14 research outputs found

    Exchangeable lead from prediction models relates to vetiver lead uptake in different soil types

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    Prediction models for exchangeable soil lead, published earlier in this journal (Andra et al. 2010a), were developed using a suite of native lead (Pb) paint-contaminated residential soils from two US cities heavily populated with homes constructed prior to Pb ban in paints. In this study, we tested the feasibility and practical applications of these prediction models for developing a phytoremediation design using vetiver grass (Vetiveria zizanioides), a Pb-tolerant plant. The models were used to estimate the exchangeable fraction of Pb available for vetiver uptake in four lead-spiked soil types, both acidic and alkaline, with varying physico-chemical properties and that are different from those used to build the prediction models. Results indicate a strong correlation for predictable exchangeable Pb with the observed fraction and as well with total Pb accumulated by vetiver grass grown in these soils. The correlation coefficient for the predicted vs. observed exchangeable Pb with p \u3c 0.001 was 0.999, 0.996, 0.949, and 0.998 in the Immokalee, Millhopper, Pahokee Muck, and Tobosa soil type, respectively. Similarly, the correlation coefficient for the predicted exchangeable Pb vs. accumulated Pb in vetiver grass with p\u3c 0.001 was 0.948, 0.983, 0.929, and 0.969 for each soil type, respectively. This study suggests that the success of a phytoremediation design could be assessed upfront by predicting the exchangeable Pb fraction in a given soil type based on its properties. This helps in modifying the soil conditions to enhance phytoextraction of Pb from contaminated soils

    Chelant-assisted Phytostabilization of Paint-contaminated Residential Sites

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    Following the basic incubation study, a greenhouse experiment was conducted to elucidate the efficiency of vetiver grass (Vetiveria zizanioides L.), with or without chelating agents, in remediating lead (Pb)-contaminated soils from actual residential sites where Pb-based paints were used. Because the primary factor affecting Pb phytoavailability in soils is soil pH, we used two soil types widely varying in pH that have total Pb concentrations above 1500 mg kg-1 soil. Lead-contaminated, low pH, acidic soils were collected from residential sites in Baltimore, MD and high pH, alkaline soils were collected from residential sites in San Antonio, TX. Based on the soil characterization results, two most appropriate soils (one from each city, having similar Pb levels but variable soil physico-chemical properties) were selected for this study. Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) and [S,S\u27]ethylenediaminedisuccinate (EDDS) were applied at 5, 10, and 15 mmol kg-1 soil. Lead uptake and translocation in vetiver was determined on day 10 after chelants addition. Plant and soil analysis show that EDTA treated soils have maximum Pb uptake and lower total soil Pb levels. Prediction models developed for exchangeable Pb show a strong correlation for total Pb accumulated in vetiver grass. Results of the sequential chemical extraction of the soils at both initial and final time-points, indicates a significant mobilization of Pb by the two chelants from carbonate-bound fraction to exchangeable pool. Information on physico-chemical properties of contaminated residential soils help in predicting Pb phytoextraction and thus further help in calibrating a successful chelant-assisted phytoremediation model. EDDS-assisted phytostabilization of lead using vetiver grass appears to be a feasible and inexpensive approach to reduce soil lead levels in paint-contaminated residential backyards. © 2010 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

    Lead fractionation and bioaccessibility in contaminated soils with variable chemical properties

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    The hazard imposed by trace elements within soils is dependent on soil properties and the relative distribution of metal species. Hence, a greenhouse column study was conducted to investigate the geochemical speciation and bioaccessibility of lead (Pb) as a function of soil properties. Four different soil types (Immokalee, Belle Glade, Tobosa and Millhopper series) varying in physico-chemical properties were selected and amended with Pb as Pb(NO3) at 400, 800, and 1,200mg kg-1. A sequential extraction was employed to define the reactive metal pool, which was correlated with Pb bioaccessibility as determined by the physiologically based extraction test. Results show that Pb was mainly distributed in soluble + exchangeable phase in Immokallee (82%) and Millhopper (45%) series, and carbonate and Fe + Mn oxide fractions in Belle Glade (14-74%) and Tobosa (31-64%) series at time zero. With soil aging, Pb underwent chemical transformations in the soils and the majority of added Pb was associated with Fe + Mn oxide fraction (64 -81%). Also, Pb bioaccessibility varied widely as a function of soil type and soil aging. Gastric phase (IVG-S) extracted 34-81% and 29-75% and the absorbed intestinal phase (IVG-AI) extracted 12-79% and 12-45% of amended Pb in all the soils at time zero and 6 months, respectively. Among soil types, Tobosa and Belle Glade showed reduced bioaccessibility relative to Immokalee and Millhopper. Statistical analysis revealed that the IVG-S Pb decreases as soil organic matter and cation exchange capacity (CEC) increases and total P decreases. While the Mehlich extractable P and Ca + Mg, total Fe + Al and organic matter predicted the Pb in an intestinal system

    Predicting potentially plant-available lead in contaminated residential sites

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    Lead (Pb)-based paints pose a serious health problem to people living in residential settings constructed prior to 1978. Children are at a greater risk to Pb exposure resulting from hand-to-mouth activity in Pb-contaminated residential soils. For soil Pb, the most environmentally friendly, potentially cheap, and visually unobtrusive in situ technology is phytoremediation. However, the limiting factor in a successful phytoremediation strategy is the availability of Pb for plant uptake. The purpose of this study was to establish a relationship between soil properties and the plant-available/exchangeable Pb fraction in the selected Pb-based paint-contaminated residential sites. We selected 20 such sites from two different locations (San Antonio, Texas and Baltimore, Maryland) with varying soil properties and total soil Pb concentrations ranging between 256 and 4,182 mg kg-1. Despite higher Pb levels in these soils that exceeds US EPA permissible limit of 400 mg kg -1, it is known that the plant-available Pb pools are significantly lower because of their sorption to soil components such as organic matter, Fe-Mn oxides, and clays, and their precipitation in the form of carbonates, hydroxides, and phosphates. Principal component analysis and hierarchical clustering showed that the potentially plant-available Pb fraction is controlled by soil pH in the case of acidic Baltimore soils, while soil organic matter plays a major role in alkaline San Antonio soils. Statistical models developed suggest that Pb is likely to be more available for plant uptake in Baltimore soils and a chelant-assisted phytoextraction strategy will be potentially necessary for San Antonio soils in mobilizing Pb from complexed pool to the plant-available pool. A thorough knowledge of site-specific factors is therefore essential in developing a suitable and successful phytoremediation model

    Antioxidant Enzymes Response in Vetiver Grass: A Greenhouse Study for Chelant-Assisted Phytoremediation of Lead-Contaminated Residential Soils

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    In a previous study we have demonstrated the suitability of using vetiver grass (Vetiveria zizanioides L.) for the phytostabilization of lead-based paint contaminated residential soils. Vetiver did not show any growth retardation or toxicity symptoms despite high soil Pb levels. Antioxidant enzymes like superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), and glutathione peroxidase (GPx) reportedly allow plants to combat metal stress. Thus, we hypothesized that in vetiver, these antioxidant enzymes can play an important role in combating Pb induced stress, and that chelant-bound Pb is less toxic to vetiver compared to free Pb in soil. The response of antioxidant enzymes was studied in vetiver grass grown in Pb paint-contaminated residential soils collected from San Antonio, Texas and Baltimore, Maryland. Chelating agents such as ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) and ethylenediaminedisuccinic acid (EDDS) were used to mobilize Pb from bound fractions to the labile pool, facilitating Pb uptake by vetiver. Although the Pb concentration in vetiver from these treatments was significantly higher than those grown in the absence of a chelant, the antioxidant enzymes activities were lower compared to the latter. Antioxidant enzymes activity of vetiver plants grown in the presence of chelants is lower compared to those in without chelant treatment, while they tended to increase with dose in treatments with varying chelant concentrations. Data obtained support the proposed hypothesis. © 2011 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

    Analysis of phytochelatin complexes in the lead tolerant vetiver grass [Vetiveria zizanioides (L.)] using liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry

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    Ethylenediamene tetraacetic acid (EDTA) has been used to mobilize soil lead (Pb) and enhance plant uptake for phytoremediation. Chelant bound Pb is considered less toxic compared to free Pb ions and hence might induce less stress on plants. Characterization of possible Pb complexes with phytochelatins (PCn, metal-binding peptides) and EDTA in plant tissues will enhance our understanding of Pb tolerance mechanisms. In a previous study, we showed that vetiver grass (Vetiveria zizanioides L.) can accumulate up to 19,800 and 3350 mg Pb kg-1 dry weight in root and shoot tissues, respectively; in a hydroponics set-up. Following the basic incubation study, a greenhouse experiment was conducted to elucidate the efficiency of vetiver grass (with or without EDTA) in remediating Pb-contaminated soils from actual residential sites where Pb-based paints were used. The levels of total thiols, PCn, and catalase (an antioxidant enzyme) were measured in vetiver root and shoot following chelant-assisted phytostabilization. In the presence of 15 mM kg -1 EDTA, vetiver accumulated 4460 and 480 mg Pb kg-1 dry root and shoot tissue, respectively; that are 15- and 24-fold higher compared to those in untreated controls. Despite higher Pb concentrations in the plant tissues, the amount of total thiols and catalase activity in EDTA treated vetiver tissues was comparable to chelant unamended controls, indicating lowered Pb toxicity by chelation with EDTA. The identification of glutathione (referred as PC1) (m/z 308.2), along with chelated complexes like Pb-EDTA (m/z 498.8) and PC1-Pb-EDTA (m/z 805.3) in vetiver root tissue using electrospray tandem mass spectrometry (ES-MS) highlights the possible role of such species towards Pb tolerance in vetiver grass. © 2009 Elsevier Ltd

    Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay

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    This White Paper, prepared for the Fundamental Symmetries, Neutrons, and Neutrinos Town Meeting related to the 2023 Nuclear Physics Long Range Plan, makes the case for double beta decay as a critical component of the future nuclear physics program. The major experimental collaborations and many theorists have endorsed this white paper