46 research outputs found

    Excitations of torelon

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    The excitations of gluonic flux tube in a periodic lattice are examined. Monte Carlo simulations from an anisotropic lattice are presented and the comparison with effective string models is discussed.Comment: Talk at Lattice 2003; 3 pages, 4 figure

    The Heavy Hybrid Spectrum from NRQCD and the Born-Oppenheimer Approximation

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    The spectrum of heavy-quark hybrids is studied in the leading Born-Oppenheimer (LBO) approximation and using leading-order NRQCD simulations with an improved gluon action on anisotropic lattices. The masses of four hybrid states are obtained from our simulations for lattice spacings 0.1 fm and 0.2 fm and are compared to the LBO predictions obtained using previously-determined glue-excited static potentials. The consistency of results from the two approaches reveals a compelling physical picture for heavy-quark hybrid states.Comment: LATTICE99(Heavy Quarks),3 pages,2 figures,uses espcrc2.st

    String-like behaviour of 4d SU(3) Yang-Mills flux tubes

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    We present here results on the fine structure of the static q\bar q potential in d=4 SU(3) Yang-Mills theory. The potential is obtained from Polyakov loop correlators having separations between 0.3 and 1.2 fermi. Measurements were carried out on lattices of spatial extents of about 4 and 5.4 fermi. The temporal extent was 5.4 fermi in both cases. The results are analyzed in terms of the force between a q\bar q pair as well as in terms of a scaled second derivative of the potential. The data is accurate enough to distinguish between different effective string models and it seems to favour the expression for ground state energy of a Nambu-Goto string.Comment: 9 pages in LaTeX with 2 figures and 2 tables in JHEP style. Replaced to match with shortened published versio

    Static quark potential and effective string corrections in the (2+1)-d SU(2) Yang-Mills theory

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    We report on a very accurate measurement of the static quark potential in SU(2) Yang-Mills theory in (2+1) dimensions in order to study the corrections to the linear behaviour. We perform numerical simulations at zero and finite temperature comparing our results with the corrections given by the effective string picture in these two regimes. We also check for universal features discussing our results together with those recently published for the (2+1)-d Z(2) and SU(3) pure gauge theories.Comment: 29 pages, 6 figure

    Two-loop Perturbative Quark Mass Renormalization from Large Beta Monte Carlo

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    We present the calculation of heavy Wilson quark mass renormalization constants from large beta Monte Carlo simulations. Simulations were performed at various beta larger than 9, each on several spatial lattice sizes to allow for an infinite volume extrapolation. We use twisted boundary conditions to suppress tunneling and work in Coulomb gauge with appropriate adjustments for the temporal links. The one-loop coefficient obtained from this method is in agreement with the analytical result and a preliminary result for the second order coefficient is reported.Comment: Lattice 2000 (Perturbation Theory), 4 pages,4 figures, uses espcrc2.st

    Short distance behaviour of the effective string

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    We study the Polyakov loop correlator in the (2+1) dimensional Z_2 gauge model. An algorithm that we have presented recently, allows us to reach high precision results for a large range of distances and temperatures, giving us the opportunity to test predictions of the effective Nambu-Goto string model. Here we focus on the regime of low temperatures and small distances. In contrast to the high temperature, large distance regime, we find that our numerical results are not well described by the two loop-prediction of the Nambu-Goto model. In addition we compare our data with those for the SU(2) and SU(3) gauge models in (2+1) dimensions obtained by other authors. We generalize the result of L\"uscher and Weisz for a boundary term in the interquark potential to the finite temperature case.Comment: 38 pages, 7 figures, version accepted for publication in JHE

    A numerical study of confinement in compact QED

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    Compact U(1) lattice gauge theory in four dimensions is studied by means of an efficient algorithm which exploits the duality transformation properties of the model. We focus our attention onto the confining regime, considering the interquark potential and force, and the electric field induced by two infinitely heavy sources. We consider both the zero and finite temperature setting, and compare the theoretical predictions derived from the effective string model and the dual superconductor scenario to the numerical results.Comment: 31 pages, 16 eps figures; v2: references added; v3: footnote added, summation ranges in section 4 made explicit, version published in JHE

    Bag Picture of the Excited QCD Vacuum with Static Q-Qbar Source

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    The gluon excitations of the QCD vacuum are investigated in the presence of a static quark-antiquark source. It is shown that the ground state potential and the excitation spectrum of dynamical gluon degrees of freedom, as determined in our lattice simulations, agree remarkably well with model predictions based on the diaelectric properties of the confining vacuum described as a dual superconductor. The strong chromoelectric field of the static Q-Qbar source creates a bubble (bag) in the condensed phase where weakly interacting gluon modes can be excited. Some features and predictions of the bag model are presented and the chromoelectric vortex limit at large quark-antiquark separation (string formation) is briefly discussed.Comment: 3 pages, Latex with espcrc2.sty, 5 Postscript figures, to appear in the proceedings of LATTICE'97, Edinburg

    On the effective string spectrum of the tridimensional Z(2) gauge model

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    We study the Z(2) lattice gauge theory in three dimensions, and present high precision estimates for the first few energy levels of the string spectrum. These results are obtained from new numerical data for the two-point Polyakov loop correlation function, which is measured in the 3d Ising spin system using duality. This allows us to perform a stringent comparison with the predictions of effective string models. We find a remarkable agreement between the numerical estimates and the Nambu-Goto predictions for the energy gaps at intermediate and large distances. The precision of our data allows to distinguish clearly between the predictions of the full Nambu-Goto action and the simple free string model up to an interquark distance r10/σr \approx 10/\sqrt{\sigma}. At the same time, our results also confirm the breakdown of the effective picture at short distances, supporting the hypothesis that terms which are not taken into account in the usual Nambu-Goto string formulation yield a non-trivial shift to the energy levels. Furthermore, we discuss the theoretical implications of these results.Comment: 31 pages, 14 figure

    Hybrid meson decay from the lattice

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    We discuss the allowed decays of a hybrid meson in the heavy quark limit. We deduce that an important decay will be into a heavy quark non-hybrid state and a light quark meson, in other words, the de-excitation of an excited gluonic string by emission of a light quark-antiquark pair. We discuss the study of hadronic decays from the lattice in the heavy quark limit and apply this approach to explore the transitions from a spin-exotic hybrid to χbη\chi_b \eta and χbS\chi_b S where SS is a scalar meson. We obtain a signal for the transition emitting a scalar meson and we discuss the phenomenological implications.Comment: 18 pages, LATEX, 3 ps figure