27 research outputs found

    Влияние молекулярной массы лигносульфоната натрия на реологические свойства высококонцентрированных суспензий бурого угля

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    Досліджено вплив молекулярної маси лігносульфонату натрію на реологічні властивості висококонцентрованих водовугільних суспензій на основі бурого вугілля Олександрійського родовища. Встановлено, що низькомолекулярні фракції сприяють розрідженню водовугі-льних суспензій а високомолекулярні виступають в ролі стабілізаторів.Исследовано влияние молекулярной массы лигносульфонатов натрия на реологические свойства высококонцентрированных водоугольных суспензий на основе бурого угля Александрийского месторождения. Установлено, что низкомолекулярные фракции сопутствуют разжижению водоугольных суспензий а высокомолекулярные выступают в роли стабилизаторов

    Collective Thomson scattering experiments on a tin vapor discharge in the prepinch phase

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    Partially collective Thomson scattering measurements have been performed on a triggered vacuum arc in tin vapor, which is a candidate source of extreme ultraviolet light for application in semiconductor lithography. In this paper, results on the electron densities and temperatures are presented for the prepinch phase of the discharge. Electron densities and temperatures increase from 1*10/sup 23/ m/sup -3/ to 1*10/sup 24/ m/sup -3/ and from 5 eV to over 30 eV, respectively, in about 100 ns. The results are confirmed by Stark broadening dat

    Characterization of a vacuum-arc discharge in tin vapor using time-resolved plasma imaging and extreme ultraviolet spectrometry

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    Discharge sources in tin vapor have recently been receiving increased attention as candidate extreme ultraviolet (EUV) light sources for application in semiconductor lithography, because of their favorable spectrum near 13.5 nm. In the ASML EUV laboratory, time-resolved pinhole imaging in the EUV and two-dimensional imaging in visible light have been applied for qualitative characterization of the evolution of a vacuum-arc tin vapor discharge. An EUV spectrometer has been used to find the dominant ionization stages of tin as a function of time during the plasma evolution of the discharge

    Characterization of a vacuum-arc discharge in tin vapor using time-resolved plasma imaging and extreme ultraviolet spectrometry

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    Discharge sources in tin vapor have recently been receiving increased attention as candidate extreme ultraviolet (EUV) light sources for application in semiconductor lithography, because of their favorable spectrum near 13.5 nm. In the ASML EUV laboratory, time-resolved pinhole imaging in the EUV and two-dimensional imaging in visible light have been applied for qualitative characterization of the evolution of a vacuum-arc tin vapor discharge. An EUV spectrometer has been used to find the dominant ionization stages of tin as a function of time during the plasma evolution of the discharge