15 research outputs found

    Out-of-Plane Cup Shaped Stainless Steel Microneedle Array for Drug Delivery

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    To improve the transdermal delivery of drug, there are many techniques have been reported (Chemical, Iontophoresis, Sonophoresis and Microneedle). Among these techniques, the microneedle technology gained the more attention in recent years. Mainly, there are two types (Solid and Hollow) of microneedles have been reported for the successful drug delivery application. In this paper, we report on the fabrication of out-of-plane solid Stainless Steel (SS) microneedles and formation of microcup structure within them suitable for drug delivery application. Array of out-of-plane solid SS microneedles were fabricated using Electric Discharge Machining (EDM) method. Subsequently, the microcup structures on the solid SS microneedles were formed using Focused Ion Beam (FIB) technique. The microcup structure on the microneedles acts as a dedicated region to fill the drug, so that the possible drug leakage while inserting the microneedles into the skin can be avoided. The drug filling into the microcup structures was performed using drop coating method. This coating method in combination with cup shaped microneedle array enables to deliver multiple drugs simultaneously in desired proportion

    Waferscale electrostatic quadrupole array for multiple ION beam manipulation

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    We report on the first through-wafer silicon-based Electrostatic Quadrupole Array (ESQA) to focus high energy ion beams. This device is a key enabler for a wafer-based accelerator architecture that lends itself to orders-of-magnitude reduction in cost, volume and weight of charged particle accelerators. ESQs are a key building block in developing compact Multiple Electrostatic Quadrupole Array Linear Accelerator (MEQALAC) [1]. In a MEQALAC electrostatic forces are used to focus ions, and electrostatic field scaling permits high beam current densities by decreasing the beam aperture size for a given peak electric field set by breakdown limitations. Using multiple parallel beams, each totaling to an area A, can result in higher total beam current compared to a single aperture beam of the same area. Smaller dimensions also allow for higher focusing electric field gradients and therefore higher average beam current density. Here we demonstrate that Deep Reactive Ion Etching (DRIE) micromachined pillar electrodes, electrically isolated by silicon-nitride thin films enable higher performance ESQA with waferscale scalability. The fabricated ESQA are able to hold up toi kV in air. A 3×3 array of 12 keV argon ion beams are focused in a wafer accelerator unit cell to pave the way for multiple wafer accelerator

    Peristaltic pump-based low range pressure sensor calibration system

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    Peristaltic pumps were normally used to pump liquids in several chemical and biological applications. In the present study, a peristaltic pump was used to pressurize the chamber (positive as well negative pressures) using atmospheric air. In the present paper, we discuss the development and performance study of an automatic pressurization system to calibrate low range (millibar) pressure sensors. The system includes a peristaltic pump, calibrated pressure sensor (master sensor), pressure chamber, and the control electronics. An in-house developed peristaltic pump was used to pressurize the chamber. A closed loop control system has been developed to detect and adjust the pressure leaks in the chamber. The complete system has been integrated into a portable product. The system performance has been studied for a step response and steady state errors. The system is portable, free from oil contaminants, and consumes less power compared to existing pressure calibration systems. The veracity of the system was verified by calibrating an unknown diaphragm based pressure sensor and the results obtained were satisfactory. (C) 2015 AIP Publishing LLC

    A hollow stainless steel microneedle array to deliver insulin to a diabetic rat

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    A novel fabrication process has been described for the development of a hollow stainless steel microneedle array using femto second laser micromachining. Using this method, a complicated microstructure can be fabricated in a single process step without using masks. The mechanical stability of the fabricated microneedle array was measured for axial and transverse loading. Skin histology was carried out to study the microneedle penetration into the rat skin. Fluid flow through the microneedle array was studied for different inlet pressures. The packaging of the microneedle array, to protect the microneedle bore blockage from dust and other atmospheric contaminations, was also considered. Finally, the microneedle array was tested and studied in vivo for insulin delivery to a diabetic rat. The results obtained were compared with the standard subcutaneous delivery with the same dose rate and were found to be in good agreement

    Staging of RF-accelerating Units in a MEMS-based Ion Accelerator

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    Multiple Electrostatic Quadrupole Array Linear Accelerators (MEQALACs) provide an opportunity to realize compact radio- frequency (RF) accelerator structures that can deliver very high beam currents. MEQALACs have been previously realized with acceleration gap distances and beam aperture sizes of the order of centimeters. Through advances in Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS) fabrication, MEQALACs can now be scaled down to the sub-millimeter regime and batch processed on wafer substrates. In this paper we show first results from using three RF stages in a compact MEMS-based ion accelerator. The results presented show proof-of-concept with accelerator structures formed from printed circuit boards using a 3 × 3 beamlet arrangement and noble gas ions at 10 keV. We present a simple model to describe the measured results. We also discuss some of the scaling behaviour of a compact MEQALAC. The MEMS-based approach enables a low-cost, highly versatile accelerator covering a wide range of currents (10 μA to 100 mA) and beam energies (100 keV to several MeV). Applications include ion-beam analysis, mass spectrometry, materials processing, and at very high beam powers, plasma heating