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    竹炭添加乾燥生ごみは,竹炭の添加量を増加することで,水分以外の油分,塩分の含有量と臭気発生量が減少することがわかった。トウガラシ類の栽培実験では,生ごみに竹炭を5%加えて乾燥させたものでは,収穫量と根重量が増加したが,シシトウガラシの総アスコルビン酸と無機成分含有量,辛味発現と低温障害発生には,明らかな影響は見られなかった。以上より,竹炭を使うことで,地域環境の保全と,生ごみの肥料化への有効利用が図れることから,循環型社会における1つのモデルとして提案できると考える。本研究の一部は,文部科学省科学研究費(基盤研究B.1, 14380036)により行なわれた。The role of bamboo charcoal was studied that effect on the produce and the quality of peppers. It was also compared these results with three years. Production of total volatile compound (T) from dry garbage was 324 UN/ min/ g, nitrogenous compound (N) was 170 UN/ min/ g and sulfuric compound (S) was 627 UN/ min/ g. In no addition to 50% bamboo charcoal for fresh garbage addition, dry garbage content of water was increased 6% to 14%, the oil, salt and volatile compounds were decreased. The oil content was especially 27% to 5%, salt content was 8% to 2%. The volatile compounds of T was 1328 to 115, N was 172 to 58, S was 6913 to 633, respectively. Dry garbage added bamboo charcoal was well keeping off-flavor. The optimum culture condition of pepper yield was dry garbage including 5% bamboo charcoal for Shishitougarashi. It was found that no addition for Bell pepper, and 5% bamboo charcoal only for Manganji were a good crop condition. In var. Shishitougarashi, culture condition of the most hot taste occurrence was no addition and that of the least one was dry garbage with 5% bamboo charcoal. The compost of dry garbage including 5% bamboo charcoal had a good effect to produce of peppers. It is recommendation that utilization of bamboo charcoal to garbage compost is contributed the sustainable life style. (Accepted September 9, 2003