17 research outputs found

    Do axonal defects in tau and amyloid precursor protein transgenic animals model axonopathy in Alzheimer's disease?

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    The subcellular localization of organelles, mRNAs and proteins is particularly challenging in neurons. Owing to their extended morphology, with axons in humans exceeding a meter in length, in addition to which they are not renewed but persist for the entire lifespan, it is no surprise that neurons are highly vulnerable to any perturbation of their sophisticated transport machinery. There is emerging evidence that impaired transport is not only causative for a range of motor disorders, but possibly also for Alzheimer's disease (AD) and related neurodegenerative disorders. Support for this hypothesis comes from transgenic animal models. Overexpression of human tau and amyloid precursor protein (APP) in mice and flies models the key hallmark histopathological characteristics of AD, such as somatodendritic accumulation of phosphorylated forms of tau and β-amyloid (Aβ) peptide-containing amyloid plaques, as well as axonopathy. The latter has also been demonstrated in mutant mice with altered levels of Alzheimer-associated genes, such as presenilin (PS). In Approducing APP transgenic mice, axonopathy was observed before the onset of plaque formation and tau hyperphosphorylation. In human AD brain, an axonopathy was revealed for early but not late Braak stages. The overall picture is that key players in AD, such as tau, APP and PS, perturb axonal transport early on in AD, causing impaired synaptic plasticity and reducing survival rates. It will be challenging to determine the molecular mechanisms of these different axonopathies, as this might assist in the development of new therapeutic strategies

    Neuronal protein trafficking associated with Alzheimer disease: From APP and BACE1 to glutamate receptors

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    10.4161/cam.3.1.7254Cell Adhesion and Migration31118-12

    Transgenic animal models of Alzheimer's disease and related disorders: histopathology, behavior and therapy

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    Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a devastating neurodegenerative disease that affects more than 15 million people worldwide. Within the next generation, these numbers will more than double. To assist in the elucidation of pathogenic mechanisms of AD and related disorders, such as frontotemporal dementia (FTDP-17), genetically modified mice, flies, fish and worms were developed, which reproduce aspects of the human histopathology, such as beta-amyloid-containing plaques and tau-containing neurofibrillary tangles (NFT). In mice, the tau pathology caused selective behavioral impairment, depending on the distribution of the tau aggregates in the brain. Beta-amyloid induced an increase in the numbers of NFT, whereas the opposite was not observed in mice. In beta-amyloid-producing transgenic mice, memory impairment was associated with increased levels of beta-amyloid. Active and passive beta-amyloid-directed immunization caused the removal of beta-amyloid plaques and restored memory functions. These findings have since been translated to human therapy. This review aims to discuss the suitability and limitations of the various animal models and their contribution to an understanding of the pathophysiology of AD and related disorders


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