70 research outputs found

    Model parameters of four important vegetable crops for improved water use and yield estimation

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    High-value vegetable crops are typically grown under irrigation to reduce production risk. For water resource planning it is essential to be able to accurately estimate water use of irrigated crops under a wide range of climatic conditions. Crop water use models provide a means to make water use and yield estimates, but need crop- and even cultivar-specific parameters. There is generally a lack of crop-specific model parameters for some important commercially grown vegetable crops, especially parameters determined over both summer and winter seasons. The experimental site used in this study was on the Steenkoppies Aquifer, a catchment under stress and an important vegetable production area in South Africa. Crop-specific growth parameters and water use for 4 selected high-value vegetable crops (beetroot, cabbage, carrots and broccoli) were measured over multiple seasons (two summers and one winter). These were used to parameterise the Soil Water Balance (SWB) generic crop growth model for both summer and winter seasons. In seasons where the same cultivar was planted, a single set of model parameters could be used to successfully simulate crop growth and water use. Results show that the amount of irrigation water required is dependent on season and rainfall, with broccoli having the lowest (1.8–2.7 kg m−3) and beetroot the highest (12.2–23.4 kg m−3) water productivity (WPFM), defined as fresh mass of marketable product per unit water consumed. The root crops had a greater harvest index (HIDM) than cabbage and broccoli. The parameters obtained expand the current database of SWB crop growth parameters for vegetables and can be used in a wide range of mechanistic simulation models to improve water management at field and catchment levels.Keywords: SWB model, Steenkoppies Aquifer, carrot, broccoli, beetroot, cabbag

    Differences between tree species in hydraulic press calibration of leaf water potential are correlated with specific leaf area

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    . To determine the usefulness of the J-14 Hydraulic Press (Campbell Scientific, Inc., Logan, Utah, U.S.A.) in estimating leaf water potential, we calibrated the J-14 Press against a Scholander-type pressure chamber for leaves of various tree species. The species tested were: Acer saccharum, Acer negundo, Acer rubrum. Populus tremuloides, Populus grandidentata, Quercus rubra , and Brassaia actinophylla (Schefflera). The regression calibrations were linear with standard errors about the regression less than 0.1 MPa. The regression equations for the four genera were significantly different, with the y- intercept increasing and the slope decreasing in order of decreasing specific leaf area (SLA). There were no significant differences between species of the calibration lines within the genera Acer and Populus. These data may indicate that leaves with lower SLA resist mechanical compression by the hydraulic press, causing the J-14 Press to be less sensitive to differences of leaf water potential. Therefore the J-14 Press is only a relative measure of leaf water status and does not measure leaf water potential.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/73416/1/1365-3040.ep11591871.pd

    River water quality in the northern sugarcane-producing regions of South Africa and implications for irrigation : a scoping study

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    Sustainable cultivation of crops under irrigation requires water of appropriate quality, especially with regards to salinity and sodicity. Agriculture can impact negatively on water quality, often through the export of nutrients (particularly nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P)) from the root zone, resulting in eutrophication of surface water and pollution of groundwater. Sugarcane is the major irrigated crop with regards to area cultivated in the Crocodile, Komati-Lomati and Pongola River catchments. Increasing demand for and use of water resources in these catchments has led to concerns about deterioration in water quality. In this study, chemical water quality data obtained from the South African Department of Water Affairs was used to assess the quality of river water in the above catchments. Electrical conductivity (EC) data show an increase in salt concentration along the river course as a result of various anthropogenic activities in the catchment. Irrigators located further downstream will therefore generally have to pay more attention to the quality of their irrigation water and on-farm salinity management. For the lower parts of the Komati-Lomati and Pongola River catchments, hazards due to sodicity will also need attention. Interestingly, acidifying effects of mine water drainage are potentially being countered by high salt input from agricultural return flow. Nutrient enrichment was evident at many of the river sampling points. Increasing salt, sodicity, N and P over time for most of the rivers studied is also a concern that requires action to ensure the sustainability of irrigation activities in these catchments. More intensive monitoring, including measurement of organic N and P fractions, is recommended to improve understanding of the contribution of different anthropogenic activities to river water pollution and to develop effective mitigation strategies.http://www.wrc.org.zanf201

    Alternate furrow irrigation can radically improve water productivity of okra

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    Alternate furrow irrigation (AFI) is gaining interest as a means of saving water while minimising loss in crop production. Given the potential water savings of AFI, a field experiment was conducted in the Tandojam region of Pakistan by growing okra with AFI and conventional furrow irrigation (CFI) in which every furrow is irrigated. Our results show that total irrigation water applied in the AFI treatment was roughly half (248 ± 2.9 mm) that applied to the CFI treatment (497 ± 1.7 mm). Despite the very significant reduction in irrigation water used with AFI there was a non-significant (p>0.05) reduction (7.3 %) in okra yield. As a result, we also obtained a significantly (p<0.001) higher crop water productivity (CWP) of 5.29 ± 0.1 kg m-3 with AFI, which was nearly double the 2.78 ± 0.04 kg m-3 obtained with CFI. While this reduction in yield and/or potential income may appear small, it could be critical to the welfare of individual farmers, who may as a result hesitate to make changes from CFI to AFI if they are worse off than farmers who don’t adopt AFI. This situation exists because current water charges are based on crop and land area rather than the volume of water being accessed for irrigation. Transitioning from the current crop and land area based method of charging for water to a volumetric method may require investment in irrigation system changes and may take time to accomplish. These are important lessons for other countries, and particularly developing countries who are trying to improve the environmental, social and economic performance of their irrigated systems. We recommend that further studies be carried out using AFI to determine whether similar water savings and flow-on benefits can be achieved across a wide range of cropping systems in arid and semi-arid environments.http://www.elsevier.com/locate/agwat2017-07-31hb2016Plant Production and Soil Scienc

    Comparing the usefulness and applicability of different water footprint methodologies for sustainable water management in agriculture

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    The lack of sustainability of our water resources threatens food security in many places worldwide. Different water footprint (WF) methodologies were investigated for their ability to improve water management at various scales. Methodologies according to the Water Footprint Network (WFN), life cycle assessment (LCA) and hydrological‐based approaches were assessed, and a working example is given for apples produced in South Africa. A fundamental viewpoint was defined and the knowledge hierarchy applied to investigate the approaches and information generated. WFs reported simply as a volume of water used per mass of crop produced cannot indicate the sustainability of the water use unless interpreted within the local hydrological and environmental context. The WFN methodology appears most useful to resource managers due to its quantitative nature and ability to compare blue and green water consumption versus water availability. The LCA approach may be best for comparisons of the impact of different products. None of the methodologies provides a single metric that can be used to inform wise consumer choices as it is not possible to incorporate all the complexities associated with water use into a single number that can be used to inform sustainable water use.The Water Research Commission (WRC project No. K5/2273//4: Water footprint of selected vegetable and fruit crops produced in South Africa). The first author, Betsie le Roux, received financial support for research from the WRC and a bursary from the National Research Foundation (NRF) of South Africa (NRF Grant number: 88572).https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/153103612019-12-01hj2019Plant Production and Soil Scienc

    Towards ecologically sustainable crop production : a South African perspective

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    Food production comes at an ecological cost, and the lack of sustainability of South Africa’s crop production systems is becoming increasingly worrisome. While small scale emerging and homestead subsistence farming are significant in the agricultural sector, food production is dominated by large scale commercial agriculture. In this paper we analyse the ecological impact of South African commercial crop production and what can be done about it. Impact categories considered are divided into what we consider ‘better-researched’ problems: fresh water depletion, salinisation, soil degradation, eutrophication and land use change; and into what we consider ‘emerging’ problems for agriculture: greenhouse gas emissions, soil profile acidification, ecotoxicity and non-renewable resource consumption. While there is a paucity of quantitative information, it is clear that after decades of cultivation many of our agroecosystems are degraded or degrading. Sustainable crop production and food security are ‘wicked’ problems – containing dynamic social, economic and biophysical complexities. Increased stakeholder engagement to better understand these problems, the tradeoffs linked to finding solutions and to involve those with the resources to turn knowledge into action is required. Collecting key data, turning it into information within local contexts (involving the ecology, agronomy, sociology, psychology, economics and other disciplines simultaneously) and communicating it effectively to allow learning and adaptive management at various spatial and temporal scales is essential. An example is the display of river flows on a website in real-time to help farmers manage and adapt irrigation practices better, and to connect them with other stakeholders to improve understanding of the responsibilities of managing water at local and catchment scales.The Water Research Commissionhttp://www.elsevier.com/locate/agee2018-01-31hb2017Plant Production and Soil Scienc

    Estimating water footprints of vegetable crops : influence of growing season, solar radiation data and functional unit

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    Water footprint (WF) accounting as proposed by the Water Footprint Network (WFN) can potentially provide important information for water resource management, especially in water scarce countries relying on irrigation to help meet their food requirements. However, calculating accurate WFs of short-season vegetable crops such as carrots, cabbage, beetroot, broccoli and lettuce presented some challenges. Planting dates and inter-annual weather conditions impact WF results. Joining weather datasets of just rainfall, minimum and maximum temperature with ones that include solar radiation and wind-speed affected crop model estimates and WF results. The functional unit selected can also have a major impact on results. For example, WFs according to the WFN approach do not account for crop residues used for other purposes, like composting and animal feed. Using yields in dry matter rather than fresh mass also impacts WF metrics, making comparisons difficult. To overcome this, using the nutritional value of crops as a functional unit can connect water use more directly to potential benefits derived from different crops and allow more straightforward comparisons. Grey WFs based on nitrogen only disregards water pollution caused by phosphates, pesticides and salinization. Poor understanding of the fate of nitrogen complicates estimation of nitrogen loads into the aquifer.The first author, Betsie le Roux, conducted this research and wrote the paper as part of her Ph.D. studies; Michael van der Laan supervised the research.The Water Research Commission (WRC) and the National Research Foundation (NRF) of South Africa.http://www.mdpi.com/journal/wateram2017Plant Production and Soil Scienc

    Interpretation of electrical conductivity measurements from ceramic suction cups, wetting front detectors and ECH2O-TE sensors

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    Electrical conductivity (EC) measurements are often used to identify and address soil salinity issues in irrigated cropping systems. In this study, measurements of soil solution EC (EC-sol) collected in ceramic suction cups (SCs), wetting front EC (EC-wf) collected in Fullstop wetting front detectors (WFDs) and soil bulk EC (EC-bulk) measurements made using ECH2O-TE sensors and converted to EC-sol, were compared. As a result of different methods of measurement and different components of soil waterflow being sampled, variations in EC measurement between SCs and WFDs were observed. EC-sol was usually higher than EC-wf, as expected for this system, due to incomplete mixing between the draining and resident soil water during infiltration. For periods of high solute leaching, however, the opposite can occur, indicating that WFDs are sampling when solutes are first mobilised at the beginning of the leaching event. The ECH2O-TE sensors were less effective in measuring the short-term EC dynamics but were able to detect general changes in soil salinity. This could reflect difficulties estimating soil EC-sol from measured EC-bulk, especially at low soil water contents. Each of these instruments show good potential for application to guide salinity management practices, but a more detailed study on a range of soils subjected to different watering regimes is needed to further improve interpretation of EC measurements and their application.The Water Research Commission (Project 1574), the National Research Foundation, the Cooperative Research Centre for Irrigation Futures and CSIRO.http://www.plantandsoil.co.zanf201

    Modelling nitrogen leaching : are we getting the right answer for the right reason?

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    The complexities and challenges in quantifying N leaching have led to development of a range of measurement and modelling techniques, but none are widely applied. Observations that N moves more slowly than water through the soil profile has resulted in different approaches being used to simulate impeded N movement in crop models: (i) by accounting for nitrate NO−3 adsorption to the soil, (ii) by considering incomplete mixing between resident and draining soil water fractions or (iii) a combination of both.We compare and discuss strengths and weaknesses of these approaches. Our inability to directly measure model parameters (especially with regards to simulating N dynamics), and the risk of compensating errors during model testing and calibration, often results in low confidence in simulated N leaching. We caution that our current ability to simulate N leaching is in most cases not yet well enough developed for reliable and accurate predictions. We recommend a more strategic approach involving better linking measurement and modelling to improve understanding of the critical soil processes that control N leaching as one way of further improving our understanding and quantification of N leaching.http://www.elsevier.com/locate/agwathb201