677 research outputs found

    Classification of irreps and invariants of the N-extended Supersymmetric Quantum Mechanics

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    We present an algorithmic classification of the irreps of the NN-extended one-dimensional supersymmetry algebra linearly realized on a finite number of fields. Our work is based on the 1-to-1 \cite{pt} correspondence between Weyl-type Clifford algebras (whose irreps are fully classified) and classes of irreps of the NN-extended 1D supersymmetry. The complete classification of irreps is presented up to N10N\leq 10. The fields of an irrep are accommodated in ll different spin states. N=10 is the minimal value admitting length l>4l>4 irreps. The classification of length-4 irreps of the N=12 and {\em real} N=11 extended supersymmetries is also explicitly presented.\par Tensoring irreps allows us to systematically construct manifestly (NN-extended) supersymmetric multi-linear invariants {\em without} introducing a superspace formalism. Multi-linear invariants can be constructed both for {\em unconstrained} and {\em multi-linearly constrained} fields. A whole class of off-shell invariant actions are produced in association with each irreducible representation. The explicit example of the N=8 off-shell action of the (1,8,7)(1,8,7) multiplet is presented.\par Tensoring zero-energy irreps leads us to the notion of the {\em fusion algebra} of the 1D NN-extended supersymmetric vacua.Comment: Final version to appear in JHEP. 52 pages. The part with the complete classification of irreps (and the explicit presentation of length-4 irreps of N=9,10,11,12 and N=10 length-5 irreps) is unchanged. An extra section has been added with an entire class of off-shell invariant actions for arbitrary values N of the 1D extended supersymmetry. A non-trivial N=8 off-shell action for the (1,8,7) multiplet has been constructed as an example. It is obtained in terms of the octonionic structure constant

    Weak ion sound turbulence and isotope anomaly in electron cyclotron resonance ion source plasmas

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    The production of highly charged ions is very efficient in highly ionized microwave heated plasma in an electron cyclotron resonance ion source (ECRIS). Recent experimental results have revealed that better production of highly charged ions is connected with appearance of weak ion sound turbulence arising due to decay instability of pumping wave in an ECRIS. In some theoretical papers different ions heating due to ion sound turbulence in an ECRIS was studied. Under appropriate conditions due to ion sound turbulence in mixture of two different gases light ions could be heated faster than heavy ions. Since confinement of ions will be the better the lower ion temperature, the differential ion heating enhances losses of preferentially heated light ion component, reducing at the same time losses of the less effectively heated heavy ions. This mechanism appears to be able to explain most of phenomena observed in experiments with “gas mixing effect”. The present article considers the “isotope effect” in an ECRIS plasmas within the model of ion turbulent heating.Получение высоко зарядных ионов очень эффективно в высоко ионизированной нагретой микроволнами плазме в ионном источнике на электронном циклотронном резонансе (ИИЭЦР). Последние экспериментальные результаты показали, что лучшее получение высоко зарядных ионов связано с возникновением слабой ионно-звуковой турбулентности, возникающей благодаря распадной неустойчивости волны накачки в ИИЭЦР. В некоторых теоретических работах были изучены нагрев различных ионов за счет ионно-звуковой турбулентности в ИИЭЦР. При подходящих условиях, благодаря ионно-звуковой неустойчивости в смеси двух различных газов, легкие ионы могут быть нагреты быстрее, чем тяжелые ионы. Удержание ионов лучше при низких ионных температурах, различие в нагреве ионов усиливает потери преимущественно нагретой компоненты легких ионов, уменьшая в то же время потери менее эффективно нагреваемых тяжелых ионов. Появление этого механизма способно объяснить большинство явлений, наблюдающихся в экспериментах с «эффектом газовой смеси». Настоящая статья рассматривает «изотоп-эффект» в плазме ИИЭЦР в модели ионного турбулентного нагрева.Одержання високо зарядних іонів дуже ефективне у високо іонізованій нагрітій мікрохвилями плазмі в іонному джерелі на електронному циклотронному резонансі (ІДЕЦР). Останні експериментальні результати показали, що краще отримання високо зарядних іонів пов’язане з виникненням слабкої іонно-звукової турбулентності, яка виникає завдяки розпадній нестійкості хвилі накачки в ІДЕЦР. В деяких теоретичних роботах були вивчені нагрів різних іонів за рахунок іонно-звукової турбулентності в ІДЕЦР. При підходящих умовах, завдяки іонно-звуковій нестійкості у суміші двох різних газів, легкі іони можуть бути нагріті швидше, ніж важкі іони. Утримання іонів краще при низьких іонних температурах, різниця у нагріві іонів підсилює втрати переважно нагрітої компоненти легких іонів, зменшуючи в той же час втрати менш ефективно нагріваємих важких іонів. Поява цього механізму здатна пояснити більшість явищ, що спостерігаються в експериментах з «ефектом газової суміші». Ця стаття розглядає «ізотоп-ефект» у плазмі ІДЕЦР у моделі іонного турбулентного нагріву

    Harmonicity in N=4 supersymmetry and its quantum anomaly

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    The holomorphicity property of N=1 superpotentials or of N=2 F-terms involving vector multiplets is generalized to the case of N=4 1/2-BPS effective operators defined in harmonic superspace. The resulting harmonicity equations are shown to control the moduli dependence of the couplings of higher dimensional operators involving powers of the N=4 Weyl superfield, computed by N=4 topological amplitudes. These equations can also be derived on the string side, exhibiting an anomaly from world-sheet boundary contributions that leads to recursion relations for the non-analytic part of the couplings.Comment: 36 page

    Parametric instabilities excited by ECR-resonance heating in a mirror machine

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    The process of phase randomization during electron cyclotron resonance heating has been studied intensely in different aspects with single particle approximations. Studies of parametric instabilities in plasmas introduce another system of interacting oscillators, namely plasma waves. The appearance of collective motion implies a different mechanism of phase randomization with time scales close to the inverse growth rate of the modulational instability shorter than the electron bounce frequency in the mirror trap. Systematic experiments on ECR-heating show the presence of both a spectral broadening of the pump wave as well as low frequency noise close to the lower hybrid frequency, which roughly corresponds to the growth rate of the instability. The necessity of considering potential noise, the plasma eigenmodes respectively, possibly leads to a change of the existing model of phase randomization based on the single particle motion

    Consistent Linearized Gravity in Brane Backgrounds

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    A globally consistent treatment of linearized gravity in the Randall-Sundrum background with matter on the brane is formulated. Using a novel gauge, in which the transverse components of the metric are non-vanishing, the brane is kept straight. We analyze the gauge symmetries and identify the physical degrees of freedom of gravity. Our results underline the necessity for non-gravitational confinement of matter to the brane.Comment: 15 page

    Опыт и возможности применения космических систем дистанционного зондирования Земли для прогнозирования золоторудного оруденения на труднодоступных территориях на примере Полярного Урала

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    The questions of the using of domestic and foreign spacecraft (SC), as well as Earth remote sensing (ERS) equipment for search and predication of gold mineralization on the example of the promising and difficult to approach areas of the Polar and the Northern Urals are discussed in the article. The solution of this problem is showed on the example of the prospective areas of the Arctic and the Northern Urals based on analysis of Landsat 7 multispectral images. Hidden structures (arc, annular, and radial) were detected with help of analyses of Landsat 7 imagery. Hidden structures determine the position of gold mineralization of the Toupugol-Hanmeyshorskogo (the Novogodnenskoe ore field, the Polar Urals) and the Turinsko-Auerbahovskogo (the Auerbachovskoe ore field, the Northern Urals) ore regions. The decision of this problem is given on the example of the promising territory of the Polar Urals with the use foreign SC the Landsat 7. Comparative analysis of the existing SC of ERS has been carried out, this target information has in the public domain. The onboard equipment installed on domestic spacecraft and the information obtained with use onboard equipment meets the existing requirements. These requirements are placed to onboard equipment to solve the problem of search and predication mineralization. At the same time, the capabilities of the deployed domestic orbital grouping of SC of ERS transcend the capabilities of SC of ERS the Landsat 7. Opportunity of obtaining geospatial information with the use of pseudospacecrafts is being considered. These have several advantages over SC and unmanned aerial vehicles.В представленной статье рассматриваются вопросы применения отечественных и иностранных космических аппаратов (КА), а также их аппаратуры дистанционного зондирования Земли (ДЗЗ) для поиска и прогнозирования золоторудного оруденения на труднодоступных территориях. Приведен пример решения этой задачи на перспективных территориях Полярного и Северного Урала. По материалам многозональной космической съемки аппаратом Landsat 7 выявлены крупные кольцевые, дуговые и радиальные структуры, определяющие позицию золоторудного оруденения Тоупугол-Ханмейшорского (Новогодненское рудное поле, Полярный Урал) и Турьинско-Ауэрбаховского (Ауэрбаховское рудное поле, Северный Урал) рудных районов. Проведен сравнительный анализ существующих КА ДЗЗ, целевая информация о которых имеется в открытом доступе. Показано, что бортовая аппаратура, установленная на отечественных КА, и получаемая с ее помощью информация отвечают существующим требованиям, предъявляемым к ним для решения задачи поиска и прогнозирования оруденения. При этом возможности развернутой отечественной орбитальной группировки КА ДЗЗ превосходят возможности КА ДЗЗ Landsat 7. Рассматривается возможность получения геопространственной информации с использованием нового вида летательных аппаратов - псевдокосмических аппаратов (ПКА), обладающих рядом преимуществ как перед КА, так и перед беспилотными летательными аппаратами (БПЛА)

    Lattice QCD Constraints on the Nuclear Equation of State

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    Based on the quasi-particle description of the QCD medium at finite temperature and density we formulate the phenomenological model for the equation of state that exhibits crossover or the first order deconfinement phase transition. The models are constructed in such a way to be thermodynamically consistent and to satisfy the properties of the ground state nuclear matter comply with constraints from intermediate heavy--ion collision data. Our equations of states show quite reasonable agreement with the recent lattice findings on temperature and baryon chemical potential dependence of relevant thermodynamical quantities in the parameter range covering both the hadronic and quark--gluon sectors. The model predictions on the isentropic trajectories in the phase diagram are shown to be consistent with the recent lattice results. Our nuclear equations of states are to be considered as an input to the dynamical models describing the production and the time evolution of a thermalized medium created in heavy ion collisions in a broad energy range from SIS up to LHC.Comment: 13 pages, 11 figure

    Gravity, p-branes and a spacetime counterpart of the Higgs effect

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    We point out that the worldvolume coordinate functions x^μ(ξ)\hat{x}^\mu(\xi) of a pp-brane, treated as an independent object interacting with dynamical gravity, are Goldstone fields for spacetime diffeomorphisms gauge symmetry. The presence of this gauge invariance is exhibited by its associated Noether identity, which expresses that the source equations follow from the gravitational equations. We discuss the spacetime counterpart of the Higgs effect and show that a pp-brane does not carry any local degrees of freedom, extending early known general relativity features. Our considerations are also relevant for brane world scenarios.Comment: 5 pages, RevTeX. v2 (30-IV-03) with additional text and reference

    Deriving the mass of particles from Extended Theories of Gravity in LHC era

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    We derive a geometrical approach to produce the mass of particles that could be suitably tested at LHC. Starting from a 5D unification scheme, we show that all the known interactions could be suitably deduced as an induced symmetry breaking of the non-unitary GL(4)-group of diffeomorphisms. The deformations inducing such a breaking act as vector bosons that, depending on the gravitational mass states, can assume the role of interaction bosons like gluons, electroweak bosons or photon. The further gravitational degrees of freedom, emerging from the reduction mechanism in 4D, eliminate the hierarchy problem since generate a cut-off comparable with electroweak one at TeV scales. In this "economic" scheme, gravity should induce the other interactions in a non-perturbative way.Comment: 30 pages, 1 figur

    Gravitation and inertia; a rearrangement of vacuum in gravity

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    We address the gravitation and inertia in the framework of 'general gauge principle', which accounts for 'gravitation gauge group' generated by hidden local internal symmetry implemented on the flat space. We connect this group to nonlinear realization of the Lie group of 'distortion' of local internal properties of six-dimensional flat space, which is assumed as a toy model underlying four-dimensional Minkowski space. The agreement between proposed gravitational theory and available observational verifications is satisfactory. We construct relativistic field theory of inertia and derive the relativistic law of inertia. This theory furnishes justification for introduction of the Principle of Equivalence. We address the rearrangement of vacuum state in gravity resulting from these ideas.Comment: 17 pages, no figures, revtex4, Accepted for publication in Astrophys. Space Sc