19,935 research outputs found

    Gutzwiller study of extended Hubbard models with fixed boson densities

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    We studied all possible ground states, including supersolid (SS) phases and phase separations of hard-core- and soft-core-extended Bose--Hubbard models with fixed boson densities by using the Gutzwiller variational wave function and the linear programming method. We found that the phase diagram of the soft-core model depends strongly on its transfer integral. Furthermore, for a large transfer integral, we showed that an SS phase can be the ground state even below or at half filling against the phase separation. We also found that the density difference between nearest-neighbor sites, which indicates the density order of the SS phase, depends strongly on the boson density and transfer integral.Comment: 14 pages, 14 figures, to be published in Phys. Rev.

    Lazy states: sufficient and necessary condition for zero quantum entropy rates under any coupling to the environment

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    We find the necessary and sufficient conditions for the entropy rate of the system to be zero under any system-environment Hamiltonian interaction. We call the class of system-environment states that satisfy this condition lazy states. They are a generalization of classically correlated states defined by quantum discord, but based on projective measurements of any rank. The concept of lazy states permits the construction of a protocol for detecting global quantum correlations using only local dynamical information. We show how quantum correlations to the environment provide bounds to the entropy rate, and how to estimate dissipation rates for general non-Markovian open quantum systems.Comment: 4 page

    Effect of CH4_{4} addition on excess electron mobility in liquid Kr

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    The excess electrons mobility μ\mu has been measured recently in liquid mixtures of Kr and CH4_{4} as a function of the electric field up to E≈104V/cmE\approx 10^{4} V/cm and of the CH4_{4} concentration xx up to x≈10x \approx 10 % , at temperatures T≈130K,T\approx 130 K, fairly close to the normal boiling point of Kr (Tb≈120K)(T_{b}\approx 120 K)(folegani). We present here new data which extend the previous set in the region of low electric field. The experimental results are interpreted in terms of a kinetic model previously proposed to explain the concentration dependent behavior of μ\mu in liquid Ar--Kr and Ar--Xe mixtures. The main result is that CH4_{4} is more effective in enhancing energy--transfer rather than momentum--transfer in comparison with mixtures of liquified noble gases. The field dependence of μ\mu is quite complicate. In particular, at intermediate values of the field, there appears to be a crossover between two different electric--field dependent behaviors of μ.\mu. The electric field strength at crossover is well correlated with the concentration of CH4._{4}. This fact suggests that different excitations of the molecular solute might be involved in the momentum-- and energy--transfer processes for different values of the mean electron energy.Comment: 17, pages,7 figures, RevTeX4, submitted to J.Chem.Phy

    Temperature- and Magnetic-Field-Dependent Optical Properties of Heavy Quasiparticles in YbIr2Si2

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    We report the temperature- and magnetic-field-dependent optical conductivity spectra of the heavy electron metal YbIr2_2Si2_2. Upon cooling below the Kondo temperature (TKT_{\rm K}), we observed a typical charge dynamics that is expected for a formation of a coherent heavy quasiparticle state. We obtained a good fitting of the Drude weight of the heavy quasiparticles by applying a modified Drude formula with a photon energy dependence of the quasiparticle scattering rate that shows a similar power-law behavior as the temperature dependence of the electrical resistivity. By applying a magnetic field of 6T below TKT_{\rm K}, we found a weakening of the effective dynamical mass enhancement by about 12% in agreement with the expected decrease of the 4f4f-conduction electron hybridization on magnetic field.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures. to be published in Journal of the Physical Society of Japan Vol. 79 (2010) No. 1

    Far-infrared optical conductivity of CeCu2Si2

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    Journal ref.: J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 25, 065602 (2013): We investigated the optical reflectivity of the heavy-fermion metal CeCu2Si2 in the energy range 3 meV - 30 eV for temperatures between 4K - 300K. The results for the charge dynamics indicate a behavior that is expected for the formation of a coherent heavy quasiparticle state: Upon cooling the spectra of the optical conductivity indicate a narrowing of the coherent response. Below temperatures of 30 K a considerable suppression of conductivity evolves below a peak structure at 13 meV. We assign this gap-like feature to strong electron correlations due to the 4f-conduction electron hybridization.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure

    Fisher waves in the strong noise limit

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    We investigate the effects of strong number fluctuations on traveling waves in the Fisher-Kolmogorov reaction-diffusion system. Our findings are in stark contrast to the commonly used deterministic and weak-noise approximations. We compute the wave velocity in one and two spatial dimensions, for which we find a linear and a square-root dependence of the speed on the particle density. Instead of smooth sigmoidal wave profiles, we observe fronts composed of a few rugged kinks that diffuse, annihilate, and rarely branch; this dynamics leads to power-law tails in the distribution of the front sizes.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, updat

    Change of Electronic Structure Induced by Magnetic Transitions in CeBi

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    The temperature dependence of the electronic structure of CeBi arising from two types of antiferromagnetic transitions based on optical conductivity (σ(ω)\sigma(\omega)) was observed. The σ(ω)\sigma(\omega) spectrum continuously and discontinuously changes at 25 and 11 K, respectively. Between these temperatures, two peaks in the spectrum rapidly shift to the opposite energy sides as the temperature changes. Through a comparison with the band calculation as well as with the theoretical σ(ω)\sigma(\omega) spectrum, this peak shift was explained by the energy shift of the Bi 6p6p band due to the mixing effect between the Ce 4fΓ84f \Gamma_8 and Bi 6p6p states. The single-layer antiferromagnetic (+−+-) transition from the paramagnetic state was concluded to be of the second order. The marked changes in the σ(ω)\sigma(\omega) spectrum at 11 K, however, indicated the change in the electronic structure was due to a first-order-like magnetic transition from a single-layer to a double-layer (++−−++--) antiferromagnetic phase.Comment: 4 pages, to be published in J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 73 Aug. (2004

    Magnetic Interaction in the Geometrically Frustrated Triangular Lattice Antiferromagnet CuFeO2\rm CuFeO_2

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    The spin wave excitations of the geometrically frustrated triangular lattice antiferromagnet (TLA) CuFeO2\rm CuFeO_2 have been measured using high resolution inelastic neutron scattering. Antiferromagnetic interactions up to third nearest neighbors in the ab plane (J_1, J_2, J_3, with J2/J1≈0.44J_2/J_1 \approx 0.44 and J3/J1≈0.57J_3/J_1 \approx 0.57), as well as out-of-plane coupling (J_z, with Jz/J1≈0.29J_z/J_1 \approx 0.29) are required to describe the spin wave dispersion relations, indicating a three dimensional character of the magnetic interactions. Two energy dips in the spin wave dispersion occur at the incommensurate wavevectors associated with multiferroic phase, and can be interpreted as dynamic precursors to the magnetoelectric behavior in this system.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, published in Phys. Rev. Let

    Magentically-Induced Lattice Distortions and Ferroelectricity in Magnetoelectric GdMnO3

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    In this work we investigate the magnetic field dependence of Ag octahedra rotation (tilt) and B2g symmetric stretching modes frequency at different temperatures. Our field-dependent Raman investigation at 10K is interpreted by an ionic displacive nature of the magnetically induced ferroelectric phase transition. The frequency change of the Ag tilt is in agreement with the stabilization of the Mn-Gd spin arrangement, yielding the necessary conditions for the onset of ferroelectricity on the basis of the inverse Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction. The role of the Jahn-Teller cooperative interaction is also evidenced by the change of the B2g mode frequency at the ferroelectric phase transition. This frequency change allows estimating the shift of the oxygen position at the ferroelectric phase transition and the corresponding spontaneous polarization of 480 {\mu}C/m2, which agrees with earlier reported values in single crystals. Our study also confirms the existence of a large magnetic hysteresis at the lowest temperatures, which is a manifestation of magnetrostiction.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure
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