6 research outputs found

    Role of MAP kinases in invertebrate immunity, on the example of Caenorhabditis elegans

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    Kinazy MAP (MAPK, ang. mitogen-activated protein kinases, EC s膮 rodzin膮 bia艂ek aktywowanych w odpowiedzi na stymulacj臋 mitogenn膮. Kaskady kinaz MAP pobudzane s膮 przez pojawiaj膮cy si臋 stres oksydacyjny, infekcje bakteryjne i grzybicze, czy te偶 wzmo偶on膮 aktywno艣膰 cytokin i prowadz膮 do wytworzenia odpowiedzi immunologicznej. Mo偶na je podzieli膰 na trzy rodzaje, takie jak: ERK, p38 oraz JNK. Organizmem modelowym w badaniach odpowiedzi immunologicznej bezkr臋gowc贸w jest Caenorhabditis elegans. Ten prosty organizm, posiada kompleksowy wrodzony uk艂ad immunologiczny, z udzia艂em wielu szlak贸w sygnalizacyjnych oraz bia艂ek i peptyd贸w przeciwbakteryjnych. Badania mutacji w kaskadach kinaz MAP u C. elegans wykaza艂y, 偶e podczas infekcji grzybiczych wywo艂anych przez Saccharomyces cerevisiae oraz infekcji bakteryjnych wywo艂anych przez Proteus sp., Salmonella enterica oraz Yersinia pestis niezb臋dne jest prawid艂owe funkcjonowanie kinaz MAP, w celu wytworzenia odpowiedzi immunologicznej.MAP kinases (MAPK, Mitogen-activated protein kinases, EC 2.11.24) are a family of proteins activated in response to mitogenic stimulation. The MAP kinase cascades are activated by oxidative stress, bacterial or fungal infections or increased cytokine activity, and lead to immune responses. They can be divided into three types such as: ERK, p38 and JNK. A model organism to study the immune response of invertebrate is Caenorhabditis elegans. This simple organism has a complex innate immune system, involving multiple signaling pathways, proteins and antimicrobial peptides. Studies on mutations in the MAP kinase cascades in C. elegans have shown that the fungal infections caused by Saccharomyces cerevisiae and bacterial infection caused by Proteus sp., Salmonella enterica, and Yersinia pestis requite the proper functioning of MAP kinases , to evoke an immune response

    Extracellular trap coelomocytes of earthworms, and the formation of brown bodies

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    D偶d偶ownice dysponuj膮 kilkoma strategiami walki z patogenami w tym: fagocytoz膮 i towarzysz膮cym jej wybuchem tlenowym, enkapsulacj膮 i opisanym w 2016 roku mechanizmem wyrzutu zewn膮trzkom贸rkowych sieci (ET, ang. extracellular trap). Proces enkapsulacji polega na zamkni臋ciu patogen贸w w kapsule tzw. ciele brunatnym, w celu ochrony d偶d偶ownic przed infekcj膮 organizmu. Wyrzut zewn膮trzkom贸rkowych sieci ET polega natomiast na wyrzucie zewn膮trzkom贸rkowego DNA, dzi臋ki kt贸remu unieruchamiane i zabijane s膮 drobnoustroje. Badania na gatunku Carcinus maenas pokaza艂y, 偶e te dwa procesy wsp贸艂dzia艂aj膮 ze sob膮. Podobn膮 zale偶no艣膰 zaobserwowano u d偶d偶ownic Eisenia andrei. Celem pracy by艂o poszerzenie informacji na ten temat. Wykazano zale偶no艣膰 procesu enkapsulacji z produkcj膮 zewn膮trzkom贸rkowych sieci, a tak偶e ogromn膮 rol臋 jak膮 odgrywa p艂yn celomatyczny w obu procesach.Earthworms have several strategies for eliminate pathogens including: phagocytosis and associated respiratory burst, encapsulation and the extracellular trap (ET) described in 2016. The process of encapsulation consists in closing pathogens in the capsule called brown body, to protect the earthworms from infection of the body. Extrusion of the extracellular trap, however, consists in the extracellular outflow of DNA, by which are immobilized and killed microbes. Studies on the species Carcinus maenas have shown that these two processes interact with each other. A similar relationship was observed in earthworms Eisenia andrei. The publication was to broaden the information on this subject. The dependence of the encapsulation process on the production of extracellular trap has been demonstrated, as well as the great role that the coelomocytic fluid plays in both processes

    Can Lactobacillus spp. Be a Factor Reducing the Risk of Miscarriage?

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    Pregnancy loss is a common obstetric problem. Significant causes of miscarriage include genetic and epigenetic disorders of the embryo, immunological and endocrine factors, uterine malformations, improper embryo selection, and lifestyle. Perhaps a hitherto underappreciated cause of miscarriage may be an abnormal microbiota composition of the female reproductive system. Lactobacillus spp. is the most common bacteria within the reproductive tract. However, the protective role of Lactobacilli in the vagina has been well described in the literature, while it is still unknown what function Lactobacilli may have in the uterus. Moreover, new research shows that Lactobacillus spp. can have a role in miscarriage. However, both molecular and immunological mechanisms of host-Lactobacillus spp. interactions are not fully understood. Understanding these relationships will help address the importance and extent of the protective role of Lactobacillus spp. in miscarriage