110 research outputs found

    Challenging Misconceptions in the Chemistry Classroom: Resources to Support Teachers

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    El fet d'explicar i aprendre quĂ­mica pot ser considerat un repte i Ă©s freqĂŒent que els estudiants desenvolupin concepcions alternatives de la quĂ­mica que se'ls ensenya. Aquest article relata un projecte de la Royal Society of Chemistry del Regne Unit que pretĂ©n ser una ajuda per al professorat. El projecte ha desenvolupat materials d'aula per identificar i encarar aquests conceptes erronis o concepcions alternatives. Aquests materials es van publicar l'any 2002 i ara s'estan donant a conĂšixer a travĂ©s de la Societat Catalana de QuĂ­mica. El projecte es basa en una visiĂł constructivista de l'aprenentatge i pretĂ©n no nomĂ©s posar de manifest les concepcions alternatives en l'aprenentatge de la quĂ­mica, sinĂł tambĂ© donar resposta al com i al perquĂš es produeix aquest aprenentatge erroni. El professorat que conegui les concepcions alternatives mĂ©s freqĂŒents i que alhora sigui capaç d'anticipar on i quan els aprenentatges dels seus alumnes no es corresponen amb el que pretĂ©n ensenyar, estarĂ  ben preparat per evitar o modificar algunes d'aquestes concepcions alternatives de la quĂ­mica.Teaching and learning chemistry can be challenging, and may often be complicated by students developing misconceptions of the chemistry they are taught. This article reports a pro - ject to support teachers, undertaken for the Royal Society of Chemistry in the UK. The project developed classroom materials to support teachers in identifying and challenging misconceptions. These materials were published in the UK in 2002, and are now being made available in translation by the Societat Catalana de QuĂ­mica. The project was informed from a constructivist stance where the aim is not just to recognise when students misunderstand the chemistry, but also to appreciate how and why such learning errors occur. A teacher who is both familiar with common misconceptions, and who is able to anticipate where and when learning is likely to distort teaching, is well equipped to avoid some of the common learning difficulties in the subject

    A Cross-National Study of Students’ Understanding of Genetics Concepts: Implications from Similarities and Differences in England and Turkey

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    This research is aimed at exploring 16- to 19-year-old students’ understanding of fundamental genetics concepts, which has considerable importance for developing conceptual understanding of genetics related phenomena. A cross-national descriptive research method was used to explore English and Turkish students’ understandings of genetics concepts. Data were collected by a two-tier multiple choice diagnostic instrument, The Two-Tier Genetics Concept Test, which required students to justify their choice of option by giving a reason. The results indicate that there are some differences between the English students’ and Turkish students’ understanding of fundamental concepts of genetics; however, there are some notable similarities between the alternative conceptions held by students in the two samples. The common alternative conceptions seen in both of the groups indicate that understanding the concepts occurred regardless of contextual factors. Nevertheless different proportions of the common alternative conceptions and different levels of understanding suggest that conceptualisations develop under the influence of different educational contexts.The authors gratefully acknowledge help of Chris Graham (Thurston Community College, Cambridge, UK), who provided the English data and helpful comments.This work was made possible in part by time spent by the first author as a visiting academic at the Faculty of Education, University of Cambridge, through the support of The Council of Higher Education in Turkey.Peer Reviewe
