13 research outputs found

    Hemlock (Conium Maculatum) Poisoning In A Child

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    SUMMARYPoison hemlock (Conium maculatum) is a plant that is poisonous for humans and animals. Accidental ingestion of the plant may result in central nervous system depression, respiratory failure, acute rhabdomyolysis, acute renal failure and even death. The main treatment of hemlock poisoning is supportive care. The case of a 6-year-old girl who was admitted to the emergency department with complaints of burning sensation in mouth, hypersalivation, tremor in hands and ataxia after ingestion of poison hemlock is presented here with clinical and laboratory features. In this case, we aim to report that accidental ingestion of plants resembling vegetables that are consumed daily can lead to serious complications and even death

    Acquired methemoglobinemia after application of prilocaine

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    Prilokain, pek çok alanda kullanılan lokal anestetik bir ajandır, ancak hayatı tehdit edebilen bir yan etki olan methemoglobinemiye neden olabilmektedir. Methemoglobinin O2 taşıma kapasitesi düşüktür ve doku düzeyinde hipoksiye neden olabilir. Sünnet operasyonundan iki saat sonra ağız bölgesinde, ellerinde ve ayak parmaklarında morarma yakınması ile acil servise başvuran 54 günlük bebeğin fizik muayenesinde mevcut durumu açıklayacak patoloji saptanmadı. Oksijen tedavisine yanıtsız olan hasta yoğun bakım ünitesine alındı. Sünnet işlemi öncesi 2 mg/kg prilokain yapıldığı öğrenilen, oksijen tedavisine rağmen satürasyon değerleri düşük seyreden ve kan gazı incelemesinde methemoglobin düzeyi %24,7 saptanan hastaya methemoglobinemi tanısı konuldu. Hastaya 300 mg/kg/doz askorbik asit başlandı ve 24 saatlik izlem sonrası şifa ile taburcu edildi. Cerrahi girişim sonrasında siyanoz gelişen ve SaO2 ile pO2 değerleri arasında uyumsuzluk saptanan hastalarda methemoglobinemi düşünülmeli ve gelişebilecek problemler açısından tam donanımlı çocuk yoğun bakım ünitelerinde izlenmelidirler.Prilocaine is a local anesthetic agent and is widely used in most of ambulatory procedures, but it can cause methemoglobinemia which is a life-threatening condition. Methemoglobinemia may cause hypoxia of tissue because methemoglobin has less oxygen carrying capability than hemoglobin. A 54-dayold boy who developed cyanosis around his mouth, on his hands and toes two hours after the circumcision operation was admitted to the emergency department. No abnormality was established on his physical examination except for cyanosis. Cyanosis did not improve with oxygen administration and the patient was admitted to intensive care unit. His history revealed that prilocaine hydrochloride (2 mg/ kg) was administered subcutaneously as local anesthesia prior to circumcision operation. Diagnosis of methemoglobinemia was established in the patient in whom saturation levels were low in spite of the oxygen therapy and in whom methemoglobinemia level was 24.7%. His cyanosis completely disappeared after administration of intravenous ascorbic acid (300 mg/kg/dose) and he was discharged after a 24-hour follow-up period with recovery. Methemoglobinemia should be considered in cases with cyanosis and inconsistency between oxygen saturation and partial arterial oxygen pressure. These cases should be monitored in pediatric intensive care units for lethal complications

    Prune-Belly Sendromlu Bir Olguda Erken Prenatal Girişim ile Başarılı Tedavi

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    Prune-Belly Syndrome (PBS) is a congenital disorder characterized by abdominal wall musculature deficiency, urinary tract anomalies and bilateral cryptorchidism. Urinary tract disease is the most important prognostic factor with the complications of pulmonary hypoplasia and end stage renal disease resulting in a mortality rate of 60%. Although the mode of inheritance of PBS is unclear, it has been hypothesized that PBS has a genetic basis. in the antenatal period relieving urinary tract obstruction can improve the survival rate of patients with PBS. We report a neonate with familial prune-belly syndrome who was applied vesico-amniotic shunt and so was affected slightlyPrune-Belly Sendromu (PBS) abdominal kasların hipoplazisi, üriner system anomalileri ve bilateral inmemiş testis ile karakterize konjenital bir hastalıktır. Üriner sistem tutulumu %60 mortaliteye sahip olan son dönem böbrek hastalığı ve pulmoner hipoplazi komplikasyonları ile en önemli prognostik faktördür. PBS'nin kalıtım şekli bilinmemesine rağmen, hastalığın bir genetik temeli olduğu düşünülmektedir. Antenatal dönemde üriner sistemdeki obstrüksiyonun giderilmesi hastaların yaşam şansını arttırmaktadır. Biz prenatal dönemde vezikoamniyotik şant uygulanan ve böylece az etkilenen ailesel bir PBS olgusu sundu

    The effect of topical ointment on neonatal sepsis in preterm infants

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    Objective: To investigate the effects of topical ointment therapy on neonatal sepsis in premature infants

    Neuronal apoptosis in the neonates born to preeclamptic mothers

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    Objective: Preeclampsia may result in uteroplacental insufficiency and chronic intrauterine fetal distress. The aim of this study is to address this issue investigating neuronal apoptosis in an experimental model of preeclampsia and to evaluate the neurological outcome of the perinatal asphyxia in the neonates born to preeclamptic mother