44 research outputs found

    Hellenistic Ceramics from Southwestern Paphlagonia

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    The Hellenistic and Roman archaeology of Paphlagonia (Map 1) has been studied in a very uneven manner: the south coast of the Black Sea has hardly been touched by comparison with the century and more of sustained excavations and surveys on the other coastlines. Inevitably, the archaeological picture of these coasts in antiquity looks strangely unbalanced, even though our literary texts offer moments of insight into the Classical Antiquity of the Turkish Black Sea coast, spread across centurie..

    Terra Sigillata and Red-Slipped Ware from Hadrianopolis in Southwestern Paphlagonia

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    Laflı Ergün, Kan Şahin Gülseren. Terra Sigillata and Red-Slipped Ware from Hadrianopolis in Southwestern Paphlagonia. In: Anatolia Antiqua, Tome 20, 2012. pp. 45-120