4,550 research outputs found

    Near-Optimal Algorithms for Differentially-Private Principal Components

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    Principal components analysis (PCA) is a standard tool for identifying good low-dimensional approximations to data in high dimension. Many data sets of interest contain private or sensitive information about individuals. Algorithms which operate on such data should be sensitive to the privacy risks in publishing their outputs. Differential privacy is a framework for developing tradeoffs between privacy and the utility of these outputs. In this paper we investigate the theory and empirical performance of differentially private approximations to PCA and propose a new method which explicitly optimizes the utility of the output. We show that the sample complexity of the proposed method differs from the existing procedure in the scaling with the data dimension, and that our method is nearly optimal in terms of this scaling. We furthermore illustrate our results, showing that on real data there is a large performance gap between the existing method and our method.Comment: 37 pages, 8 figures; final version to appear in the Journal of Machine Learning Research, preliminary version was at NIPS 201

    Evidence for two spin-glass transitions with magnetoelastic and magnetoelectric couplings in the multiferroic (Bi1−x_{1-x}Bax_x)(Fe1−x_{1-x}Tix_x)O3_3 system

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    For disordered Heisenberg systems with small single ion anisotropy, two spin glass transitions below the long range ordered phase transition temperature has been predicted theoretically for compositions close to the percolation threshold. Experimental verification of these predictions is still controversial for conventional spin glasses. We show that multiferroic spin glass systems can provide a unique platform for verifying these theoretical predictions via a study of change in magnetoelastic and magnetoelectric couplings, obtained from an analysis of diffraction data, at the spin glass transition temperatures. Results of macroscopic and microscopic (x-ray and neutron scattering) measurements are presented on disordered BiFeO3, a canonical Heisenberg system with small single ion anisotropy, which reveal appearance of two spin glass phases SG1 and SG2 in coexistence with the LRO phase below the A-T and G-T lines. It is shown that the temperature dependence of the integrated intensity of the antiferromagnetic peak shows dips with respect to the Brillouin function behaviour around the SG1 and SG2 transition temperatures. The ferroelectric polarisation changes significantly at the two spin glass transition temperatures. These results, obtained using microscopic techniques, clearly demonstrate that the SG1 and SG2 transitions occur on the same magnetic sublattice and are intrinsic to the system. We also construct a phase diagram showing all the magnetic phases in BF-xBT system. While our results on the two spin glass transitions support the theoretical predictions, it also raises several open questions which need to be addressed by revisiting the existing theories of spin glass transitions by taking into account the effect of magnetoelastic and magnetoelectric couplings as well as electromagnons.Comment: 59 pages 21 figure

    Decay of Spin-One Particle into Two Photons in Presence of Uniform External Magnetic Field

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    Yang's theorem states that an initial J=1 state cannot decay into two photons. Because of this result some reactions relating to elementary particles or atomic transitions can be ruled out. The theorem is not valid in the presence of background electric or magnetic fields. In this work we show that the decay of a J=1 particle into two photons is permitted by Bose symmetry and rotational invariance when the background of the decay process is not pure vacuum but contains an external classical magnetic/electric field. We also discuss constraints on these amplitudes from {\bf CP} invariance.Comment: Tex fil

    Disclination-mediated thermo-optical response in nematic glass sheets

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    Nematic solids respond strongly to changes in ambient heat or light, significantly differently parallel and perpendicular to the director. This phenomenon is well characterized for uniform director fields, but not for defect textures. We analyze the elastic ground states of a nematic glass in the membrane approximation as a function of temperature for some disclination defects with an eye towards reversibly inducing three-dimensional shapes from flat sheets of material, at the nano-scale all the way to macroscopic objects, including non-developable surfaces. The latter offers a new paradigm to actuation via switchable stretch in thin systems.Comment: Specific results for spiral defects now added. References to Witten, Mahadevan and Ben Amar now added

    Stability of Lending Rate Stickiness: A Case Study of India

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    The paper postulates that in an environment of continuous financial reforms, the lending rate stickiness in an economy could be changing over the period. The financial reforms (of which deregulation of interest rates formed a major part) during the 1990s and the early 2000s and the changing role attributed to different policy rates during the reforms make India an interesting case study. The paper finds evidence of diminishing lending rate stickiness in case of India. During the major part of the study, Indian policymakers used the discount rate for policy signaling. The paper observes that as a result, the long-term rates like the lending rates did not react sufficiently to the changes in the short-term rates (e.g., repo rate) in this period unless the discount rate was also changed. Such behavior changed when policymakers started to use short-term rates like repo rates for policy signaling. Results in this paper suggest that when the impacts are added together, a change of 100 basis points in all policy rates towards the end of the reference period could change the lending rate in India almost by similar magnitude. These findings help to reconcile some of the contrasting findings on lending rate stickiness in case of India. Among possible factors still responsible for lending rate stickiness, the study identifies inelastic credit demand in India as an important factor. From policymaking perspective, however, it is postulated that as demand for personal and housing loans in India are likely to increase in future due to demographic factor, it is likely that such increase could tend to increase inflexibility in loan rates.Lending Rate Stickiness, Discount Rate Addiction, Monetary Policy Transmission

    The Linearly Independent Non Orthogonal yet Energy Preserving (LINOEP) vectors

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    It is well known that, in any inner product space, a set of linearly independent (LI) vectors can be transformed to a set of orthogonal vectors, spanning the same space, by the Gram-Schmidt Orthogonalization Method (GSOM). In this paper, we propose a transformation from a set of LI vectors to a set of LI non orthogonal yet energy (square of the norm) preserving (LINOEP) vectors in an inner product space and we refer it as LINOEP method. We also show that there are various solutions to preserve the square of the norm.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figure

    Observations of Pituitary Hormone Injections and Ripening of Fish

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    A dependable source of quality fish spawn is a fundamental prerequisite for fish culture development. This is especially important inasmuch as most of the cultivable species do not breed in confined waters. Also, sport fisheries are gaining greater popularity, and subsequently the fish supply is being taxed. Still another need for fish spawn is in the ever increasing demand for bait minnows. Also, the construction of more and more dams has resulted in insurmountable obstacles for ascending and descending fish, which may ultimately result in complete destruction of some fisheries. Thus some measure of artificial propagation will have to be taken to safegaurd our valuable fishery resources. A partial solution to this problem of supplementing natural propagation is that of inducing the fish to spawn artificially in the hatchery. A method of doing this is by stimulating fish to breed by the use of pituitary hormones. Those pituitary hormone-containing glands are often collected under a variety of field conditions which may involve considerable effort, time, and money. Therefore,, it was my objective in this study to develop a practical refined assay on hormones using as small an amount as possible of the crude extract of pituitary suspension, and to make it simple enough that every lay fisheries man ,dll be able to apply it, thus meeting his demand for quality fish eggs in his own hatchery when he needs it most
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