80 research outputs found

    In-Situ Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Investigation of Strain, Temperature, and Strain-Rate Variations of Deformation-Induced Vacancy Concentration in Aluminum

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    Critical strain to serrated flow in solid solution alloys exhibiting dynamic strain aging (DSA) or Portevin–LeChatelier effect is due to the strain-induced vacancy production. Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) techniques can be used to monitor in situ the dynamical behavior of point and line defects in materials during deformation, and these techniques are nondestructive and noninvasive. The new CUT-sequence pulse method allowed an accurate evaluation of the strain-enhanced vacancy diffusion and, thus, the excess vacancy concentration during deformation as a function of strain, strain rate, and temperature. Due to skin effect problems in metals at high frequencies, thin foils of Al were used and experimental results correlated with models based on vacancy production through mechanical work (vs thermal jogs), while in situ annealing of excess vacancies is noted at high temperatures. These correlations made it feasible to obtain explicit dependencies of the strain-induced vacancy concentration on test variables such as the strain, strain rate, and temperature. These studies clearly reveal the power and utility of these NMR techniques in the determination of deformation-induced vacancies in situ in a noninvasive fashion.

    The problem of a metal impurity in an oxide: ab-initio study of electronic and structural properties of Cd in Rutile TiO2

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    In this work we undertake the problem of a transition metal impurity in an oxide. We present an ab-initio study of the relaxations introduced in TiO2 when a Cd impurity replaces substitutionally a Ti atom. Using the Full-Potential Linearized-Augmented-Plane-Wave method we obtain relaxed structures for different charge states of the impurity and computed the electric-field gradients (EFGs) at the Cd site. We find that EFGs, and also relaxations, are dependent on the charge state of the impurity. This dependence is very remarkable in the case of the EFG and is explained analyzing the electronic structure of the studied system. We predict fairly anisotropic relaxations for the nearest oxygen neighbors of the Cd impurity. The experimental confirmation of this prediction and a brief report of these calculations have recently been presented [P.R.L. 89, 55503 (2002)]. Our results for relaxations and EFGs are in clear contradiction with previous studies of this system that assumed isotropic relaxations and point out that no simple model is viable to describe relaxations and the EFG at Cd in TiO2 even approximately.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figures, Revtex 4, published in Physical Review

    Proton magnetic relaxation studies of various guest molecules in clathrate hydrates

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    NMR-investigation of the dynamic properties of off-center Ag+ defects in RbCl

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    Les propriétés des centres de dipôle Ag+ dans les monocristaux de RbCl ont été étudiées entre 4 et 50 K au moyen de la méthode de résonance magnétique nucléaire. Les données de relaxation de spin-réseau des noyaux 85Rb, 87Rb et 35Cl fournissent les temps de corrélation uniforme du mouvement localisé des centres Ag+ de direction . Les données expérimentales ont été expliquées par un modèle de réorientation par effet tunnel assisté par des phonons, récemment proposé par Tonks et Dick.The dynamic properties of Ag+ dipole centers in RbCl single crystals were studied between 4 K and 50 K with the nuclear magnetic resonance method. The spin-lattice relaxation data of the nuclei 85Rb, 87Rb and 35Cl provide uniform correlation times of the localized motion of the oriented Ag+ centers. The experimental data can be explained by a phonon-assisted orientational tunneling model recently proposed by Tonks and Dick
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