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    Roles for retrotransposon insertions in human disease

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    Dissecting the mechanisms underlying old male mating advantage in a butterfly

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    Selection is expected to maximize an individual’s own genetic reward regardless of the potential fitness consequences for its sexual partners, which may cause sexual conflict. Although performance in holometabolous insects typically diminishes with age, old male mating advantage has been documented in a few species. Whether this pattern arises from female preference for older males based on, e.g., pheromone blends (intersexual selection), or from increased eagerness to mate in older compared to younger males is currently debated. We explore the mechanistic basis of old male mating advantage, using a series of experiments including behavioral as well as manipulative approaches, in the tropical butterfly Bicyclus anynana. Consistent with the residual reproductive value hypothesis, old male mating advantage was associated with a greater eagerness to mate, evidenced by a two times higher flying and courting activity in older than in younger males. In contrast, we found only limited support for a contribution of female preference for older males based on pheromone composition, although male sex pheromones clearly do play a role in mating success. Our results suggest that male behavior may play a primary role in old male mating advantage, and that pheromones are likely of secondary importance only. Male mating success was related to higher overall pheromone titers rather than variation in a single component. A dominant importance of male behavior in determining mating success may result in sexual conflict


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    Basal bodies comprise nine symmetric triplet microtubules that anchor forces produced by the asymmetric beat pattern of motile cilia. The ciliopathy protein Poc1 stabilizes basal bodies through an unknown mechanism. In poc1∆ cells, electron tomography reveals subtle defects in the organization of intertriplet linkers (A-C linkers) that connect adjacent triplet microtubules. Complete triplet microtubules are lost preferentially near the posterior face of the basal body. Basal bodies that are missing triplets likely remain competent to assemble new basal bodies with nine triplet microtubules, suggesting that the mother basal body microtubule structure does not template the daughter. Our data indicate that Poc1 stabilizes basal body triplet microtubules through linkers between neighboring triplets. Without this stabilization, specific triplet microtubules within the basal body are more susceptible to loss, probably due to force distribution within the basal body during ciliary beating. This work provides insights into how the ciliopathy protein Poc1 maintains basal body integrity