163 research outputs found
A Pumice in Hokuriku District
Several kinds of pumice have been used as aggregate for concrete. In
Hokuriku District,however,no pumice product has been reported before it was
found near Kanazawa recently. The author carried out an experimental inves.
tigation on this pumice in order to find the possible use for concrete.
The expriment consisted of two series.
The first was the tests of pumice itself.
The results were obtained on sieve analysis, soundness by use of sodium
sulfate, specific gravity and absorption, unit weight, fineness modulus.
absorption rate,inorganic material and compressive strength.
The second was the experimerits of pumice mortar. Compressive strength,
tensile strength and Young's modulus of pumice mortar were about a
half of those of sand mortar. The weight of the pumice mortar was 70 % of
sand mortar. The water absorption of pumice mortar was twice as much as
that of sand mortar
Investigation of old BuiIding Concrete (5)
An Investigation was carried out on the 40 years old concrete of Fukui
Municipal Office bui1ding. The main results obtained are as follows;
1) The depth of alkali-lost in concrete was found to be 4.7~6.6cm in inside
columns with plaster cover. These values are much greater than those
estimated from the ever presented formula. In the foundations and outside
walls with granite plate,however,the alkali-lost depth stayed within 2mm.
2) The mean value of compressive strength of concrete core was 148 kg/cm2,
much lower than the value estimated from Schmidt Hammer's rebound
number. Young's modulus was calculated as 1.60~2.06 (105kg/cm2)from the
stress-strain rela tions.
3) The mixing proportion of cement,f ine and coarse aggregate was evaluated
as 1:2.5~3.2:5.1~6.0 in weight from the results of 700℃ heating followed by hydrochloric acid treatment of the concrete
Investigation of old Building Concrete (11. Two Gymnasiums 28 Years old)
Natrium chloride concentration in concrete from sea
environment can be the cause of the deterioration of reinforced
concrete building, as well as the carbonation of the
hydrated cement.
The paper reports the results of investigations of two
reinforced concrete gymnasiums, named K gym. and N gym.
They are located at coastal area of Japan Sea in Hokuriku
district of central Japan. The distance from the seashore
are 800 meters and 4 kilometers respectively.
The carbonation penetrated through finish mortar(1 cm
thick) into concrete 1.2 cm at outside and 2.9 cm (without
mortar) at roomside in K gym. And ln N gym,the carbonation
was limited to the finish mortar (1.2 cm thick) at outside
and 1.9 cm (without mortar) at roomside.
In K gym,the maximum NaCl concentration in concrete
wall was found at surface and it decreased at inner portion.
The va1ue at 3 cm from the concrete surface (typicalconcrete
cover for the reinforcing steel) was 0.066 % of sand weight,
1.6 times larger than the allowab1e limit specified in
Japanese Architectural Standard Specification for the sea
sand usage. While the value at N gym. was found to be 0.01 percent
Occurrence and Distribution of Aeromonas in Surface Water and Algae in River
(1) Aeromonasは表流水中よりもアユなどの餌ともなる苔類にはるかに多く分布していた。
(2) この分布状況は水温に大きく影響され,27℃以上の温度域では試料の80%において1mlあたり10^3以上の菌数が存在し,水温の低下と共に減少する傾向を示した。
(3) この減少傾向は表流水で顕著で,20℃以下では1mlあたり10以下まで減少した。
(4) 分離されたAeromonasの病原性と密接な関係にある溶血能も,やはり水温に影響され,特に29℃以上では病原菌としての可能性を思わせる強い溶血能を持った菌株が60~80%を占めていた。
(5) しかし,水温の低下に伴って溶血能の弱い菌株や非溶血株が増える傾向にあった。Aeromonas (A. hydrophila, A. salmonicida etc.) are well known as being Vibrio associated with food poisoning or diseases among humans, fish including ayu (sweetfish) and other animals. The summer in 1978, a large number of Ayu died of illness in the Ohta river.
At that time we examined and discussed the distribution of Aeromonas in the Ohta and Oda rivers.
1) Larger quantities of Aeromonas were distributed in algae which are Ayu and other fishes food than in the surface water itself.
2) The distribution of the Aeromonas depended on the water temperature largely. In 80% of the algae tested, the number of Aeromonas was 10^3 cells per ml in the temperature range of over 27°C. This number decreased gradually as the temperature decreased.
3) The decreasing tendency of Aeromonas was notable in the surface water. The number of Aeromonas per ml was less than 10 cells in the temperature range of below 20°C.
4) The haemolytic activity of the isolated Aeromonas also depended on the water temperature. Especially, in the temperature range, of over 29°C, 60-80% of the isolated Aeromonas had strong haemolytic activity which is connected with the cause of food poisoning or diseases among humans, fish and other snimals.
5) However, as the temperature decreased, the isolated Aeromonas had weak haemolytic activity. Still others had no haemolytic activity increased tendencies
Influence of Temperatures on Enterococci in the Presence of Sodium Chloride
③低温処理したS. faecium (A)はNaN3に対して強い感受性を示した.The influence of sodium chloride on the growth of enterococci (S. faecium A and B, S. faecalis and S. faecalis var. liquefacience) has been examined.
The rate of extinction depended on the temperature more than on the sodium chloride concentration and a kinetic mechanism which qualitatively accounted for the observed behavior was discussed under the lower temperature zone (below 0℃).
The reaction consisted from two kinds of velocities (k1 and k2) and depended on k1 grately.
Cold- and frozen-injured S. faecium (A) in the presence of 6% sodium chloride was influenced by sodium azide.本研究の一部は第24回日本食品衛生学会(昭和47年,秋田)において発表した
Sublimation Behavior of Annular Frost Layer by Impinging Jet Flow
The present paper deals with a new method of defrosting using the frost sublimation phenomenon, which occurs below the triple point of water (273.16K, 610.5Pa). The present experimental study examines the mass transfer of the annular frost layer developed on a cooling pipe exposed to an impinging jet flow. The morphology of the frost layer during sublimation was observed using a digital video recorder. It was understood that the mass flux of the frost layer increased with increasing the jet flow velocity and the difference in the mass concentration of water vapor between the frost surface and the impinging jet flow. The non-dimensional correlation equations of mass transfer of defrosting were derived as functions of various parameters.</p
Improved controllability of wet infiltration technique for fabrication of solid oxide fuel cell anodes
Ni/yttria-stabilized zirconia anodes of solid oxide fuel cells are fabricated by a wet infiltration technique and the ability of the infiltration technique to control the anode microstructure is quantitatively demonstrated by a detailed three-dimensional microstructural analysis. The microstructural analysis reveals favorable aspects of the infiltrated anodes, such as larger triple-phase boundary density and sufficiently large pore size, and they are mostly unachievable by the conventional powder-mixing and sintering approaches. The improved controllability of the infiltration technique is expected to be useful to tailor porous microstructures to meet the multiple requirements for transport and electrochemical reactions within the anodes
On the Contamination of Sea Water with Salmonella and Fecal Indicator Organisms : II. Changes of Salmonella in Natural and Aseptic Sea Water
1: 自然海水中では接種したサルモネラは10℃>20℃>30℃の順に生残性を示した。
2: 無菌海水中ではサルモネラの生残性は自然海水中におけるよりも低く,しかもはっきりとした温度依存性を示さなかった。
3: 少量(<10/mlのサルモネラを接種した場合には,菌接種後,一度菌数が減少し,その後次第に増加した。
4: その場合,20℃および30℃に保持するとS.thompson単独例よりもE.coliとの混合例の方がS.thompsonの増殖する割合は低かった。
5: 海水中でのサルモネラの生残性は水温にかなり影響されることが示唆された。For the observation of behavior of Salmonella in sea water, the survivability of Salmonella inoculated in natural or aseptic sea water was examined.
1. In natural sea water, both S. anatum and S. thompson survived at the rate of 10C, 20C and 30C.
2. In sea water filtrated by a millipore filter, the temperature dependences of Salmonella were indefinite, and their survival periods were shorter than in natural sea water.
3. When some S. thompson (less 10 cells per ml.) has been inoculated into autoclaved sea water, their number decreased first and then increased gradually.
4. At this time, when the sea water was kept at 20C and 30C, the rate of multiplication of S. thompson mixed with E. coli was lower than that in the case of S. thompson alone.
5. The survivability of Salmonella in sea water depended considerably on the temperature.本研究の一部は昭和50~51年度文部省科学研究費(特定研究1「瀬戸内海の汚染と指標生物の動態に関する研究-代表者,藤山虎也教授」)によるものである
Investigation of Old Building Concrete (III)
The third investigation of the old building concrete was carried out. The
age of the building was 43 years.
The main results obtained on the properties of the concrete were as folows;
1) The depth of alkali-lost in concrete was found to be 32 mm (including
1-2 cm finishing mortar) at the outside of the building. This value is close to
the one estimated from the ever presented formula. In the inside, however,
the value was as high as 67 mm. In the foundation the value were 1-3 mm.
2) The mean value of the compressive strength in prism spesimens cut out
from structural members was 213 kg/cm2 and the standard deviation of the
values was 31 kg/cm2. Young's modulus was found bo be 2.2×10 5 kg/cm 2.
3) The mixing proportion of cement, fine and coarse aggregate was evaluated
as 1: 2 : 2.4 in weight from the results of 700℃ heating followed by hydrochloric
acid treatment of the concrete
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