption, dynamical mass ejection takes place spending 10ms\lesssim 10\,{\rm ms} together with the formation of a massive accretion disk. Subsequently, the magnetic field in the disk is amplified by the magnetic winding and magnetorotational instability, establishing a turbulent state and inducing the angular momentum transport. The post-merger mass ejection by the magnetically-induced viscous effect sets in at 300\sim 300-500ms500\,{\rm ms} after the tidal disruption, at which the neutrino luminosity drops below 1051.5erg/s\sim 10^{51.5}\,{\rm erg/s}, and continues for several hundreds ms. A magnetosphere near the rotational axis of the black hole is developed after the matter and magnetic flux fall into the black hole from the accretion disk, and high-intensity Poynting flux generation sets in at a few hundreds ms after the tidal disruption. The intensity of the Poynting flux becomes low after the significant post-merger mass ejection, because the opening angle of the magnetosphere increases. The lifetime for the stage with the strong Poynting flux is 11-2s2\,{\rm s}, which agrees with the typical duration of short-hard gamma-ray bursts

    Self-consistent picture of the mass ejection from a one second-long binary neutron star merger leaving a short-lived remnant in general-relativistic neutrino-radiation magnetohydrodynamic simulation

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    We perform a general-relativistic neutrino-radiation magnetohydrodynamicsimulation of a one second-long binary neutron star merger on Japanesesupercomputer Fugaku using about 7272 million CPU hours with 20,73620,736 CPUs. Weconsider an asymmetric binary neutron star merger with masses of 1.21.2 and1.5M1.5M_\odot and a `soft' equation of state SFHo. It results in a short-livedremnant with the lifetime of 0.017\approx 0.017\,s, and subsequent massive torusformation with the mass of 0.05M\approx 0.05M_\odot after the remnant collapses toa black hole. For the first time, we confirm that after the dynamical massejection, which drives the fast tail and mildly relativistic components, thepost-merger mass ejection from the massive torus takes place due to themagnetorotational instability-driven turbulent viscosity and the two ejectacomponents are seen in the distributions of the electron fraction and velocitywith distinct features.<br

    General-relativistic neutrino-radiation magnetohydrodynamics simulation of seconds-long black hole-neutron star mergers: Dependence on initial magnetic field strength, configuration, and neutron-star equation of state

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    Numerical-relativity simulations for seconds-long black hole-neutron starmergers are performed to obtain a self-consistent picture starting from theinspiral and the merger throughout the post-merger stages for a variety ofsetups. Irrespective of the initial and computational setups, we findqualitatively universal evolution processes: The dynamical mass ejection takesplace together with a massive accretion disk formation after the neutron staris tidally disrupted; Subsequently, the magnetic field in the accretion disk isamplified by the magnetic winding, Kelvin-Helmholtz instability, andmagnetorotational instability, which establish a turbulent state inducing thedynamo and angular momentum transport; The post-merger mass ejection by theeffective viscous effects stemming from the magnetohydrodynamics turbulencesets in at 300\sim300-500500 ms after the merger and continues for severalhundred ms; A magnetosphere near the black-hole spin axis is developed and thecollimated strong Poynting flux is generated with its lifetime of 0.5\sim0.5-22s. The model of no equatorial-plane symmetry shows the reverse of themagnetic-field polarity in the magnetosphere, which is caused by the dynamoassociated with the magnetorotational instability in the accretion disk. Themodel with initially toroidal fields shows the tilt of the disk andmagnetosphere in the late post-merger stage because of the anisotropicpost-merger mass ejection. These effects could terminate the strongPoynting-luminosity stage within the timescale of 0.5\sim0.5-22 s.<br

    Estimation of AC loss in cylindrical superconductor with ripple current

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    The loss energy density (AC loss) in cylindrical superconductor with ripple current based on Irie-Yamafuji model in which the magnetic fiel dependence of critical current density is taken into account is theoretically calculated for design of DC transmission cable system. It is confirme that the AC loss does not changed for the cases with and without DC current when the critical current does not depend on magnetic fiel which is corresponding to Bean-London model. On the contrary, it is found that there is current region where the AC loss becomes smaller than that for the case without DC current. The AC loss of ripple current is seems to be enough small in layered structure of DC transmission cable made by thin tape superconductor.Proceedings of the 24th International Symposium on Superconductivity (ISS 2011), October 24-26, 2011, Tokyo, Japa