6 research outputs found


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    The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of water hardness on the physical properties of boiled beef and to clarify whether hard water is suitable for stewed dishes. Using sensory evaluation, we found that beef boiled in hard water(Ca : 300 mg/L)was evaluated more highly than beef boiled in soft water(Ca : 50 mg/L); this was true of both the odor and taste of the beef.When beef was boiled in hard water, the protein on the surface of the beef rapidly solidified, preventing the release of components from the inside even when heated for a long time.These results suggest that hard water is more suitable for beef stew than soft water.原著論


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    It is possible to determine rate kinetic constants for cell-differential processes in vivo through the measurement of the transcription-ratio of some genes by real-time PCR(1). In the previous paper, the differentiation of adipocytes was investigated and rate constants for the processes, at which PPARγ-expressing cells differentiated into AD(adiponectin)- or Re(resistin)-expressing cells, were determined in the thymus of BALB/c mouse(2). In this paper, the rate constant for the process of PPARγ-expressing cells changing to HSL(hormone sensitive lipase)-expressing cells. Considering both results, it was concluded that PPARγexpressing cells change to express HSL firstly, AD secondly and then Re in adipocytes-differential processBALB/cマウスの胸腺での脂肪細胞の分化過程を,PPARγ(PP)に対するホルモン感受性リパーゼ(HSL)の転写量を指標として,リアルタイムPCR法により検討した。 PPに対するHSLの転写量比は,生後直後は1より小さかったが,その後増大し一定値となった。この加齢変化を,遺伝子の転写量は,その転写細胞数に比例すると仮定することにより,また,脂肪細胞系列の幹細胞を考えることにより,速度論により説明することができた。この速度論に基づく方法は,細胞の分化過程で発現する遺伝子の発現順を決定することに応用できることを示した