347 research outputs found

    Superintegrability and higher order polynomial algebras II

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    In an earlier article, we presented a method to obtain integrals of motion and polynomial algebras for a class of two-dimensional superintegrable systems from creation and annihilation operators. We discuss the general case and present its polynomial algebra. We will show how this polynomial algebra can be directly realized as a deformed oscillator algebra. This particular algebraic structure allows to find the unitary representations and the corresponding energy spectrum. We apply this construction to a family of caged anisotropic oscillators. The method can be used to generate new superintegrable systems with higher order integrals. We obtain new superintegrable systems involving the fourth Painleve transcendent and present their integrals of motion and polynomial algebras.Comment: 11 page

    Hyperspherical Harmonics, Separation of Variables and the Bethe Ansatz

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    The relation between solutions to Helmholtz's equation on the sphere Sn1S^{n-1} and the [{\gr sl}(2)]^n Gaudin spin chain is clarified. The joint eigenfuctions of the Laplacian and a complete set of commuting second order operators suggested by the RR--matrix approach to integrable systems, based on the loop algebra \wt{sl}(2)_R, are found in terms of homogeneous polynomials in the ambient space. The relation of this method of determining a basis of harmonic functions on Sn1S^{n-1} to the Bethe ansatz approach to integrable systems is explained.Comment: 14 pgs, Plain Tex, preprint CRM--2174 (May, 1994

    An infinite family of superintegrable systems from higher order ladder operators and supersymmetry

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    We will discuss how we can obtain new quantum superintegrable Hamiltonians allowing the separation of variables in Cartesian coordinates with higher order integrals of motion from ladder operators. We will discuss also how higher order supersymmetric quantum mechanics can be used to obtain systems with higher order ladder operators and their polynomial Heisenberg algebra. We will present a new family of superintegrable systems involving the fifth Painleve transcendent which possess fourth order ladder operators constructed from second order supersymmetric quantum mechanics. We present the polynomial algebra of this family of superintegrable systems.Comment: 8 pages, presented at ICGTMP 28, accepted for j.conf.serie

    Classical ladder operators, polynomial Poisson algebras and classification of superintegrable systems

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    We recall results concerning one-dimensional classical and quantum systems with ladder operators. We obtain the most general one-dimensional classical systems respectively with a third and a fourth order ladder operators satisfying polynomial Heisenberg algebras. These systems are written in terms of the solutions of quartic and quintic equations. We use these results to present two new families of superintegrable systems and examples of trajectories that are deformed Lissajous's figures.Comment: 18 page

    Families of superintegrable Hamiltonians constructed from exceptional polynomials

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    We introduce a family of exactly-solvable two-dimensional Hamiltonians whose wave functions are given in terms of Laguerre and exceptional Jacobi polynomials. The Hamiltonians contain purely quantum terms which vanish in the classical limit leaving only a previously known family of superintegrable systems. Additional, higher-order integrals of motion are constructed from ladder operators for the considered orthogonal polynomials proving the quantum system to be superintegrable

    New solutions of Heun general equation

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    We show that in four particular cases the derivative of the solution of Heun general equation can be expressed in terms of a solution to another Heun equation. Starting from this property, we use the Gauss hypergeometric functions to construct series solutions to Heun equation for the mentioned cases. Each of the hypergeometric functions involved has correct singular behavior at only one of the singular points of the equation; the sum, however, has correct behavior

    Exact and quasiexact solvability of second-order superintegrable quantum systems: I. Euclidean space preliminaries

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    We show that second-order superintegrable systems in two-dimensional and three-dimensional Euclidean space generate both exactly solvable (ES) and quasiexactly solvable (QES) problems in quantum mechanics via separation of variables, and demonstrate the increased insight into the structure of such problems provided by superintegrability. A principal advantage of our analysis using nondegenerate superintegrable systems is that they are multiseparable. Most past separation of variables treatments of QES problems via partial differential equations have only incorporated separability, not multiseparability. Also, we propose another definition of ES and QES. The quantum mechanical problem is called ES if the solution of Schrödinger equation can be expressed in terms of hypergeometric functions mFn and is QES if the Schrödinger equation admits polynomial solutions with coefficients necessarily satisfying a three-term or higher order of recurrence relations. In three dimensions we give an example of a system that is QES in one set of separable coordinates, but is not ES in any other separable coordinates. This example encompasses Ushveridze's tenth-order polynomial QES problem in one set of separable coordinates and also leads to a fourth-order polynomial QES problem in another separable coordinate set

    On the Path Integral in Imaginary Lobachevsky Space

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    The path integral on the single-sheeted hyperboloid, i.e.\ in DD-dimensional imaginary Lobachevsky space, is evaluated. A potential problem which we call ``Kepler-problem'', and the case of a constant magnetic field are also discussed.Comment: 16 pages, LATEX, DESY 93-14