73 research outputs found

    Neurogenic bladder: etiology and assessment

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    A review of the various causes of neurologic impairment to the lower urinary tract in children was the aim of this presentation. The emphasis was on diagnosis, pathophysiology, and treatment that strive to maintain as normal a function as possible in order to achieve eventual urinary continence and health of the upper urinary tract. The latest principles based on the most up to date evidence are promulgated but with an eye towards historical prospective. The reader should gain an adequate understanding of various disorders that comprise this condition and feel comfortable with proposing options for management when faced with the responsibility of caring for an affected child

    A review of the current treatment methods for posthaemorrhagic hydrocephalus of infants

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    Posthaemorrhagic hydrocephalus (PHH) is a major problem for premature infants, generally requiring lifelong care. It results from small blood clots inducing scarring within CSF channels impeding CSF circulation. Transforming growth factor – beta is released into CSF and cytokines stimulate deposition of extracellular matrix proteins which potentially obstruct CSF pathways. Prolonged raised pressures and free radical damage incur poor neurodevelopmental outcomes. The most common treatment involves permanent ventricular shunting with all its risks and consequences

    Antenatal magnesium individual participant data international collaboration: assessing the benefits for babies using the best level of evidence (AMICABLE)

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    BACKGROUND: The primary aim of this study is to assess, using individual participant data (IPD) meta-analysis, the effects of administration of antenatal magnesium sulphate given to women at risk of preterm birth on important clinical outcomes for their child such as death and neurosensory disability. The secondary aim is to determine whether treatment effects differ depending on important pre-specified participant and treatment characteristics, such as reasons at risk of preterm birth, gestational age, or type, dose and mode of administration of magnesium sulphate. METHODS: Design: The Antenatal Magnesium Individual Participant Data (IPD) International Collaboration: assessing the benefits for babies using the best level of evidence (AMICABLE) Group will perform an IPD meta-analysis to answer these important clinical questions. Setting/Timeline: The AMICABLE Group was formed in 2009 with data collection commencing late 2010. Inclusion Criteria: Five trials involving a total 6,145 babies are eligible for inclusion in the IPD meta-analysis. Primary study outcomes: For the infants/children: Death or cerebral palsy. For the women: Any severe maternal outcome potentially related to treatment (death, respiratory arrest or cardiac arrest). DISUCSSION: Results are expected to be publicly available in 2012.C.A. Crowther, P.F. Middleton, L.M. Askie, L.W. Doyle, T.K. Bubner and M. Voyse

    Both antenatal and postnatal inflammation contribute information about the risk of brain damage in extremely preterm newborns

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    Background: Preterm newborns exposed to intrauterine inflammation are at increased risk of neurodevelopmental disorders. We hypothesized that adverse outcomes are more strongly associated with a combination of antenatal and postnatal inflammation than with either of them alone. Methods: We defined antenatal inflammation as histologic inflammation in the placenta. We measured the concentrations of seven inflammation-related proteins in blood obtained on postnatal days 1, 7, and 14 from 763 infants born before 28 weeks of gestation. We defined postnatal inflammation as a protein concentration in the highest quartile on at least 2 days. We used logistic regression models to evaluate the contribution of antenatal and postnatal inflammation to the risk of neurodevelopmental disorders. Results: The risk of white matter damage was increased when placental inflammation was followed by sustained elevation of CRP or ICAM-1. We found the same for spastic cerebral palsy when placental inflammation was followed by elevation of TNF-α or IL-8. The presence of both placental inflammation and elevated levels of IL-6, TNF-α, or ICAM-1 was associated with an increased risk for microcephaly. Conclusion: Compared to a single hit, two inflammatory hits are associated with stronger risk for abnormal cranial ultrasound, spastic cerebral palsy, and microcephaly at 2 years