1 research outputs found

    Comparative effects of tolazoline and nitroprusside on human isolated radial artery

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    Background. The radial artery is increasingly being used in coronary revascularization as an alternative conduit to a saphenous vein graft. Its perfect endothelial capacity provides a high patency rate comparable with the internal mammary artery (IMA). However, its spastic characteristics cause difficulties during its intraoperative preparation and may lead to early postoperative graft failure. Thus, treatment and/or prevention of radial artery spasm with an effective vasodilator agent is essential for its longevity. Endogenous vasoconstrictors, including noradrenaline, endothelin-1, and thromboxane A, are likely to play a role in the pathogenesis of graft spasm. In the present study, we evaluated the vasorelaxant effect of tolazoline, a nonselective alpha-adrenoceptor blocker, against the contractions induced by various spasmogenic agents in an isolated human radial artery