21 research outputs found

    Anatomy of quantum chaotic eigenstates

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    The eigenfunctions of quantized chaotic systems cannot be described by explicit formulas, even approximate ones. This survey summarizes (selected) analytical approaches used to describe these eigenstates, in the semiclassical limit. The levels of description are macroscopic (one wants to understand the quantum averages of smooth observables), and microscopic (one wants informations on maxima of eigenfunctions, "scars" of periodic orbits, structure of the nodal sets and domains, local correlations), and often focusses on statistical results. Various models of "random wavefunctions" have been introduced to understand these statistical properties, with usually good agreement with the numerical data. We also discuss some specific systems (like arithmetic ones) which depart from these random models.Comment: Corrected typos, added a few references and updated some result

    A review of hyperfibrinolysis in cats and dogs

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    The fibrinolytic system is activated concurrently with coagulation; it regulates haemostasis and prevents thrombosis by restricting clot formation to the area of vascular injury and dismantling the clot as healing occurs. Dysregulation of the fibrinolytic system, which results in hyperfibrinolysis, may manifest as clinically important haemorrhage. Hyperfibrinolysis occurs in cats and dogs secondary to a variety of congenital and acquired disorders. Acquired disorders associated with hyperfibrinolysis, such as trauma, cavitary effusions, liver disease and Angiostrongylus vasorum infection, are commonly encountered in primary care practice. In addition, delayed haemorrhage reported in greyhounds following trauma and routine surgical procedures has been attributed to a hyperfibrinolytic disorder, although this has yet to be characterised. The diagnosis of hyperfibrinolysis is challenging and, until recently, has relied on techniques that are not readily available outside referral hospitals. With the recent development of point‐of‐care viscoelastic techniques, assessment of fibrinolysis is now possible in referral practice. This will provide the opportunity to target haemorrhage due to hyperfibrinolysis with antifibrinolytic drugs and thereby reduce associated morbidity and mortality. The fibrinolytic system and the conditions associated with increased fibrinolytic activity in cats and dogs are the focus of this review article. In addition, laboratory and point‐of‐care techniques for assessing hyperfibrinolysis and antifibrinolytic treatment for patients with haemorrhage are reviewed

    Agreement among three different equine venipuncture sites with regard to measurement of packed cell volume and total solids

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    The primary objective of this study was to determine the agreement between the packed cell volume (PCV) and total solids (TS) values in blood collected from the jugular vein (JV) in comparison with the cephalic vein (CV) and the transverse facial venous sinus (TFVS) in healthy adult horses. A total of 72 samples were taken from 24 horses. We found high agreement that reflects no clinically relevant differences between the PCV and TS values obtained from the CV or the TFVS in comparison with the JV in standing healthy adult horses.R Dahan, GA Sutton, GL Oreff and G Kelme

    Ca2+ dependence of gluconeogenesis stimulation by glucagon at different cytosolic NAD+-NADH redox potentials

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    The influence of Ca2+ on hepatic gluconeogenesis was measured in the isolated perfused rat liver at different cytosolic NAD+-NADH potentials. Lactate and pyruvate were the gluconeogenic substrates and the cytosolic NAD+-NADH potentials were changed by varying the lactate to pyruvate ratios from 0.01 to 100. The following results were obtained: a) gluconeogenesis from lactate plus pyruvate was not affected by Ca2+-free perfusion (no Ca2+ in the perfusion fluid combined with previous depletion of the intracellular pools); gluconeogenesis was also poorly dependent on the lactate to pyruvate ratios in the range of 0.1 to 100; only for a ratio equal to 0.01 was a significantly smaller gluconeogenic activity observed in comparison to the other ratios. b) In the presence of Ca2+, the increase in oxygen uptake caused by the infusion of lactate plus pyruvate at a ratio equal to 10 was the most pronounced one; in Ca2+-free perfusion the increase in oxygen uptake caused by lactate plus pyruvate infusion tended to be higher for all lactate to pyruvate ratios; the most pronounced difference was observed for a lactate/pyruvate ratio equal to 1. c) In the presence of Ca2+ the effects of glucagon on gluconeogenesis showed a positive correlation with the lactate to pyruvate ratios; for a ratio equal to 0.01 no stimulation occurred, but in the 0.1 to 100 range stimulation increased progressively, producing a clear parabolic dependence between the effects of glucagon and the lactate to pyruvate ratio. d) In the absence of Ca2+ the relationship between the changes caused by glucagon in gluconeogenesis and the lactate to pyruvate ratio was substantially changed; the dependence curve was no longer parabolic but sigmoidal in shape with a plateau beginning at a lactate/pyruvate ratio equal to 1; there was inhibition at the lactate to pyruvate ratios of 0.01 and 0.1 and a constant stimulation starting with a ratio equal to 1; for the lactate to pyruvate ratios of 10 and 100, stimulation caused by glucagon was much smaller than that found when Ca2+ was present. e) The effects of glucagon on oxygen uptake in the presence of Ca2+ showed a parabolic relationship with the lactate to pyruvate ratios which was closely similar to that found in the case of gluconeogenesis; the only difference was that inhibition rather than stimulation of oxygen uptake was observed for a lactate to pyruvate ratio equal to 0.01; progressive stimulation was observed in the 0.1 to 100 range. f) In the absence of Ca2+ the effects of glucagon on oxygen uptake were different; the dependence curve was sigmoidal at the onset, with a well-defined maximum at a lactate to pyruvate ratio equal to 1; this maximum was followed by a steady decline at higher ratios; at the ratios of 0.01 and 0.1 inhibition took place; oxygen uptake stimulation caused by glucagon was generally lower in the absence of Ca2+ except when the lactate to pyruvate ratio was equal to 1. The results of the present study demonstrate that stimulation of gluconeogenesis by glucagon depends on Ca2+. However, Ca2+ is only effective in helping gluconeogenesis stimulation by glucagon at highly negative redox potentials of the cytosolic NAD+-NADH system. The triple interdependence of glucagon-Ca2+-NAD+-NADH redox potential reveals highly complex interrelations that can only be partially understood at the present stage of knowledg