11 research outputs found

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    Teores de Ca e variáveis meteorológicas: relações com a incidência da mancha fisiológica do mamão no Norte Fluminense Ca concetration and meteorological variables: relationships with skin freckles in papaya (Carica papaya L.) fruits

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    No Brasil e no mundo, o mamoeiro (Carica papaya L.) tem apresentado um distúrbio fisiológico no fruto denominado de Mancha Fisiológica do Mamão (MFM). Na literatura, pouco se conhece sobre as causas desta anomalia que afeta sensivelmente a comercialização dos frutos da espécie. Com o objetivo de se buscar informações relacionadas às causas da MFM, foi realizado um estudo, durante um ano, em um plantio comercial localizado em São Franscisco do Itabapoana (RJ), no norte fluminense. Foram feitas relações entre algumas variáveis do clima (temperatura, déficit de pressão de vapor, precipitação pluvial e radiação solar global) e os teores de Ca na planta [limbo, pecíolo, pedúnculo, epicarpo não-exposto (face do fruto próxima ao tronco) e epicarpo exposto (face do fruto oposta ao tronco)] com a incidência da MFM. Observou-se que a maior incidência de MFM foi durante setembro/2000. Em janeiro/2001, a incidência da MFM foi praticamente nula. A amplitude térmica, nos três meses que antecederam a setembro/2000, foi a variável do clima que mais se relacionou com a incidência da MFM. Em setembro, os teores de Ca em todas as partes do fruto (pedúnculo, epicarpo exposto e não-exposto) estudadas foram maiores. Na época que antecedeu o mês de setembro, as relações Ca/K e Ca/Mg foram estatisticamente maiores no epicarpo exposto e não-exposto e, nesta época, a relação Ca/P foi estatisticamente maior no pedúnculo e no epicarpo não-exposto. Os efeitos da amplitude térmica sobre a incidência da MFM são discutidos e a hipótese de que os teores baixos de Ca no fruto poderiam causar desestabilização na parede celular, o que facilitaria o extravasamento do látex e provocaria a MFM, deve ser reavaliada.<br>In Brazil and other parts of the world, papaya fruit suffer with a physiological disruption, known as skin freckles (SF). There is very little information available concerning the causes of this disruption that seriously affects the commercialization of the papaya fruit. In an attempt to discover the possible cause of SF, experiments were carried out during 12 months in a commercial plantation located in São Franscisco do Itabapoana, North of Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil, to measure the effect of climate on SF, such as air temperature, air vapor pressure deficit, rainfall and incoming solar radiation, as well as levels of Ca in the plants [blade, petiole, pedicel, epicarp (peel) not-exposed to sunlight (part of the fruit facing the stem) and the part o the fruit exposed to direct sunlight, related to the incidence of SF. A high incidence of SF was observed during the month of September 2000, however during the month of January 2001 no SF was detected. Thermal temperature during the three months before September was the variable that was most closely correlated to the incidence of SF. In September the levels of Ca in all parts of the fruit (exposed and non-exposed epicarp and pedicel) were higher than during other periods of evaluation. During the period before September, the ratios of Ca:K and Ca:Mg were higher in the exposed and non-exposed epicarp. Also at this time the ratio of Ca:P were higher in the non-exposed epicarp and pedicel. The effect of thermal amplitude on the incidence of SF are discussed and the hypothesis that low levels of Ca in the fruit could destabilize the cell walls, facilitating leaking of latex, provoking the symptoms of SF, will be reevaluated

    The mental representation of the magnitude of symbolic and nonsymbolic ratios in adults

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    This study mainly investigated the specificity of the processing of fraction magnitudes. Adults performed a magnitude-estimation task on fractions, the ratios of collections of dots, and the ratios of surface areas. Their performance on fractions was directly compared with that on nonsymbolic ratios. At odds with the hypothesis that the symbolic notation impedes the processing of the ratio magnitudes, the estimates were less variable and more accurate for fractions than for nonsymbolic ratios. This indicates that the symbolic notation activated a more precise mental representation than did the nonsymbolic ratios. This study also showed, for both fractions and the ratios of dot collections, that the larger the components the less precise the mental representation of the magnitude of the ratio. This effect suggests that the mental representation of the magnitude of the ratio was activated from the mental representation of the magnitude of the components and the processing of their numerical relation (indirect access). Finally, because most previous studies of fractions have used a numerical comparison task, we tested whether the mental representation of magnitude activated in the fraction-estimation task could also underlie performance in the fraction-comparison task. The subjective distance between the fractions to be compared was computed from the mean and the variability of the estimates. This distance was the best predictor of the time taken to compare the fractions, suggesting that the same approximate mental representation of the magnitude was activated in both tasks

    Ways to Generate Monosort Functionalized Polyolefin Surfaces

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