9 research outputs found

    <CLINICAL REPORT>A case of inverted papilloma of the maxillary sinus

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    A case of inverted papilloma arising in the maxillary sinus is described. The first symptoms were rhinorroea and discomfort of the left infraorbital region. A biopsy obtained by penetration into the maxillary sinus resulted in a diagnosis of chronic sinusitis. However, the surgical specimen showed characteristic inverted epithelial proliferation. Two years after operation by the Caldwell-Luc method, there are no signs of recurrence. The diagnosis and treatment of inverted papilloma are discussed

    <ORIGINAL ARTICLE>The effects of sagittal ramus osteotomy for mandibular prognathism on maximum mouth opening and condylar movement

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    Maximum mouth opening and condylar movement before and more than 6 months after surgery were analyzed in 23 cases of sagittal ramus osteotomy of the mandible for correction of mandibular prognathism. Condylar movement (translation and rotation) did not show postoperatively a significant difference pre-and postoperatively, and then was a tendency to a reduction of maximum mouth opening was found

    Complications of mandibular sagittal split osteotomy for correction of mandibular prognathism

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    Sagittal split ramus osteotomy is most frequently performed to correct mandibular prognathism. In this study, intra- and postoperative complications were evaluated in 92 patients treated with this technique. Intraoperative complications occurred in 6 cases (6.5%) of the cases. In addition to experience and skill, complications appeared related to the design of the osteotomy and to attention to detail during the operation. Neurological damage following the sagittal split ramus osteotomy is a common complication after the surgery. Here, sensory disturbance was observed in 63 cases (68.5%) several days after the operation, and in 21 cases (22.8%) at 6 months, 8 cases (8.7%) at one year, 5 cases (5.4%) at 2 years, and 3 cases (3.3%) at 3 years. It was suggested that nerve damage is closely related to the degree of strain and compression of the inferior alveolar nerve


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    北海道医療大学歯学部付属病院の外来は1978年12月に開始し,入院病棟は1980年6月に24床で開始した.これまでの25年間における病棟入院患者の臨床統計的観察を行ったので報告する.結果は以下に示す.1.総入院患者数は3055例で総歯科新患の10.8%を占めていた.2.口腔外科疾患別では,顎変形症が最も多く393例で入院患者の12.9%を占めていた.3.病床稼働率は17.7%で,平均在院日数は14.2日で経年的に減少傾向にあった.4.25年間の入院診療報酬額は9億5715万円で歯科診療報酬額の20.4%を占めていた.The outpatient division of the Dental School hospital of the Health Sciences University of Hokkaido started in December 1978, and a hospitalization ward started with 24 beds opened in June 1978, and closed in April, 2005. Clinico-statistical observations for 25 the years while the inpatient division, was opened were evaluated. 1. The total number of inpatients was 3055, and comprised 11.8% in all initial patients of the dental hospital for the 25 years. 2. Patients with jaw deformities were the most common, 393 and comprised 12.4% of all hospitalized patients with oral and maxillofacial surgical complaints. 3. The rate of occupiod beds the operating bed ratio was 17.7% and the average length of hospitalization was 14.2 days. This number showed a tendency to decrease over the years. 4. The income from hospitalized care was 957.15 million yen and it comprised 20.4% of the total income of the dental department


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    A total of 55 patients who underwent orthognathic surgery from July 2002 to June 2005, were observed clinicostatistically. The results may be summarized as follows: 1. There were 11 males and 44 females. 2. The average age was 27.7 years, with an average of 22.3 years for males and 28.8 years for females. 3. The diagnosis of mandibular prognathism was made for 50 of the patients (90.9%). Sagittal split ramus osteotomy (SSRO) was performed on 37 (67.3%) cases. 4. The mean time of operation for SSRO was 2hr. 22min±1hr, and 11min and 4hr. 26min±1hr. 29min for the SSRO+Le Fort I osteotomy. 5. The mean blood loss was 130.9±157.9ml for SSRO and was 220.6±143.7ml for SSRO+Le Fort I osteotomy

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    This is a clinico-statistical study of 97 inpatients with maxillary antrum-related lesions with exception of traumas and malignant tumors in this hospital during the past 10 years. In this study, special emphasis was placed on the diagnosis and treatment in primary dental or medical facilities prior to our surgery. The results were as follows : 1) Most of the 97 cases were postoperative maxillary cysts (44 cases : 46%) or odontogenic maxillary sinusitis (34 cases : 35%). 2) 74 cases (76%) of the 97 were referred from the other dental or medical clinics to the hospital. 3) The average periods of the treatment till the patients with postoperative maxillary cysts visited to our hospital were 48 days and for odontogenic sinusitis it was 89 days, respectively. 4) The treatments for these two lesions before consultation with us were mostly antibiotic therapy and/or root canal treatment. 5) These results suggest the necessity of tight affiliation between primary medical facilities and secondary or tertiary medical facilities in investigation of maxillary antrum-related lesions too

    Masseteric hypertrophy

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