47 research outputs found

    Neutron and photon fluence-to-dose conversion factors for active marrow of the skeleton

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    Calculation of the absorbed dose to active marrow is a complex problem because charged particle equilibrium may not exist near a soft tissue-bone interface and it is difficult to model the intricate intermixture of soft tissue and bone in the skeleton. This study provides the first definitive calculations for a variety of bones and a wide range of neutron and photon energies. We avoid the assumption of a special geometry by using measured chord-length distributions to represent the microstructure of trabecular bone which contains the active marrow. Results of our calculations for neutrons and photons with energies up to 20 MeV are presented as dose response factors. The response factors can be applied in radiation transport calculations of absorbed dose in active marrow from photons and neutrons externally incident on the body and photons produced by neutrons interactions within the body. 34 references, 6 figures, 2 tables