3,660 research outputs found

    A Note on Higher Dimensional Instantons and Supersymmetric Cycles

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    We discuss instantons in dimensions higher than four. A generalized self-dual or anti-self-dual instanton equation in n-dimensions can be defined in terms of a closed (n-4) form Ω\Omega and it was recently employed as a topological gauge fixing condition in higher dimensional generalizations of cohomological Yang-Mills theory. When Ω\Omega is a calibration which is naturally introduced on the manifold of special holomony, we argue that higher dimensional instanton may be locally characterized as a family of four dimensional instantons over a supersymmetric (n-4) cycle Σ\Sigma with respect to the calibration Ω\Omega. This is an instanton configuration on the total space of the normal bundle N(Σ)N(\Sigma) of the submanifold Σ\Sigma and regarded as a natural generalization of point-like instanton in four dimensions that plays a distinguished role in a compactification of instanton moduli space.Comment: 14 pages, latex, Talk presented at the workshop on Gauge Theory and Integrable Models (YITP, Kyoto), January 26-29, 1999, the title correcte

    Exact Solutions to the Two-dimensional BF and Yang-Mills Theories in the Light-cone Gauge

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    It is shown that the BRS-formulated two-dimensional BF theory in the light-cone gauge (coupled with chiral Dirac fields) is solved very easily in the Heisenberg picture. The structure of the exact solution is very similar to that of the BRS-formulated two-dimensional quantum gravity in the conformal gauge. In particular, the BRS Noether charge has anomaly. Based on this fact, a criticism is made on the reasoning of Kato and Ogawa, who derived the critical dimension D=26 of string theory on the basis of the anomaly of the BRS Noether charge. By adding the B~2\widetilde{B}^2 term to the BF-theory Lagrangian density, the exact solution to the two-dimensional Yang-Mills theory is also obtained.Comment: 11 pages, LaTe

    On reversion phenomena in Cu-Zr-Cr alloys

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    Reversion phenomena in aged Cu-0.12% Zr-0.28% Cr alloy were investigated by means of resistivity measurement and transmission electron microscopy and compared with those of Cu-0.30% Zr and Cu-0.26% Cr alloys. Specimens in the form of a 0.5 mm sheet were solution-treated at 950 F for 1 hr water-quenched, aged, and finally reversed. The reversion phenomena were confirmed to exist in Cu-Zr and Cu-Zr-Cr alloys as well as Cu-Cr alloys, at aging temperatures of 300 to 500 F. The critical aging temperature for the reversion was not observed in all the alloys. Split aging increased the amount of reversion, particularly in Cu-Zr and Cu-Zr-Cr alloys, compared with that by conventional aging. The amount of reversion in Cu-Zr-Cr alloy was greatly affected by the resolution of Cr precipitate formed by preaging. Structural changes in Cu-Zr-Cr alloy due to the reversion were hardly observed by transmission electron microscopy

    Cohomological Yang-Mills Theory in Eight Dimensions

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    We construct nearly topological Yang-Mills theories on eight dimensional manifolds with a special holonomy group. These manifolds are the Joyce manifold with Spin(7)Spin(7) holonomy and the Calabi-Yau manifold with SU(4) holonomy. An invariant closed four form TμνρσT_{\mu\nu\rho\sigma} on the manifold allows us to define an analogue of the instanton equation, which serves as a topological gauge fixing condition in BRST formalism. The model on the Joyce manifold is related to the eight dimensional supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory. Topological dimensional reduction to four dimensions gives non-abelian Seiberg-Witten equation.Comment: 9 pages, latex, Talk given at APCTP Winter School on Dualities in String Theory, (Sokcho, Korea), February 24-28, 199

    Special Quantum Field Theories In Eight And Other Dimensions

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    We build nearly topological quantum field theories in various dimensions. We give special attention to the case of 8 dimensions for which we first consider theories depending only on Yang-Mills fields. Two classes of gauge functions exist which correspond to the choices of two different holonomy groups in SO(8), namely SU(4) and Spin(7). The choice of SU(4) gives a quantum field theory for a Calabi-Yau fourfold. The expectation values for the observables are formally holomorphic Donaldson invariants. The choice of Spin(7) defines another eight dimensional theory for a Joyce manifold which could be of relevance in M- and F-theories. Relations to the eight dimensional supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory are presented. Then, by dimensional reduction, we obtain other theories, in particular a four dimensional one whose gauge conditions are identical to the non-abelian Seiberg-Witten equations. The latter are thus related to pure Yang-Mills self-duality equations in 8 dimensions as well as to the N=1, D=10 super Yang-Mills theory. We also exhibit a theory that couples 3-form gauge fields to the second Chern class in eight dimensions, and interesting theories in other dimensions.Comment: 36 pages, latex. References have been added together with a not

    Consistency Conditions of the Faddeev-Niemi-Periwal Ansatz for the SU(N) Gauge Field

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    The consistency condition of the Faddeev-Niemi ansatz for the gauge-fixed massless SU(2) gauge field is discussed. The generality of the ansatz is demonstrated by obtaining a sufficient condition for the existence of the three-component field introduced by Faddeev and Niemi. It is also shown that the consistency conditions determine this three-component field as a functional of two arbitrary functions. The consistency conditions corresponding to the Periwal ansatz for the SU(N) gauge field with N larger than 2 are also obtained. It is shown that the gauge field obeying the Periwal ansatz must satisfy extra (N-1)(N-2)/2 conditions.Comment: PTP Tex, 15 pages, Eq.(3.18) inserte