684 research outputs found

    Commission 10: Solar Activity

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    Commission 10 aims at the study of various forms of solar activity, including networks, plages, pores, spots, fibrils, surges, jets, filaments/prominences, coronal loops, flares, coronal mass ejections (CMEs), solar cycle, microflares, nanoflares, coronal heating etc., which are all manifestation of the interplay of magnetic fields and solar plasma. Increasingly important is the study of solar activities as sources of various disturbances in the interplanetary space and near-Earth “space weather”. Over the past three years a major component of research on the active Sun has involved data from the RHESSI spacecraft. This review starts with an update on current and planned solar observations from spacecraft. The discussion of solar flares gives emphasis to new results from RHESSI, along with updates on other aspects of flares. Recent progress on two theoretical concepts, magnetic reconnection and magnetic helicity is then summarized, followed by discussions of coronal loops and heating, the magnetic carpet and filaments. The final topic discussed is coronal mass ejections and space weather. The discussions on each topic is relatively brief, and intended as an outline to put the extensive list of references in context. The review was prepared jointly by the members of the Organizing Committee, and the names of the primary contributors to the various sections are indicated in parentheses

    Tensor products of subspace lattices and rank one density

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    We show that, if MM is a subspace lattice with the property that the rank one subspace of its operator algebra is weak* dense, LL is a commutative subspace lattice and PP is the lattice of all projections on a separable infinite dimensional Hilbert space, then the lattice L⊗M⊗PL\otimes M\otimes P is reflexive. If MM is moreover an atomic Boolean subspace lattice while LL is any subspace lattice, we provide a concrete lattice theoretic description of L⊗ML\otimes M in terms of projection valued functions defined on the set of atoms of MM. As a consequence, we show that the Lattice Tensor Product Formula holds for \Alg M and any other reflexive operator algebra and give several further corollaries of these results.Comment: 15 page

    The association between dietary macronutrient intake and fibrogen growth factor 21 in a sample of White UK adults with elevated cardiometabolic risk markers

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    Increased levels of Fibrogen growth factor 21 (FGF21) is an emerging risk marker for cardiometabolic (CM) disease(1). Little detail is known about the impact of the human diet on FGF21 levels. The aim of this investigation was to assess potential associations between mean daily dietary macronutrient intake and FGF21 levels in a sample of 10 healthy normal-weight and overweight Caucasian adults aged 32–60 (80 % male) at increased CM risk(2). This pilot study received ethical approval from Liverpool John Moores University Research Ethics Committee (16/ELS/029) and was registered with ClinicalTrials.gov (Ref. NCT03257085). Participants were randomly allocated to one of two groups and asked to either consume 50 % energy from CHO for a duration of 8 weeks. Blood plasma samples were col- lected at baseline (BL), interim point (IP) and endpoint (EP) after a 12-hour overnight fast, immediately processed and frozen at −80°C. Thawed plasma samples were analysed via Quantikine® enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) (R&D Systems) for FGF21 levels. Two-way mixed ANOVA and Pearson’s partial correlation adjusted for estimated weekly moderate and vigorous activity was undertaken using IBM SPSS 24®. There were no effects for diet between groups or over time (data not shown). Significant correlations between macronutrient intakes and FGF21 levels were found for both groups at IP, but not at BL or EP. Moderate and significant positive correlations were found in the overall group for intake (g/d) for glucose (rpartial = ·699, p = ·04) and fructose (rpartial = ·686, p = ·04) and strong and significant positive correlations for non-milk extrinsic sugars (rpartial = ·742, p = ·02). Strong and significant positive correlations were also found in the LC group for glucose intake (g/d) (rpartial = ·980, p = ·02) and fructose (rpartial = ·967, p = ·03) and for protein (rpartial =·998, p=·002) after adjusting for physical activity. Mean carbohydrate intake (g/d) was 160·0 (s.d. 124·5) overall and 44·2 (s.d. 14·9) in the LC group at IP. Mean protein intake (g/d) was 113·2 (21·4) 130·0 (s.d. 15·9) overall and in the LC group at IP. Mean FGF21 levels were 179·9 pg/mL (s.d. 144·9) in the overall group and 94.4 pg/ML (s.d. 48.6) in the LC group at IP. %TE Intake (g/d) PROT FAT CHO GLU FRU NMES PROT FAT rrrrrrrrrrr −·214 ·623 ·635 −·326 −·491 ·448 ·699* ·686* ·742* −·606 −·496 ·143 ·637 ·937 ·427 −·059 ·722 ·980* ·967* ·919 ·998** −·080 Total kcal CHO NMES T LC CHO-Total carbohydrates, FAT-Total fat, FRU-Fructose, GLUC-Glucose, LC-low-carbohydrate, high-fat group, NMES-non-milk extrinsic sugars, PROT-protein, T – total, %TE – percentage total energy, *p < ·05 **p < ·005. In conclusion, low-carbohydrate diets provide the opportunity to assess responses to even small amounts of CHO, which are likely to be replaced in part by proteins. Despite low overall intakes of fructose and glucose in the LC group, strong and positive correlations with FGF21 levels were observed. The lower levels of FGF21 in the LC compared to the overall group are in line with findings that FGF21 levels are elevated with high-carbohydrate, low-protein diets with dietary fats having only minor impact(3). However, the majority of studies have still been undertaken using rodent models. The impact of dietary macronutrients on FGF21 levels as novel CMR marker in humans and the mechanism behind this relationship warrant further investigation. 1. Lakhani I, Gong M, Wong W et al. (2018) Metabolism 2018 Feb 1. pii: S0026-0495(18)30023-4. [Epub ahead of print]. 2. Jebb S, Lovegrove J, Griffin B et al. (2010) Am J Clin Nutr 92, 748–58. 3. Solon-Biet S, Cogger V, Pulpitel T et al. (2016) Cell Metab 24, 555–565

    Dietary carbohydrate intake, visceral adipose tissue and associated markers of cardiometabolic risk

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    Risk of cardiometabolic (CM) disease is characterised by elevated visceral adipose tissue (VAT) and a number of associated biomar- kers(1). Some dietary carbohydrates (CHO) have been found to contribute to VAT accumulation(2). Little is known about the impact of following a low-carbohydrate diet versus a high-carbohydrate diet on VAT, adiponectin (ADPN), leptin (LEPT) and leptin:adipo- nectin ratio (LAR). The aim of this investigation was to assess the impact of dietary carbohydrates (CHO) on VAT and emerging CM risk markers in a sample of 10 healthy normal-weight and overweight Caucasian adults aged 32–60 (80 % male) at increased CM risk(3). This pilot study received ethical approval from Liverpool John Moores University Research Ethics Committee (16/ELS/ 029) and was registered with ClinicalTrials.gov (Ref. NCT03257085). Participants were randomly allocated to one of two groups and asked to either consume 50 % energy from CHO (high-carb (HC)) for a duration of 8 weeks. VAT was ana- lysed via bioelectrical impedance (SECA mBCA 515). Blood plasma samples were collected at baseline (BL), interim point (IP) and endpoint (EP) after a 12-hour overnight fast, immediately processed and frozen at -80°C. Thawed plasma samples were analysed via immunoassay technology (Randox Evidence InvestigatorTM Metabolic Syndrome Arrays I and II) for ADPN and LEPT levels. Statistical analysis was undertaken using IBM SPSS 24®. Parametric data was analysed via two-way mixed ANOVA; non-parametric data was analysed via Mann-Whitney U test and Friedman test. Average daily carbohydrate intake in the LC group was 44·2 g at IP and 48·9 g at EP. There were no significant differences between groups at any time point for ADPN, LEPT, LAR or VAT and no significant inter- actions for time or group*time for ADPN, LEPT or LAR. However, in the LC group VAT decreased significantly between baseline and endpoint by 15 % (p = ·015) Over the course of the intervention ADPN and LEPT decreased non- significantly (by 4 % and 70 % respectively) in the LC group, whilst increasing non-significantly in the HC group (9 % and 65 % respectively). LAR increased in the HC group throughout the study, whilst LAR in the LC group decreased albeit not significantly. VAT (litre) ADPN (ng/mL) LEPT (ng/mL) LAR BL IP EP Median Median Median M SD M SD M SD BL IP EP BL IP EP BL IP EP LC 4·1a 1·2 3·8 1·3 3·5a 1·2 8·9 8·6 8·5 3·96 1·64 1·20 0·45 0·19 0·14 HC 2·7 0·1 1·6 0·3 2·5 0·1 11·3 13·4 12·3 0·97 1·1 1·60 0·07 0·07 0·46 ADPN = adiponectin, BL = baseline, EP = endpoint, HC = high-carbohydrate, moderate fat diet, IP = interim point, LAR = leptin:adiponectin ratio, LEPT = leptin, LC = low-carbohydrate, high-fat diet, VAT = visceral adipose tissue, ap = ·015. NB: interquartile ranges not provided for median values due to missing data. Higher LAR has been found to be a marker of increased CM risk(4). In conclusion, while the significant reduction in VAT in the LC group corresponds with the reduction of LAR further evidence is required to corroborate these findings. Previous evidence for LC is supportive for improved CM health from various biomarkers(5); LAR should be considered as a useful endocrine addition for future LC studies. 1. Krasimira A, Mozaffarian D & Pischon T (2018) Clin Chem 64, 142–153. 2. Rüttgers D, Fischer K, Koch M et al. (2015) Br J Nutr 114, 1929–1940. 3. Jebb S, Lovegrove J, Griffin B et al. (2010) Am J Clin Nutr 92, 748–58. 4. López-Jaramillo P, Gómez-Arbeláez D, López-López J et al. (2014) Horm Mol Biol Clin Investig 18, 37–45. 5. Bazzano L, Hi T, Reynolds K et al. (2014) Ann Intern Med 161, 309–318

    International review of the Globio model version 3

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    In April 2005, a review committee gathered to assess the scientifically validity and policyrelevance of the GLOBIO3 model as part of the International Biodiversity project. Four members of the committee are scientists with a great experience in biological research assessing the GLOBIO3 model from a scientific perspective, while two members are working at UNEP assessing the model from a userÂżs perspective. Their judgment and recommendations are presented in this report. The conclusions are important in order to keep the modelling work scientifically sound as well as focussed on the major political key questions in the international arena. The review committee concluded the GLOBIO3 project is well suited to play in important role in providing information on understanding ongoing trends and depicting future trends in regional and global assessments. However, the scientific imbedding and acceptance has to improve, while, simultaneously, the dialogue with policy makers needs to be strengthened. This report serves primarily as guidance for the International Biodiversity project but can also serve as an independent review on the validity of the model for any potential end user

    Comparison of structural transformations and superconductivity in compressed Sulfur and Selenium

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    Density-functional calculations are presented for high-pressure structural phases of S and Se. The structural phase diagrams, phonon spectra, electron-phonon coupling, and superconducting properties of the isovalent elements are compared. We find that with increasing pressure, Se adopts a sequence of ever more closely packed structures (beta-Po, bcc, fcc), while S favors more open structures (beta-Po, simple cubic, bcc). These differences are shown to be attributable to differences in the S and Se core states. All the compressed phases of S and Se considered are calculated to have weak to moderate electron-phonon coupling strengths consistent with superconducting transition temperatures in the range of 1 to 20 K. Our results compare well with experimental data on the beta-Po --> bcc transition pressure in Se and on the superconducting transition temperature in beta-Po S. Further experiments are suggested to search for the other structural phases predicted at higher pressures and to test theoretical results on the electron-phonon interaction and superconducting properties

    Social Connection, Relationships and Older Lesbian and Gay People

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    This paper presents data from a small study exploring the impacts of homophobia on the lives of older lesbian and gay Australians. Eleven in-depth interviews were conducted with older lesbians (6) and gay men (5) ranging in age from 65 to 79 years. The study found that participants’ sense of self was shaped by the dominant medical, legal and religious institutions of their youth that defined them as sick, immoral or criminal. Participants described enforced “cure” therapies, being imprisoned, having employment terminated and being disowned and disinherited by family. In this context, intimate relationships and social networks provided refuge where trust was rebuilt and sexuality affirmed. Many created safe spaces for themselves. This equilibrium was threatened with increasing age, disability and the reliance on health and social services. Participants feared a return to institutional control and a need to “straighten up” or hide their sexuality. In response, partners stepped into the role of caregiver, at times beyond their capacity and at a cost to their relationship. The study describes the importance of understanding social connections in the lives of older lesbians and gay men. It highlights the need for inclusive services to ensure that social networks are supported and that health and well-being are promoted

    Pulsar-wind nebulae and magnetar outflows: observations at radio, X-ray, and gamma-ray wavelengths

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    We review observations of several classes of neutron-star-powered outflows: pulsar-wind nebulae (PWNe) inside shell supernova remnants (SNRs), PWNe interacting directly with interstellar medium (ISM), and magnetar-powered outflows. We describe radio, X-ray, and gamma-ray observations of PWNe, focusing first on integrated spectral-energy distributions (SEDs) and global spectral properties. High-resolution X-ray imaging of PWNe shows a bewildering array of morphologies, with jets, trails, and other structures. Several of the 23 so far identified magnetars show evidence for continuous or sporadic emission of material, sometimes associated with giant flares, and a few possible "magnetar-wind nebulae" have been recently identified.Comment: 61 pages, 44 figures (reduced in quality for size reasons). Published in Space Science Reviews, "Jets and Winds in Pulsar Wind Nebulae, Gamma-ray Bursts and Blazars: Physics of Extreme Energy Release

    Exercise, Service and Support: Client Experiences of Physical Activity Referral Schemes(PARS)

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    Physical activity referral schemes (PARS) represent one of the most prevalent interventions in the fight against chronic illness such as coronary heart disease and obesity. Despite this, issues surrounding low retention and adherence continue to hinder the potential effectiveness of such schemes on public health. This article reports on the second stage of a larger investigation into client experiences of PARS focusing specifically on findings from five client-based focus groups and interviews with five Scheme Organisers. The resulting analysis reveals three main factors impacting participant perceptions of the quality of service and support received: the organisation of PARS provision, client engagement with the PARS community and the nature and extent of client support networks. The article demonstrates that staff have a considerable role to play in engaging clients in the PARS system and that Scheme Organisers should give serious thought to ensuring that clients have valuable and sustainable networks of support. Furthermore, it is suggested that Scheme Organisers need to facilitate a system in which staff are genuinely engaged with the needs of clients and are able to provide individualised programmes of physical activity
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