26 research outputs found

    Pituitary tumor transforming gene: An important gene in normal cellular functions and tumorigenesis

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    Pituitary tumor transforming gene (PTTG) is an oncogene which is found to be highly expressed in proliferating cells and in most of the tumors analyzed to date. Overexpression of PTTG induces cellular transformation and promotes tumor development in nude mice. PTTG is regulated by various growth factors including insulin and IGF-1. PTTG is a multifunctional and multidomain protein. Some of the functions of PTTG include inhibition of separation of sister chromatids, expression and secretion of angiogenic and metastatic factors. In this review we focus on expression of PTTG in normal and tumor tissues, define its biological function, its role in tumorigenesis, and its interaction with other proteins that may play important role in mediating tumorigenic function of PTTG

    PTTG and cancer

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    Pituitary tumor transforming gene (pttg) is a recently isolated oncogene that is expressed in most of the tumors. Overexpression of pttg results in an increase in cell proliferation, induces cell transformation in vitro, and promotes tumor formation in nude mice. The gene encodes a protein of 202 amino acids with no significant homology with other known proteins. The protein is a multi domain consisting of a transactivation domain, domain required for ubiquitin-mediated proteolysis and a DNA binding domain. pttg protein is bestowed with a multitude of functions and seems to be involved in most of the important mechanisms of cell proliferation, differentiation and signaling. Given the number of processes that are involved in the manifestation of cancer, it thus becomes mandatory to study the role of this potent oncogene in relation to the processes of cell survival, death and functioning

    The role of cancer stem cells and the side population in epithelial ovarian cancer

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    Ovarian cancer is the most lethal cancer of the female reproductive tract, accounting for ~15,000 deaths per year according to the National Cancer Institute and American Cancer Society. This review article covers risk factors for the development of ovarian cancer, current detection strategies, prognostic markers, treatment strategies, etiology of tumorigenesis, and ovarian somatic stem cells. While the etiology of ovarian cancer is still unknown, several theories have been proposed as the mechanism of carcinogenesis. One theory states that the surface epithelium undergoing invagination and forming inclusion cysts that are exposed to growth factors and cytokines. The “gonadotropin theory” has also been proposed. Other reigning models for tumorigenesis include the stochastical model where a distinct population of cells acquires somatic mutations leading to metastasis, and the hierarchical model where the tumor is initiated by cancer stem cells (CSCs). CSCs isolated from primary tumors have the ability to regenerate the tumor and reconstitute the original tumor phenotype with as few as 100 cells. CSCs from ovarian carcinomas display the cell surface markers CD44+CD117+CD133+. CSCs are also thought to account for chemotherapy resistance through the expression of highly selective transporters ABCG2 and MDR1 and activation of TLR4/MyD88. The side population has been characterized by their ability to efflux lipophilic substrates, including the dye Hoechst 33342 and many chemotherapy agents. This ability has been attributed to the expression of the transporters ABCG2 and MDR1

    Identification of gene networks modulated by activin in LßT2 cells using DNA microarray analysis

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    Activins, members of the TGFß family of proteins, are widely expressed in a variety of tissues. First identified based on their ability to regulate biosynthesis and secretion of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), activins have also been shown to modulate development, cell growth, apoptosis, and inflammation. Despite their many known functions, the precise mechanisms and downstream signaling pathways by which activins mediate their diverse effects remain unknown. We have used a DNA microarray assay to identify genes that are regulated by activin, alone or in combination with gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH), another major regulator of FSH, in a murine gonadotrope-derived cell line (LßT2). We used mRNA from these cells to screen Affymetrix Mu74av2 mouse Gene Chip oligonucleotide microarrays, representing approximately 12,400 mouse genes. Treatment of LßT2 cells with activin A, a gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonist (GnRHA) or activin A plus GnRHA resulted in alterations in levels of gene expression that ranged in magnitude from 15 to 67-fold. Data analysis identified 268 transcripts that were up- or down-regulated by twofold or more. Distinct sets of genes were affected by treatment with activin, GnRHA and activin plus GnRHA, suggesting interactions between activin and GnRHA. Changes in expression of seven randomly selected representative genes identified by the microarray technique were confirmed by real-time quantitative PCR and semi-quantitative reverse transcription/PCR (RT/PCR). Modulation of expression of genes by activin suggests that activin may mediate its effects through a variety of signaling pathways

    MicroRNA-21 Controls Circadian Regulation of Apoptosis in Atherosclerotic Lesions

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    Background: The necrotic core partly formed by ineffective efferocytosis increases the risk of an atherosclerotic plaque rupture. Microribonucleic acids contribute to necrotic core formation by regulating efferocytosis and macrophage apoptosis. Atherosclerotic plaque rupture occurs at increased frequency in the early morning, indicating diurnal changes in plaque vulnerability. Although circadian rhythms play a role in atherosclerosis, the molecular clock output pathways that control plaque composition and rupture susceptibility are unclear. Methods: Circadian gene expression, necrotic core size, apoptosis, and efferocytosis in aortic lesions were investigated at different times of the day in Apoe(-/-)Mir21(+/+) mice and Apoe(-/-)Mir21(-/-) mice after consumption of a high-fat diet for 12 weeks. Genome-wide gene expression and lesion formation were analyzed in bone marrow-transplanted mice. Diurnal changes in apoptosis and clock gene expression were determined in human atherosclerotic lesions. Results: The expression of molecular clock genes, lesional apoptosis, and necrotic core size were diurnally regulated in Apoe(-/-) mice. Efferocytosis did not match the diurnal increase in apoptosis at the beginning of the active phase. However, in parallel with apoptosis, expression levels of oscillating Mir21 strands decreased in the mouse atherosclerotic aorta. Mir21 knockout abolished circadian regulation of apoptosis and reduced necrotic core size but did not affect core clock gene expression. Further, Mir21 knockout upregulated expression of proapoptotic Xaf1 (XIAP-associated factor 1) in the atherosclerotic aorta, which abolished circadian expression of Xaf1. The antiapoptotic effect of Mir21 was mediated by noncanonical targeting of Xaf1 through both Mir21 strands. Mir21 knockout in bone marrow cells also reduced atherosclerosis and necrotic core size. Circadian regulation of clock gene expression was confirmed in human atherosclerotic lesions. Apoptosis oscillated diurnally in phase with XAF1 expression, demonstrating an early morning peak antiphase to that of the Mir21 strands. Conclusions: Our findings suggest that the molecular clock in atherosclerotic lesions induces a diurnal rhythm of apoptosis regulated by circadian Mir21 expression in macrophages that is not matched by efferocytosis, thus increasing the size of the necrotic core