12 research outputs found

    Role of Kayachikitsa an Ayurveda Modality towards the Geriatric Care: A Review

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    The system for the management of health evolved through the history of civilization and Ayurveda is one such oldest system that comprises different branches for specific health purpose, Kayachikitsa is one them. The Kayachikitsa involves general principles and approaches related to the treatment procedure and use of internal medicine. The treatment of body (Kaya) by virtue of Ayurveda medication and principle is general aim of branch Kayachikitsa. The ageing or problems related to old age also need to be care and in this regards Ayurveda mentioned different approaches for geriatric care including use of internal medicine. The use of natural rugs along with general principles of Ayurveda offers health benefits in case of ageing or geriatric health issues. Considering this point here we summarizes an Ayurveda aspect towards geriatric care W.S.R. to Kayachikitsa

    Modern and Classical Aspects on Infectious Diseases and their Management w.s.r. to Current Pandemic Situation: A Review

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    The ancient term Sankramaka Roga resembles communicable diseases as per modern science. These diseases mainly arise due to the influence of microbial invasion inside the body. The transmissions of such disease from one person to another take places via various means including Gatra Sansparsha, Prasnaga, sleeping and eating together; sharing objects and sexual contact, etc. The microbial toxin induces pathogenesis of infectious diseases after invasion of microorganism inside the body. Sankramaka Roga turned to Janapadodhwamsa if large numbers of people get affected, this condition can be correlated with resembles situation as per modern science. The modern science described uses of antibiotics and immune-therapy for the management of these diseases. Similarly Ayurveda rely on natural drugs, classical formulations, Panchakarma and Rasayana Chikitsa, etc. to treat Sankramaka Roga. Ayurveda concept of Ahara-Vihara, Dinacharya, Ratricharya, Ritucharya and Sadvritta improves immune system thus helps to prevent pathogenesis of Sankramaka Roga. Present article explores modern and classical aspects on infectious diseases and their management w.s.r. to current pandemic situation

    Role of Internal Medicines in the Management of Infections w.s.r. to Viral and Fungal Diseases: A Review

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    Ayurveda works towards the prevention and management of various health problems, Ayurveda also suggests many natural ways to promote general health. Ayurveda in this regards provides several modalities for controlling infectious diseases which described as Sankramak Roga in Ayurveda. As per Ayurveda these Sankramak Roga mainly arises due to the vitiated state of Doshas and this vitiation arises by microbial toxins in case of infectious diseases. Therefore Doshas pacifying medicines recommended controlling infections. Ayurveda drugs like Kapura, Neema, Guduchi, Tulsi and Vacha, etc. helps to treat such pathological conditions. The present scenario of pandemic disaster requires an approach where Ayurveda and modern science can join hand together to combat against this situation. The consequences of viral infections also increases susceptibility towards other infections i.e.; fungal diseases. Considering these all facts this article explored Ayurveda as well as modern approaches for the management of various types of Sankramak Roga w.s.r. to viral and fungal infections

    Panchkarma and its Modality towards the Management of Pain and Related Disorders

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    Ayurveda the science of healing and health restoration encompasses various therapeutic modalities for the treatment of disease and health management, Panchkarma is one such approach of Ayurveda that provides health benefits in many ailments including joint pain. The incidences of pain related diseases increases now a days due to the disturbed pattern of daily regimen and sedentary life style thus it is prerequisite to explore an approach that offers beneficial effects in these conditions without severe side effects and Panchkarma can provide therapeutic response in conditions like; osteoarthritis, sports injuries, rheumatoid arthritis, spondylosis, sciatica, myalgia, muscle cramps, sprain and low back ache, etc. Present article summarizes health benefits of Panchkarma in conditions related to pain or joint pain

    Therapeutic Evaluation of Navan Nasya in Ardit W.S.R. to Facial Paralysis

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    Ayurveda is sciences of medicine and health practicing anciently and it possessing effective methods for the treatment of various diseases. Ayurveda not only offer approaches for the management of curable diseases but also encompasses knowledge of incurable diseases. Panchakarma is one of the therapies of ayurveda which purify body and cleans all shrotas even at cellular level. Panchakarma therapy involves many sub therapies such as; Navannasya which is very useful in the management of various diseases such as; facial paralysis which involves weakness of facial muscles resulting from temporary or permanent loss of facial nerve. The study was planned to measure efficacy of navannasya in the treatment of Arditroga and it was found that navannasya gives good results in Ardit or facial paralysis. Some patient of cured effectively after the treatment with Navannasya. Keywords: Ayurveda, Ardit, Facial Palsy, Panchakarma, Navannasya

    Agni Dushti and Associated Diseases: An Ayurveda Perspective

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    The medical system of India Ayurveda encompasses traditional knowledge about diseases and their management, in this regards Ayurveda science mentioned different theories and principles related to healthy living. Furthermore Ayurveda emphasized various concept related to normal or abnormal physiological functioning of body and Agni is one of such concept. The digestive & metabolic activities of body govern through the Agni which not only perform digestion and assimilation of food but also contributes greatly towards the growth and development of body. The normal functioning of Agni provides Bala, Ayu, Swasthyam, Ojha, Utsaha, Teja and Prabha thus help to maintain good physical and mental status. On the other hand improper functioning of Agni leads Agni Dusthi which is the major causative factor for many digestive and metabolic ailments. The Agni Dusthi and diseases associated with disturbed functioning of Agni increasing day by day due to the unwholesome consumption of dietary materials. Considering this aspect present article summarized some clinical manifestation of Agni Dusthi. Keywords: Ayurveda, Agni, Agni Dusthi, Digestion

    Unraveling Brain Functional Connectivity of encoding and retrieval in the context of education

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    peer reviewedHuman memory is an enigmatic component of cognition which many researchers have attempted to comprehend. Accumulating studies on functional connectivity see brain as a complex dynamic unit with positively and negatively correlated networks in perfect coherence during a task. We aimed to examine coherence of network connectivity during visual memory encoding and retrieval in the context of education. School Educated (SE) and College Educated (CE) healthy volunteers (n = 60) were recruited and assessed for visual encoding and retrieval. Functional connectivity using seed to voxel based connectivity analysis of the posterior cingulate cortex (PCC) was evaluated. We noticed that there were reciprocal dynamic changes in both dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) region and PCC regions during working memory encoding and retrieval. In agreement with the previous studies, there were more positively correlated regions during retrieval compared to encoding. The default mode network (DMN) networks showed greater negative correlations during more attentive task of visual encoding. In tune with the recent studies on cognitive reserve we also found that number of years of education was a significant factor influencing working memory connectivity. SE had higher positive correlation to DLPFC region and lower negative correlation to DMN in comparison with CE during encoding and retrieval


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    In the present era due to speeder change of the civilization, human habits and life style continuously changing without any consideration of their benefits or harms Adaptation of new diets, movement with fast moving vehicles, maintenance of wrong postures, avoidance or over-indulgence of exercise, suppression of natural urges, anxiety strain etc. of the present life are becoming responsible for increasing incidence of Vatavyadhi like Pakshaghat (Hemiplegia.) These diseases mostly treated by allopathic medicines(high dose of corticosteroids) which are having considerable side effects and could not be used on long term basis. So conclusion is that in these disease, the dose of allopathic medicines and disease gradually progresses and in addition due to the side effects of allopathic medicines, it is better that these diseases should be treated by Ayurvedic medicines.Â

    Resting state networks analysis using simultaneous EEG-fMRI for epilepsy patient

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    peer reviewedThe resting state EEG-fMRI has opened a new avenue in not only neuro cognitive studies but it has also found practical utility in clinical applications. We studied the Resting State Networks on Epilepsy Patient to understand the neuronal substrates involved in epilepsy. Five epilepsy patients were undertaken for simultaneous EEG-fMRI study. EEG microstates was computed and was considered as explanatory variables in the GLM design for the analysis of fMRI data in an event related design. z-stats and independent component was examined for simultaneous EEG-fMRI. We hypothesized that it's possible to analyze the affected brain areas for epileptiform discharges in epileptic patients at resting state. Microstates convolved functional image and its independent components using hybrid technique including both the neuronal and hemodynamic information was demonstrated on patients structural image. From this result we conclude that using EEG microstate and Independent Component Analysis (ICA) of resting fMRI we may examine the brain areas involved in resting state brain discharge. Also it will be useful for the analysis of EEG-fMRI data in which electrical epileptic discharge are not apparent on scalp EEG at the time of data acquisition. © 2013 Springer

    Neural Correlates of Emotion: Acquisition versus Innate View Point.

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    peer reviewed[en] BACKGROUND: Emotion entails cognitive processes that may either be conscious or unconscious. Emotions influence all aspects of cognition. AIM: The aim of the following study was to study the effect of education on neural correlates of emotions in healthy normal volunteers. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Sample consisted total of 61 healthy young educated adults in the age range of 18-40 years. The volunteers were asked to view neutral, pleasant and unpleasant pictures from international affective picture system in a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scanner. STATISTICS ANALYSIS: Rest-active block design paradigm, functional MRI results analyzed in statistical parametric mapping 8. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION: Activations associated with emotions were present in cerebral and cerebellar regions. Education influences emotion