154 research outputs found

    Large magnetoresistance anomalies in Dy7Rh3

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    The compound Dy7Rh3 ordering antiferromagnetically below (TN=) 59 K has been known to exhibit a temperature (T) dependent electrical resistivity (rho) behavior in the paramagnetic state unusual for intermetallic compounds in the sense that there is a broad peak in rho(T) in the paramagnetic state (around 130 K) as though there is a semi-conductor to metal transition. In addition, there is an upturn below T_N due to magnetic super-zone gap effects. Here we report the influence of external magnetic field (H) on the rho(T) behavior of this compound below 300 K. The rise of rho(T) found below TN could be suppressed at very high fields (>> 60 kOe), thus resulting in a very large magnetoresistance (MR) in the magnetically ordered state. The most notable finding is that the magnitude of MR is large for moderate applications of H (say 80 kOe) in a temperature range far above T_N as well, which is untypical of intermetallic compounds. Thus, this compound is characterized by large MR anomalies in the entire T range of investigation.Comment: IOP Selec

    Magnetized Plasma Sheath in the Presence of Negative Ions

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    The sheath formation in a weakly magnetized collisionless electronegative plasma consisting of electrons, negative and positive ions has been numerically investigated using the hydrodynamic equations. The electrons and negative ions are assumed to follow Boltzmann relation. A sheath formation criterion has been analytically derived. The paper focuses on studying the sheath structure by varying the electronegativity. It has been observed that the presence of negative ions has a substantial effect on the sheath structure. The observations made in the present work have profound significance on processing plasmas, especially in the semiconductor industry as well as in fusion studies

    A contribution to the life-history of Sphenoclea Zeylanica gaertn

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    Long range magnetic ordering in a spin-chain compound, Ca3_3CuMnO6_6, with multiple bond distances

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    The results of ac and dc magnetization and heat capacity measurements as a function of temperature (T = 1.8 to 300 K) are reported for a quasi-one-dimensional compound, Ca3_3CuMnO6_6, crystallizing in a triclinically distorted K4_4CdCl6_6-type structure. The results reveal that this compound undergoes antiferromagnetic ordering close to 5.5 K. In addition, there is another magnetic transition below 3.6 K. Existence of two long-range magnetic transitions is uncommon among quasi-one-dimensional systems. It is interesting to note that both the magnetic transitions are of long-range type, instead of spin-glass type, in spite of the fact that the Cu-O and Mn-O bond distances are multiplied due to this crystallographic distortion. In view of this, this compound could serve as a nice example for studying "order-in-disorder" phenomena.Comment: Physical Review (in press

    Enhanced electrical resistivity before N\'eel order in the metals, RCuAs2_2 (R= Sm, Gd, Tb and Dy

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    We report an unusual temperature (T) dependent electrical resistivity(ρ\rho) behavior in a class of ternary intermetallic compounds of the type RCuAs2_2 (R= Rare-earths). For some rare-earths (Sm, Gd, Tb and Dy) with negligible 4f-hybridization, there is a pronounced minimum in ρ\rho(T) far above respective N\'eel temperatures (TN_N). However, for the rare-earths which are more prone to exhibit such a ρ\rho(T) minimum due to 4f-covalent mixing and the Kondo effect, this minimum is depressed. These findings, difficult to explain within the hither-to-known concepts, present an interesting scenario in magnetism.Comment: Physical Review Letters (accepted for publication

    Magnetic frustration in a stoichiometric spin-chain compound, Ca3_3CoIrO6_6

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    The temperature dependent ac and dc magnetization and heat capacity data of Ca3_3CoIrO6_6, a spin-chain compound crystallizing in a K4_4CdCl6_6-derived rhombohedral structure, show the features due to magnetic ordering of a frustrated-type below about 30 K, however without exhibiting the signatures of the so-called "partially disordered antiferromagnetic structure" encountered in the isostructural compounds, Ca3_3Co2_2O6_6 and Ca3_3CoRhO6_6. This class of compounds thus provides a variety for probing the consequences of magnetic frustration due to topological reasons in stoichiometric spin-chain materials, presumably arising from subtle differences in the interchain and intrachain magnetic coupling strengths. This compound presents additional interesting situations in the sense that, ac susceptibility exhibits a large frequency dependence in the vicinity of 30 K uncharacteristic of conventional spin-glasses, with this frustrated magnetic state being robust to the application of external magnetic fields.Comment: Physical Review (Rapid Communications), in pres