29 research outputs found

    ADEA Claimant Can Retain Severance Payments and Sue Former Employer

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    Former employees can maintain claims under the Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA) without first repaying the consideration received for an invalid release of claims. The Supreme Court\u27s pronouncement, Oubre v. Entergy Operations, Inc., 1988 U.S. Lexis 646 (Jan. 26, 1998), may change the way many employers negotiate and execute severance packages and settlements with terminated employees


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    WOS: 000443699000009Among material collected in colonies of Spirobranchus triqueter (Linnaeus, 1758) from the Sea of Marmara in 2013, 825 individuals belonging to 13 species of isopods were found. Of these, Janira maculosa Leach, 1814 is represented by the highest number of specimens (45% of the total number of specimens). All species are being reported to be associated with the serpulid colony of S. triqueter herein for the first time.Scientific Research Project of TUBITAKTurkiye Bilimsel ve Teknolojik Arastirma Kurumu (TUBITAK) [111Y268]I am much indebted to the crew of R/V "Yunus S" and my colleagues in the Department of Hydrobiology for their help in collecting the benthic material. This work was supported financially by a Scientific Research Project of TUBITAK (project number: 111Y268)

    Anomuran (Crustacea, Decapoda) fauna of Fethiye Bay (Turkey, eastern Mediterranean)

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    WOS: 000281496500007A study of the anomuran crustaceans found in Fethiye Bay, on the Mediterranean coast of Turkey, revealed 22 species belonging to 4 families (Diogenidae, Paguridae, Galathaeidae, and Porcellanidae). Of these, 14 species (Pagurus prideaux Leach, 1815, P forbesii Bell, 1845, P cheuvreuxi (Bouvier, 1896), P. cuanensis Bell, 1845, P. excavatus (Herbst, 1791), Anapagurus petiti Dechance and Forest, 1962, A. chiroacathus (Lilljeborg, 1856), A. bicorniger A. Milne Edwards and Bouvier, 1892, Dardanus calidus (Risso, 1827), Paguristes syrtensis De Saint Laurent, 1971, Diogenes pugilator (Roux, 1829), Galathea dispersa Bate, 1859, G. bolivari Zariquiey Alvarez, 1950, and Pisidia longimana (Risso, 1816)) were new records for Fethiye Bay, and 5 species (A. chiroacanthus, A. petiti, A. bicorniger, P cheuvreuxi, and P. prideaux) were new records for the Mediterranean coast of Turkey. In addition, A. chiroacanthus was recorded for the first time from the Levantine Sea. Distribution of the species in the Turkish waters is provided, together with photographs of some of the species.Environmental Protection Agency for Special Areas (Republic of Turkey Ministry of Environment and Forestry)Gida Tarim Ve Hayvancilik BakanligiThis work was financially supported by the Environmental Protection Agency for Special Areas (Republic of Turkey Ministry of Environment and Forestry). We are grateful to the scuba diving team members Prof. Dr. M. E. Cinar, Dr. M. Bilecenoglu, Dr. M. B. Yoke, Dr. E. Dagli, Dr. A. Dogan, Dr. E. S. Okudan, and the skin diving team members Prof. Dr. B. Ozturk, K. Bakir and F. Ondes. Also we would like to thank B. Ergev, O. Taktak, and K. Ozyurt from Derinsu Underwater Engineering Inc., the safety diving officer S. Sozen, and captain E. Dinc and the crew of "Dinc Bu" for their kind assistance in the fieldwork


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    WOS: 000385723900010The soft-bottom crustacean fauna from Izmir Bay was studied semi-annually between September 2014 and April 2016. Benthic samples were collected by means of a Van Veen grab, sampling ca. 0.1 m(2) area, at 4 stations in the inner (3 stations) and middle (a single station) parts of the bay. Forty-one species and 999 individuals belonging to seven crustacean orders (Sessilia, Mysida, Amphipoda, Cumacea, Tanaidacea, Isopoda, Decapoda) were identified. Amphipoda were represented with the highest number of species (21 species) followed by Isopoda (7) and Decapoda (6). Among the species encountered, Phtisica marina was the most dominant species with an average 90.6 individuals (27.22% of the total number of individuals) while Iphinoe douniae was the most frequent species (occurring in 50% of the samples). Eurycarcinus integrifrons De Man, 1879 is an alien decapod herein reported for the first time from the Aegean Sea

    Natatolana neglecta (Isopoda, Cirolanidae): an increasing threat for artisanal fishing in the Turkish Aegean Sea

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    Samples of the isopod Natatolana neglecta (Hansen, 1890) are reported herein from Güllük Bay, south-eastern Aegean Sea. In the last decade, the abundance of this species has been increasing in the area, and this has led to attacks on fishes captured with gillnets, at night. The small-scale fishermen now are forced to restrict their catch to a short period daily, and are showing concerns regarding the continuation of their fishing practice. Here, we present the first report on the occurrence of N. neglecta in the Bay of Güllük, and provide information on the threat of this species for coastal fishermen in the south-eastern Aegean Sea

    The Isopod Crustacea of Fethiye Bay, Levantine Sea, Turkey

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    WOS: 000423988600007Research surveys were conducted in a protection area between June and September 2008 along the coast of Fethiye Bay, Turkey. A total of 999 specimens of isopods belonging to 15 families and 41 species were captured at 82 localities with depths ranging between 0 and 30 m from various substrates. Of these, 25 species (Cleantis prismatica, Astacilla longicornis, Apanthura corsica, Jaera hopeana, Janira maculosa, J. nordmanni, Bopyrus squillarum, Cirolana cranchii, Eurydice affinis, Cymodoce emarginata, C. hanseni, C. tuberculata, C. spinosa, Dynamene bifida, D. edwardsi, D. magnitorata, Ischyromene lacazei, Lekanesphaera monodi, Sphaeroma walkeri, Joeropsis brevicornis littoralis, Limnoria lignorum, Paranthura nigropunctata, Synischia hectica, Stenosoma capito, Halophiloscia couchi) were new records from the Levantine Sea coast of Turkey. The most abundant species found in Fethiye Bay were Ligia italica, J. hopeana and J. maculosa.Environmental Protection Agency for Special Areas, Republic of TurkeyThe study was financially supported by the Environmental Protection Agency for Special Areas, Republic of Turkey. The authors thank the scuba and snorkelling team members, Drs. M. E. Cinar, M. Bilecenoglu, B. Ozturk, E. Dagli, A. Dogan, E. S. Okudan, M. B. Yokes, and F. Ondes. We would also like to thank B. Ergev, O. Taktak, and K. Ozyurt of Derinsu Underwater Engineering Inc., our safety diving officer S. Sozen, and the captain E. Dinc and the crew of "Dinc Bu" for their kind support during the field work

    Prvi nalaz pet vrsta slobodnoplivajućih rakova jednakonožaca uzduž ciparske obale

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    The study was carried out along the Cyprus coast, Levantine basin. A total of 9 samplings were conducted at 5 stations and 2 different biotopes. One species (Gnathia dentata) is reported for the first time from the Mediterranean Sea, two species (Campecopea hirsuta and Eurydice truncata) are new for the eastern Mediterranean Sea, and two species (Cyathura carinata and Paradella dianae) for the fauna of Cyprus.Istraživanje je provedeno duž ciparske obale u levantinskom zaljevu. Obavljeno je ukupno 9 uzorkovanja na 5 postaja i 2 različita biotopa (životna staništa). Jedinka Gnathia dentate je prvi put zabilježena u Sredozemnom moru, a preostale dvije (Campecopea hirsuta i Eurydice truncata) su novi nalazi za područje istočnog Sredozemlja kao i Cyathura carinata i Paradella dianae za faunu Cipra