328 research outputs found

    Separation of variables and the XXZ Gaudin magnet

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    In this work we generalise previous results connecting (rational) Gaudin magnet models and classical separation of variables. It is shown that the connection persists for the case of linear r-matrix algebra which corresponds to the trigonometric 4x4 r-matrix (of the XXZ type). We comment also on the corresponding problem for the elliptic (XYZ) r-matrix. A prescription for obtaining integrable systems associated with multiple poles of an L-operator is given.Comment: 11 pages, AMS-Te

    Path Integral Approach for Superintegrable Potentials on Spaces of Non-constant Curvature: II. Darboux Spaces DIII and DIV

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    This is the second paper on the path integral approach of superintegrable systems on Darboux spaces, spaces of non-constant curvature. We analyze in the spaces \DIII and \DIV five respectively four superintegrable potentials, which were first given by Kalnins et al. We are able to evaluate the path integral in most of the separating coordinate systems, leading to expressions for the Green functions, the discrete and continuous wave-functions, and the discrete energy-spectra. In some cases, however, the discrete spectrum cannot be stated explicitly, because it is determined by a higher order polynomial equation. We show that also the free motion in Darboux space of type III can contain bound states, provided the boundary conditions are appropriate. We state the energy spectrum and the wave-functions, respectively

    Third order superintegrable systems separating in polar coordinates

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    A complete classification is presented of quantum and classical superintegrable systems in E2E_2 that allow the separation of variables in polar coordinates and admit an additional integral of motion of order three in the momentum. New quantum superintegrable systems are discovered for which the potential is expressed in terms of the sixth Painlev\'e transcendent or in terms of the Weierstrass elliptic function

    Families of classical subgroup separable superintegrable systems

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    We describe a method for determining a complete set of integrals for a classical Hamiltonian that separates in orthogonal subgroup coordinates. As examples, we use it to determine complete sets of integrals, polynomial in the momenta, for some families of generalized oscillator and Kepler-Coulomb systems, hence demonstrating their superintegrability. The latter generalizes recent results of Verrier and Evans, and Rodriguez, Tempesta and Winternitz. Another example is given of a superintegrable system on a non-conformally flat space.Comment: 9 page

    Quantum superintegrability and exact solvability in N dimensions

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    A family of maximally superintegrable systems containing the Coulomb atom as a special case is constructed in N-dimensional Euclidean space. Two different sets of N commuting second order operators are found, overlapping in the Hamiltonian alone. The system is separable in several coordinate systems and is shown to be exactly solvable. It is solved in terms of classical orthogonal polynomials. The Hamiltonian and N further operators are shown to lie in the enveloping algebra of a hidden affine Lie algebra

    Two-dimensional superintegrable metrics with one linear and one cubic integral

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    We describe all local Riemannian metrics on surfaces whose geodesic flows are superintegrable with one integral linear in momenta and one integral cubic in momenta. We also show that some of these metrics can be extended to the 2-sphere. This gives us new examples of Hamiltonian systems on the sphere with integrals of degree three in momenta, and the first examples of superintegrable metrics of nonconstant curvature on a closed surfaceComment: 35 page

    On the superintegrability of the rational Ruijsenaars-Schneider model

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    The rational and hyperbolic Ruijsenaars-Schneider models and their non-relativistic limits are maximally superintegrable since they admit action variables with globally well-defined canonical conjugates. In the case of the rational Ruijsenaars-Schneider model we present an alternative proof of the superintegrability by explicitly exhibiting extra conserved quantities relying on a generalization of the construction of Wojciechowski for the rational Calogero model.Comment: added 2 references and some comments in v2, 10 page

    On two superintegrable nonlinear oscillators in N dimensions

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    We consider the classical superintegrable Hamiltonian system given by H=T+U=p2/2(1+λq2)+ω2q2/2(1+λq2)H=T+U={p^2}/{2(1+\lambda q^2)}+{{\omega}^2 q^2}/{2(1+\lambda q^2)}, where U is known to be the "intrinsic" oscillator potential on the Darboux spaces of nonconstant curvature determined by the kinetic energy term T and parametrized by {\lambda}. We show that H is Stackel equivalent to the free Euclidean motion, a fact that directly provides a curved Fradkin tensor of constants of motion for H. Furthermore, we analyze in terms of {\lambda} the three different underlying manifolds whose geodesic motion is provided by T. As a consequence, we find that H comprises three different nonlinear physical models that, by constructing their radial effective potentials, are shown to be two different nonlinear oscillators and an infinite barrier potential. The quantization of these two oscillators and its connection with spherical confinement models is briefly discussed.Comment: 11 pages; based on the contribution to the Manolo Gadella Fest-60 years-in-pucelandia, "Recent advances in time-asymmetric quantum mechanics, quantization and related topics" hold in Valladolid (Spain), 14-16th july 201

    An infinite family of superintegrable systems from higher order ladder operators and supersymmetry

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    We will discuss how we can obtain new quantum superintegrable Hamiltonians allowing the separation of variables in Cartesian coordinates with higher order integrals of motion from ladder operators. We will discuss also how higher order supersymmetric quantum mechanics can be used to obtain systems with higher order ladder operators and their polynomial Heisenberg algebra. We will present a new family of superintegrable systems involving the fifth Painleve transcendent which possess fourth order ladder operators constructed from second order supersymmetric quantum mechanics. We present the polynomial algebra of this family of superintegrable systems.Comment: 8 pages, presented at ICGTMP 28, accepted for j.conf.serie

    Universal integrals for superintegrable systems on N-dimensional spaces of constant curvature

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    An infinite family of classical superintegrable Hamiltonians defined on the N-dimensional spherical, Euclidean and hyperbolic spaces are shown to have a common set of (2N-3) functionally independent constants of the motion. Among them, two different subsets of N integrals in involution (including the Hamiltonian) can always be explicitly identified. As particular cases, we recover in a straightforward way most of the superintegrability properties of the Smorodinsky-Winternitz and generalized Kepler-Coulomb systems on spaces of constant curvature and we introduce as well new classes of (quasi-maximally) superintegrable potentials on these spaces. Results here presented are a consequence of the sl(2) Poisson coalgebra symmetry of all the Hamiltonians, together with an appropriate use of the phase spaces associated to Poincare and Beltrami coordinates.Comment: 12 page
