3,086 research outputs found

    Analysis of blink dynamics in patients with blepharoptosis

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    Owing to the rapid movements of the human upper eyelid, a high-speed camera was used to record and characterize voluntary blinking and the blink dynamics of blepharoptosis patients were compared to a control group. Twenty-six blepharoptosis patients prior to surgery and 45 control subjects were studied and the vertical height of the palpebral aperture (PA) was measured manually at 2 ms intervals during each blink cycle. The PA and blinking speed were plotted with respect to time and a predictive model was generated. The blink dynamic was analysed in closing and opening phases, and revealed a reduced speed of the initial opening phase in ptotic patients, suggesting intrinsic muscle function change in ptosis pathogenesis. The PA versus time curve for each subject was reconstructed using custom-built parameters; however, there were significant differences between the two groups. Those parameters used included the rate of closure, the delay between opening and closing, rate of initial opening, rate of slow opening (nonlinear function) and the 'switch point' between those two rates of opening. The model was tested against a new group of subjects and was able to discriminate ptosis patients from controls with 80% accuracy

    Supersymmetry enhancement by monopole operators

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    We describe a method which allows one to study hidden symmetries in a large class of strongly coupled supersymmetric gauge theories in three dimensions. We apply this method to the ABJM theory and to the infrared limit of N=4 SQCD with adjoint and fundamental matter. We show that the U(N) ABJM model with Chern-Simons level k=1 or k=2 has hidden N=8 supersymmetry. Hidden supersymmetry is also shown to occur in N=4 d=3 SQCD with one fundamental and one adjoint hypermultiplet. The latter theory, as well as the U(N) ABJM theory at k=1, are shown to have a decoupled free sector. This provides evidence that both models are dual to the infrared limit of N=8 U(N) super-Yang-Mills theory.Comment: 29 pages, late

    Characterisation of Pseudomonas aeruginosa related to bovine mastitis

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    Pseudomonas aeruginosa is one of the causative pathogens of bovine mastitis. Most P. aeruginosa strains possess the type III secretion system (TTSS), which may increase somatic cell counts (SCCs) in milk from mastitis-affected cows. Moreover, most of P. aeruginosa cells can form biofilms, thereby reducing antibiotic efficacy. In this study, the presence and effect of TTSS-related genotypes on increase of SCCs among 122 P. aeruginosa isolates obtained from raw milk samples from mastitis-affected cows and their antibiotic susceptibility at planktonic and biofilm status were investigated. Based on the presence of TTSS-related genes a total of 82.7% of the isolates were found to harbour exoU and/or exoS genes, including the invasive (exoU-/exoS+, 69.4%), cytotoxic (exoU+/exoS-, 8.3%) and cytotoxic/invasive strains (exoU+/ exoS+, 5.0%). Milk containing exoS-positive isolates had higher SCCs than those containing exoS-negative isolates. The majority of isolates showed gentamicin, amikacin, meropenem and ciprofloxacin susceptibility at planktonic status. However, the susceptibility was decreased at the biofilm status. Based on minimum biofilm eradication concentration (MBEC)/minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) ratios, the range of change in antibiotic susceptibility varied widely depending on the antibiotics (from ≥ 3.1-fold to ≥ 475.0-fold). In conclusion, most P. aeruginosa isolates studied here had a genotype related to increase in SCCs. The efficiency of antibiotic therapy against P. aeruginosa-related bovine mastitis could be improved by analysing both the MBEC and the MIC of isolates

    The 3D printing of freestanding PLLA thin layers and improving first layer consistency through the introduction of sacrificial PVA

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    Fused filament fabrication (FFF) is an inexpensive way of producing objects through a programmed layer-by-layer deposition. For multi-layer, macro-scaled prints, acceptable printing is achieved provided, amongst other factors, first layer adhesion is sufficient to fix a part to the surface during printing. However, in the deposition of structures with a single or few layers, first layer consistency is significantly more important and is an issue that has been previously overlooked. As layer-to-bed adhesion is prioritised in first layer printing, thin layer structures are difficult to remove without damage. The deposition of controllable thin structures has potential in tissue engineering through the use of bioactive filaments and incorporation of microfeatures into complex, patient-specific scaffolds. This paper presents techniques to progress the deposition of thin, reproducible structures. The linear thickness variation of 3D-printed single PVA and PLLA layers is presented as a function of extrusion factor and the programmed vertical distance moved by the nozzle between layers (the layer separation). A sacrificial PVA layer is shown to significantly improve first layer consistency, reducing the onus on fine printer calibration in the deposition of single layers. In this way, the linear variation in printed single PLLA layers with bed deviation is drastically reduced. Further, this technique is used to demonstrate the printing of freestanding thin layers of ~25 µm in thickness.</jats:p

    An mRNA-specific tRNAi carrier eIF2A plays a pivotal role in cell proliferation under stress conditions: Stress-resistant translation of c-Src mRNA is mediated by eIF2A

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    c-Src, a non-receptor protein tyrosine kinase, activates NF-��B and STAT3, which in turn triggers the transcription of anti-apoptosis- and cell cycle-related genes. c-Src protein regulates cell proliferation, cell motility and programmed cell death. And the elevated level of activated c-Src protein is related with solid tumor generation. Translation of c-Src mRNA is directed by an IRES element which mediates persistent translation under stress conditions when translation of most mRNAs is inhibited by a phosphorylation of the alpha subunit of eIF2 carrying the initiator tRNA (tRNAi) to 40S ribosomal subunit under normal conditions. The molecular basis of the stress-resistant translation of c-Src mRNA remained to be elucidated. Here, we report that eIF2A, an alternative tRNAi carrier, is responsible for the stress-resistant translation of c-Src mRNA. eIF2A facilitates tRNAi loading onto the 40S ribosomal subunit in a c-Src mRNAdependent manner. And a direct interaction between eIF2A and a stem-loop structure (SL I) in the c-Src IRES is required for the c-Src IRES-dependent translation under stress conditions but not under normal conditions. Finally, we showed that the eIF2Adependent translation of c-Src mRNA plays a pivotal role in cell proliferation under stress conditions. ? The Author(s) 2016.115sciescopu

    The bent conformation of poly(A)-binding protein induced by RNA-binding is required for its translational activation function

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    A recent study revealed that poly(A)-binding protein (PABP) bound to poly(A) RNA exhibits a sharply bent configuration at the linker region between RNA-recognition motif 2 (RRM2) and RRM3, whereas free PABP exhibits a highly flexible linear configuration. However, the physiological role of the bent structure of mRNA-bound PABP remains unknown. We investigated a role of the bent structure of PABP by constructing a PABP variant that fails to form the poly(A)-dependent bent structure but maintains its poly (A)-binding activity. We found that the bent structure of PABP/poly(A) complex is required for PABP&apos;s efficient interaction with eIF4G and eIF4G/eIF4E complex. Moreover, the mutant PABP had compromised translation activation function and failed to augment the formation of 80S translation initiation complex in an in vitro translation system. These results suggest that the bent conformation of PABP, which is induced by the interaction with 30 poly(A) tail, mediates poly(A)-dependent translation by facilitating the interaction with eIF4G and the eIF4G/eIF4E complex. The preferential binding of the eIF4G/eIF4E complex to the bent PABP/poly(A) complex seems to be a mechanism discriminating the mRNA-bound PABPs participating in translation from the idling mRNA-unbound PABPs.111Ysciescopu

    eIF2A, an initiator tRNA carrier refractory to eIF2 kinases, functions synergistically with eIF5B

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    The initiator tRNA (Met-tRNA(i)(Met)) at the P site of the small ribosomal subunit plays an important role in the recognition of an mRNA start codon. In bacteria, the initiator tRNA carrier, IF2, facilitates the positioning of Met-tRNAiMet on the small ribosomal subunit. Eukarya contain the Met-tRNAiMet carrier, eIF2 (unrelated to IF2), whose carrier activity is inhibited under stress conditions by the phosphorylation of its -subunit by stress-activated eIF2 kinases. The stress-resistant initiator tRNA carrier, eIF2A, was recently uncovered and shown to load Met-tRNAiMet on the 40S ribosomal subunit associated with a stress-resistant mRNA under stress conditions. Here, we report that eIF2A interacts and functionally cooperates with eIF5B (a homolog of IF2), and we describe the functional domains of eIF2A that are required for its binding of Met-tRNAiMet, eIF5B, and a stress-resistant mRNA. The results indicate that the eukaryotic eIF5B-eIF2A complex functionally mimics the bacterial IF2 containing ribosome-, GTP-, and initiator tRNA-binding domains in a single polypeptide.112Ysciescopu