10 research outputs found

    Technology, culture and citizenship in education for creative economy in Brazil: the case of the NAVE Project in Rio de Janeiro

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    The aim is to examine how the NAVE Project in Rio de Janeiro was able to develop and stimulate capacities for creative economy in its students, despite the socioeconomic and political crises Brazil and the state of Rio de Janeiro face. Based mainly in the theoretical work of Araya (2010), Venturelli (2000) and Hearn & Bridgett (2010) and following the methodological steps of Sécca& Souza (2009)with bibliographic and document research of NAVE Project in the city, we argue that the full-time activities carried out by NAVE intertwine technology, cultural activities and citizenship with the school life and encourage students to critically appropriate the main languages and techniques for creative economy. The conditions of possibility for this are, in this case, connected to the construction of partnerships between the government and the private sector, which can bring alternatives for funding activities in times of political and economic crises. However, as these partnerships face many difficulties to be constructed and maintained in many parts of the country, NAVE also develops low-cost and no-cost teaching activities which can be applied by professors in other public – and also private – schools in Brazil and develop transdisciplinarityamong the technical / scientific, cultural and business pillars of creative economy

    Geotechnische Untersuchungen im Salinar zur Ermittlung des gebirgsmechanischen Verhaltens von Anhydrit und Salzton. Bd. 3 Gesteinsmechanik und Modellrechnungen. Abschlussbericht

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    The report presents the results of the following activities: laboratory studies for determination of rock mechanics data; the flooding history of the potash mine and rock salt mine of the Stassfurt Sattel as an analogous system: accompanying numerical model calculations. (HS)Es wird bericht ueber: Gesteinsmechanische Laboruntersuchungen; die Ersaufensgeschichte der Kali- und Steinsalzgruben am Stassfurter Sattel als Analogon; begleitende numerische Modellrechnungen. (HS)SIGLEAvailable from TIB Hannover: F95B2133+a / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekBundesministerium fuer Bildung, Wissenschaft, Forschung und Technologie, Bonn (Germany)DEGerman

    BAMBUS-II. Investigation of stress state and rock-mechanical behaviour of backfill and host rock in dependence on temperature Final report

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    SIGLEAvailable from TIB Hannover: F04B1148 / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekBundesministerium fuer Bildung und Forschung, Berlin (Germany)DEGerman

    Geotechnische Untersuchungen im Salinar zur Ermittlung des gebirgsmechanischen Verhaltens von Anhydrit und Salzton. Bd. 2 Bohrtechnik und In-situ-Untersuchungen. Abschlussbericht

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    For geotechnical exploration of the anhydrite and salt clay cavity locations in Poethen and Bernburg (Saxony-Anhalt) by drilling experiments a new boring equipment has been developed. Long-term in situ tension and deformation measurements were carried out at 1013 m (Poethen) and 410-510 m (Bernburg) depths using the hydrofrac method and the hole vent method for tension determination and extensometers for precision deformation measurements. Both tension methods yielded consistent results. Significant deformations and any overstepping of stability could be excluded. Tensions in the anhydrite of Bernburg can be explained by enlarged model assumptions. Load redistortions of the salt clay could be observed in both locations. (WEN)SIGLEAvailable from TIB Hannover: F95B2132+a / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekBundesministerium fuer Bildung, Wissenschaft, Forschung und Technologie, Bonn (Germany)DEGerman

    Geotechnische Untersuchungen im Salinar zur Ermittlung des gebirgsmechanischen Verhaltens von Anhydrit und Salzton Abschlussbericht

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    For proving the structural safety of a radwaste repository in salt rock formations, a prognostic model of the rock mechanics is to be established for the operation phases of waste emplacement and post-sealing operation, and this model is to be based on complete data describing the physical performance of all types of rock in the formation. The project work reported was to complete the database for the performance of anhydrite and saliferous clay by means of in-situ measurements and laboratory work. On the basis of a previous study reflecting the knowledge of the time of the mechanical and hydraulic performance of these rocks, a wide range of geotechnical and geophysical studies has been carried out. The bonding strength of anhydrite and saliferous clay as well as their rock physical properties have been measured in situ in the Poethen and Bernburg shaft mines, for the purpose of correlating and interpreting rock parameters from laboratory work with the measured data. These data describing the performance of the anhydrite and the saliferous clay are to be taken for modelling and prognostic safety analyses. (orig./HS)Zum Nachweis der Sicherheit eines Endlagers im Steinsalz sind fuer eine prognostische gebirgsmechanische Modellierung fuer die Betriebs- und Nachbetriebsphase die gesteinphysikalischen Parameter saemtlicher Salinargesteine bereitzustellen. In diesem Vorhaben wird die bisher nicht ausreichende Datenbasis fuer das Verhalten von Anhydrit und Salzton durch In-situ- und Labormessungen erweitert. Aufbauend auf eine vorausgegangene Studie, die den damaligen Kenntnisstand ueber die mechanischen und hydraulischen Eigenschaften dieser Gesteine zusammenfasste, wird eine breite Palette geotechnischer und geophysikalischer Untersuchungen durchgefuehrt. Die Verbandseigenschaften von Anhydrit und Salzton sowie ihre gesteinphysikalischen Eigenschaften werden in situ in den Schachtanlagen Poethen und Bernburg ermittelt. Ziel des Vorhabens ist es, die in situ bestimmten Gesteinsparameter mit den im Labor gemessenen zu verknuepfen und gesteinsphysikalisch zu interpretieren. Daraus sollen entsprechende Daten von Anhydrit und Salzton fuer prognostische Modellrechnungen und Sicherheitsanalysen zur Verfuegung gestellt werden. (orig./HS)SIGLEAvailable from TIB Hannover: RO 2674(1995,26) / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekBundesministerium fuer Forschung und Technologie (BMFT), Bonn (Germany)DEGerman

    Ética na publicidade e propaganda: a visão do executivo de agências de comunicação do Rio Grande do Sul

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    O marketing, enquanto área da Administração, inclui a propaganda, ferramenta que tem sido alvo de constantes questionamentos éticos de parte da sociedade. Apesar de existir no âmbito brasileiro e mundial um grande número de estudos focados nos efeitos da propaganda sobre o consumidor, o mesmo não pode ser dito quando se trata de analisar a relação entre ética e atuação das agências de comunicação e, por via midiática, com a sociedade em geral. Inserido nessa lacuna, o presente estudo visa elucidar quais valores estão subjacentes aos posicionamentos adotados pelos executivos de agências de comunicação situadas na Região Metropolitana de Porto Alegre/RS no que tange aos valores que fundam o vínculo entre agência, patrocinadores e a própria sociedade. Nesse intuito, foram realizadas entrevistas em profundidade com executivos de agências de comunicação; posteriormente, os textos foram transcritos e analisados através de mapas de associação de ideias. Como resultados, verificou-se a existência de certo "vazio ético". Assim, embora reconheçam a indissociabilidade entre vida ética no trabalho e na vida pessoal, há contradições. Não obstante, identificaram-se profissionais que, apesar das tensões advindas deste cenário, decidem corajosamente fazer valer posições que ratificam, mesmo em situações-limite, a impossibilidade de conceder face a um critério essencial para a ética: o respeito, principalmente, pela pessoa; isto é, a alteridade