33 research outputs found

    Inductive Game Theory: A Simulation Study of Learning a Social Situation

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    Inductive game theory (IGT) aims to explore sources of beliefs of a person in his individual experiences from behaving in a social situation. It has various steps, each of which already involves a lot of different aspects. A scenario for IGT was spelled out in Kaneko-Kline (13). So far, IGT has been studied chiefly in theoretical manners, while some other papers targete

    Effects of aging on the microclimate pH of the rat jejunum

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    AbstractThe acidic microclimate layer in the vicinity of the cell surface of mammalian jejunum is important for absorption of some nutrients, such as small peptides and folate. The present study was undertaken to investigate the effect of aging on the cell surface pH (microclimate pH) of the jejunum of rats. The microclimate pH was measured in vitro in superfused preparations using single-barreled pH-sensitive microelectrodes filled with a liquid ion exchanger. The thickness of the microclimate layer was estimated by reading the distance of microelectrode advancements. The existence of a microclimate pH in the jejunum was confirmed in the senescent rats, but the value of the microclimate pH was significantly higher in the senescent (24 mo) rats (6.52 0.02) than in the young-adult (6 mo) rats (6.09 ± 0.01) (P < 0.01). Na+ removal from the perfusate or the addition of amiloride elevated the pH in the senescent rats as well as in the young-adult rats. The microclimate layer was slightly thinner in the senescent rats than in the young-adult rats. The acidity of the microclimate layer of intestinal surface is lower in senescent animals than in young-adult ones. One of reasons for this is the thinner mucus layer in senescent animals

    Syntheses and Enantioselective Recognition of Chiral Poly(phenylacetylene)s bearing Bulky Optically Active Menthyl Groups

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    Two optically active poly(menthoxycarbonylphenyleneethynylene)s were synthesized by polycondensation using a palladium-copper catalyst system. All polymers showed Cotton effects in the absorption region of the main chain, meaning that chirality is induced to the main chain. Moreover, these chiral polymers showed the enantioselective recognition ability for chiral menthol in CD spectra