19 research outputs found

    バンクーバーシ コウエン ギョウセイ ノ ヘンセン ニ ミル コウエン レクリエーション カンリ ノ トクシツ

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    公園管理の時代を迎えたわが国の公園緑地行政は新たな潮流を迎えているが,わが国の都市公園管理と北米諸都市に展開している公園・レクリエーション管理の概念は大きく異なっている。本研究では,新たな局面にあるわが国の都市公園管理のあり方を模索する上で,一つの示唆を得ることを目的として,北米型パークシステムの一つであるバンクーバー市の都市公園を対象として,公園が発祥した1888年から1995年までの公園整備の推移,公園・レクリエーション管理行政における特異点を時系列的に分析し,「公園・レクリエーション管理」の特質を究明した。その結果,維持管理を中心に展開したわが国と比較すると,1)公園発祥初期から公園部局において「レクリエーション」の側面が明確に位置づけられ,公園管理体制としても教育部局など関連部局との相互協力体制が確立していたこと。2)アメリカの先進都市を範としながら,公園・レクリエーション管理システムを確立し,公園発祥当時から,レクリエーション・サービスに関わる職能が確立されていたこと。さらに3)職員研修システムも確立され,多様な性格のレクリエーションプログラムによる市民サービスが行なわれていたことが明らかとなった。The purpose of this study is to understand the historical character of parks and recreation management in the City of Vancouver, which is one of the City Park System in North America. The history of park development and parks & recreation management was traced. The Vancouver park system started in 1888 when Stanley Park, which is the most major park in this city was opened. A chronological table which extracted a special mention item from 1888 to 1995 was made. The focal points are management organization, facility development and recreation service. The results were as follows : 1) The Parks board co-operated in the development and management of parks/recreation program on any parks such as playground with the School Board. 2) "Recreation" was a very meaningful situation in park management from the early stages. A recreation section such as a playground & recreation was incorporated in the park management organization. This section name was changed from "playground & recreation" to "parks & public recreation", then "parks & recreation" with the age. The authority of the control in charge expanded. The job description was changed from "park ranger" to "park superintendent", "park general manager". 3) The policy of park planning and parks & recreation management was modeled on the American City Park System. 4) The duty of the staff member to instruct in its the use was cleared since the first city park opened. the board employed the staff to instruct recreation and sports. 5) The original training program was enforced by the Board, and study with the professional education organ was being supported actively. 6) The Board developed a variety of recreation programs for citizens such as programs for various age groups, a seasonal program, a handicapped program and so on

    チュウゴク ニ オケル コウエン リョクチ ヒョウジュン ニ ツイテ ノ コウサツ

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    中国では文化大革命の時期において多くの都市公園が破壊された。改革開放後,経済の急速な発展により,都市に人口が集中した。そのため,都市環境問題の解決は,都市発展において重要な課題となり,公園緑地に関する施策が次々と策定された。本研究は中国の公園緑地に関わる法律,条例及び標準等を把握することにより都市計画,公園計画・設計,緑地分類などにおける公園分類など公園緑地標準について明らかにする。そして,都市緑地計画学の観点から,中国における公園緑地の位置づけと公園種別の特色を分析し,公園緑地標準について考察することを目的とした。中国における都市公園緑地標準は,公園の性格,規模,機能によって分類され,住宅区内の公園は詳細に細分化されている特色があるという考察結果を得た。Many of the urban parks in China were damaged during the China Culture Revolution. Then, there followed open policy of China, rising economic development and the rapid concentration of population in cities. The issues of city environment became concerns for city development. This research is based on the broad collection of related laws and policies of green open spaces in Chinese parks, which make reference to city planning, land use, park design and green open spaces classification. Moreover, the types of green open spaces in the parks of China, their characteristics, and the basis for classification are discussed from the perspective of municipal green open spaces planning. The type of urban park in China is classified by the characteristic, scale, and function. Moreover, a characteristic in China is that parks and green open spaces in the residential district have been subdivided

    プサン ニ オケル コウソウジュウタク キョジュシャ ノ シャメン リョクチ ニ タイスル ケイザイテキ カチ ヒョウカ ノ ケンキュウ

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    本研究は,高層住宅化が急速に進み斜面都市として知られる釜山市を対象に,集合住宅の価値の創出に影響する公園緑地の経済的評価性を究明するものである。斜面地に近接して立地した高層集合住宅の居住者に斜面緑地に対する客観的な価値評価を得るためロジットモデルの仮想評価法(CVM)を用いた分析をすることによって,斜面緑地の価値評価に及ぼす要因を究明した。その結果,斜面緑地に近接している居住者より,そうではない居住者の方が支払意志の評価額が高い傾向にあった。また,住戸の南方向に斜面緑地が存在している場合,その斜面緑地に対する支払意志は低いことが判った。さらに,斜面緑地が都市公園として整備されている場合の方がそうでない斜面緑地より価値評価が高い傾向にあった。Pusan is the second biggest city in Korea, with a population of 3,680,000 and an area of 763km2. Pusan is known for being a slope city, and the slope green tract of land forms a rich natural environment. On the other hand, development of high-rise housing, in recent years, has been rapidly advancing towards the green slope lands because flat ground of residential area is limited. Therefore, the importance of slope green is now beyond our recognition. This research investigates the economic evaluation of the influence of greenery-gardening on the pricing of a housing complex in Pusan, which is known as a slope city where high-rise buildings are rapidly emerging. In order to obtain the objective value evaluation of the slope green by the residents of high-rise housings located near the slope ground, the factors governing the value evaluation of a slope greenery land were investigated by conducting the analysis using the logit model of CVM (Contingent Valuation Method). It was found that the people living far away from the slope greens have more tendencies to pay for the greenery slopes as a result of high evaluation than those staying close to them. Again, when the slope green is located in the southern part of the housing unit, the will to pay for the greenery slope tended to be low. Moreover, when the slope green has been maintained as a city park, the evaluation tended to be higher than otherwise

    コマザワ オリンピックコウエン ノ カンリ ウンエイ システム ノ トクセイ ブンセキ

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    東京都内に存在する都立公園の駒沢オリンピック公園は,1964(昭和39)年第18回東京オリンピック大会終了後,総合運動公園として利用されている。その管理は,当初から,東京都の建設局と教育庁が分掌している。前者は,修景施設,サイクリングコース,遊戯施設などの公園施設を担い,施設工事と植栽工事の計画,調査,設計及び施工,そして維持管理を,後者が,運動施設(体育施設)の施設整備ならびに維持管理運営を担っている。その後,運動施設の整備拡充と利用者の増加により,大規模かつ専門的な技術が要求されるようになり,1986(昭和61)年から財団法人東京都生涯文化財団に管理委託された。また,公園施設についても,従前より公園事業を受託した東京都公園協会に1998(平成10)年から管理委託された。本研究はこのように明確に二分化して,管理がされてきた公園の管理運営システムの特徴を明らかにすることを目的とした。分析の結果,当公園の管理運営の特性としては「運動(スポーツ)」と「公園地」に関わる2つの専門分化における管理体制がなっているが,各々の独立した管理運営のため,相互を活かした協働管理体制にまでは展開していないこと,専門機関への管理委託により,「スポーツ」に特化したレクリエーションあるいは運動に関する高度なサービスが提供されていること,公園地や公園施設(運動施設)を活かした収益事業も生まれているが,経営事業へまでは展開していないことなどが明らかになった。Tokyo Metropolitan Komazawa Olympic Park, constructed for the 1959 (Showa 34) Tokyo Olympic Games, since the completion of the games, has been utilized as a general sports ground. Initially management of the grounds was divided between the Tokyo Construction Bureau and the Tokyo Office of Education. The former of these bore the responsibility for landscaping facilities, the cycling course, play equipment and such, while the latter took responsibility for planning maintenance of the facilities and trees, assessment studies, general planning and construction, general maintenance management of sports and recreation facilities, as well as infrastructural management. After that initial period, it became obvious that there was a need to acquire specialized faculties in order to effectively implement large-scale management such as the upgrading of sports facilities and the promotion of public utilization of those facilities. To that end, from 1986 (Showa 61) the management of the sports facility was outsourced to its incorporated portion, Tokyo Lifelong learning and Culture Foundation. In addition the park facilities were in 1998 (Heisei 10) subjected to a management commission by the Tokyo Parks Association (which had at the time, previously managed business affairs of parks). In this way it became an example of public management of a high quality sports facility and park that was clearly split in to two parts (sports facility and park) and partially outsourced management. After that there will be an investigation of the various steps of the management system and this may serve as reference for future development. Our investigation showed the following : (1) The management times were divided into three periods by the time changes. Those organizations evolved to make use of heightened management technology effectively. (2) This management system was a foresight system, from the concept of "the park/recreation management" that is a model of the North American park management system. (3) In the dual management times, that two expert group with the characteristic of "sport" and "park" were not in a mutual cooperating management. (4) High quality service for sports suggests construction of a management system which considered specialty and professional ability of a manager by enforcement at first. (5) Concerned with park management costs, the revenue by fees for using exercise institution, temporary occupancy revenue of park ground/the stand, the possibility of such management can be expected. (6) The measure concerning the unemployed gave further suggestion for the future

    ネツカンキョウ ト フウキョウ カイセキ ニ モトヅク ダイガク キャンパス ノ カンキョウヒョウカ ト カンキョウ ケイカク ヘ ノ オウヨウ

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    本研究は,熱環境および風環境からみた環境計画手法の確立を目指し,東京農業大学世田谷キャンパスをケーススタディとして,夏季の気象観測から冷涼な緑地を明らかにし,さらに3次元GIS及びCFDによる風のシミュレーションを行うことで風の道を可視化し,熱環境および風環境の面から緑地環境を評価するとともに,世田谷キャンパスの環境評価と環境計画への応用を試みた。その結果,次のことが明らかになった。1)夏季日中に馬事公苑をはじめケヤキ並木やキャンパス内のメタセコイヤの樹林地が約2~3℃の冷涼な緑地であること。2)夏季日中の南風を正門の樹木群が緩和していること。ケヤキ並木からの南風がキャンパス内にもたらされていないと推察されたこと。3)冬季日中の北北西の風が18号館から剥離しキャンパス内で強風となること。4)新研究棟等のキャンパス再整備後,夏季日中の南風が新研究棟から剥離した強い風となること。冬季日中の北北西の風が新研究棟北側で強まること。5)熱環境および風環境解析に基づく新たな環境計画案を評価できることを実証した。本研究で扱ったリモートセンシングによる熱環境のシミュレーション,並びにCFDによる風環境のシミュレーションは,環境科学的アプローチによる環境計画手法を向上させるとともに,意思決定,合意形成のツールとして有用であるといえる。This study aims to demonstrate how simulated thermal and wind dynamics can be integrated into urban environmental planning. Three dimensional GIS and CFD simulations were employed to investigate the effects of green space and wind flows on urban cooling, using a plan of Setagaya campus of TUA as a case study. We evaluated the current configuration of the campus in relation to its thermal environment and wind conditions and showed that 1) summer daytime temperatures in a green space area for Bajikouen, an avenue of Zelkova and a grove of Metasequoia were 2-3 degrees Celsius lower than urban areas within the campus ; 2) trees near the main gate help mitigate southerly wind speeds, and a campus building along Setagaya Street shelters the Bajikouen area and the Zalkova avenue from the same southerly wind ; 3) north-westerly winds are split after striking building No. 18, resulting in high winter daytime wind speeds ; 4) split wind flows from the south, striking a newly constructed research building, resulted in high summer daytime winds. Finally we evaluated proposed campus redevelopment plans on the basis of thermal and wind dynamics, demonstrating how the simulation of the thermal environment from remotely sensed data and of wind dynamics through CFD can improve environmental planning in urban areas to the benefit of civil society

    Field Effect of Alcohol, Cigarette Smoking, and Their Cessation on the Development of Multiple Dysplastic Lesions and Squamous Cell Carcinoma: A Long-term Multicenter Cohort Study

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    [Background and Aims] Multiple developments of squamous dysplasia and squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) in the upper aerodigestive tract have been explained by field cancerization phenomenon and were associated with alcohol and cigarette use. Second primary SCC development after curative treatment impairs patients’ quality of life and survival; however, how these consumption and cessation affect field cancerization is still unknown. [Methods] This is a multicenter cohort study including 331 patients with superficial esophageal SCC (ESCC) treated endoscopically and pooled data from 1022 healthy subjects for comparison. Physiological condition in the background esophageal mucosa was classified into 3 groups based on the number of Lugol-voiding lesions (LVLs) per endoscopic view: grade A, 0; grade B, 1–9; or grade C, ≥10 LVLs. Lifestyle surveys were conducted using a self-administered questionnaire. Patients were counseled on the need for alcohol and smoking cessation by physicians and were endoscopically surveyed every 6 months. [Results] LVL grades were positively associated with alcohol drinking intensity, flushing reactions, smoking, and high-temperature food and were negatively associated with eating green and yellow vegetables and fruit. Second primary ESCC and head/neck SCC were significantly more prevalent in the grade C LVL (cumulative 5-y incidences 47.1%, 95% confidence interval [CI] = 38.0–57.2 and 13.3%, 95% CI = 8.1–21.5, respectively). Alcohol and smoking cessation significantly reduced the development of second primary ESCC (adjusted hazard ratios 0.47, 95% = CI 0.26–0.85 and 0.49, 95% CI = 0.26–0.91, respectively). [Conclusion] Alcohol drinking, smoking, flushing reaction, and high-temperature food were closely associated with field cancerization, and cessation of alcohol and smoking significantly reduced the risk of development of second primary cancer. UMIN Clinical Trials Registry ID:UMIN000001676