9 research outputs found
Characterisation of a novel reverse-biased PPD CMOS image sensor
A new pinned photodiode (PPD) CMOS image sensor (CIS) has been developed and characterised. The sensor can be fully depleted by means of reverse bias applied to the substrate, and the principle of operation is applicable to very thick sensitive volumes. Additional n-type implants under the pixel p-wells, called Deep Depletion Extension (DDE), have been added in order to eliminate the large parasitic substrate current that would otherwise be present in a normal device. The first prototype has been manufactured on a 18 μm thick, 1000 Ω .cm epitaxial silicon wafers using 180 nm PPD image sensor process at TowerJazz Semiconductor. The chip contains arrays of 10 μm and 5.4 μm pixels, with variations of the shape, size and the depth of the DDE implant. Back-side illuminated (BSI) devices were manufactured in collaboration with Teledyne e2v, and characterised together with the front-side illuminated (FSI) variants. The presented results show that the devices could be reverse-biased without parasitic leakage currents, in good agreement with simulations. The new 10 μm pixels in both BSI and FSI variants exhibit nearly identical photo response to the reference non-modified pixels, as characterised with the photon transfer curve. Different techniques were used to measure the depletion depth in FSI and BSI chips, and the results are consistent with the expected full depletion
e2v CMOS and CCD sensors and systems for astronomy
e2v designs and manufactures a wide range of sensors for space and astronomy applications. This includes high performance CCDs for X-ray, visible and near-IR wavelengths. In this paper we illustrate the maturity of CMOS capability for these applications; examples are presented together with performance data. The majority of e2v sensors for these applications are back-thinned for highest spectral response and designed for very low read-out noise; the combination delivers high signal to noise ratio in association with a variety of formats and package designs. The growing e2v capability in delivery of sub-systems and cryogenic cameras is illustrated—including the 1.2 Giga-pixel J-PAS camera system
Analytical investigation of correlated charge collection in CCDs
Correlated charge collection phenomena in CCD sensors are presently of interest due to their potentially major implications in space and ground based astronomy missions. These effects may manifest as a signal dependent Point Spread Function (PSF), or as a nonlinearity in the Photon Transfer Curve (PTC). We present the theoretical background to a simple analytical model based on previously published solutions of Poisson's equation which aims to aid conceptual understanding of how various device parameters relate to the magnitude of correlated charge collection. We separate correlated charge collection into two components - firstly excess diffusion caused by increasing drift time as the electric field in the device decreases, which is isotropic, and secondly anisotropic pixel boundary shifting as the fringing field in the parallel transfer direction collapses. Equations are presented which can be solved numerically to give reasonable detail, or solved analytically using simplifying approximations
Thermal annealing response following irradiation of a CMOS imager for the JUICE JANUS instrument
ESA's JUICE (JUpiter ICy moon Explorer) spacecraft is an L-class mission destined for the Jovian system in 2030. Its primary goals are to investigate the conditions for planetary formation and the emergence of life, and how does the solar system work. The JANUS camera, an instrument on JUICE, uses a 4T back illuminated CMOS image sensor, the CIS115 designed by Teledyne e2v. JANUS imager test campaigns are studying the CIS115 following exposure to gammas, protons, electrons and heavy ions, simulating the harsh radiation environment present in the Jovian system. The degradation of 4T CMOS device performance following proton fluences is being studied, as well as the effectiveness of thermal annealing to reverse radiation damage. One key parameter for the JANUS mission is the Dark current of the CIS115, which has been shown to degrade in previous radiation campaigns. A thermal anneal of the CIS115 has been used to accelerate any annealing following the irradiation as well as to study the evolution of any performance characteristics. CIS115s have been irradiated to double the expected End of Life (EOL) levels for displacement damage radiation (2×1010 protons, 10 MeV equivalent). Following this, devices have undergone a thermal anneal cycle at 100°C for 168 hours to reveal the extent to which CIS115 recovers pre-irradiation performance. Dark current activation energy analysis following proton fluence gives information on trap species present in the device and how effective anneal is at removing these trap species. Thermal anneal shows no quantifiable change in the activation energy of the dark current following irradiation
Predicting the effect of radiation damage on dark current in a space-qualified high performance CMOS image sensor
The CIS115 is a Teledyne-e2v CMOS image sensor with 1504 × 2000 pixels of 7 μm pitch. It has a high optical quantum efficiency owing to a multi-layer anti-reflective coating and its backside illuminated construction, and low dark current due to its pinned photodiode 4T pixel architecture. The sensor operates in rolling shutter mode with a frame rate of up to 7.5 fps (if using the whole array), and has a low readout noise of ~5 electrons rms. The CIS115 has been selected for use within the JANUS instrument, which is a high resolution camera due to launch on board ESA's JUpiter ICy moons Explorer (JUICE) spacecraft in 2022. After an interplanetary transit time of over 7 years, JUICE will spend 3.5 years touring the Jovian system, studying three of the Galilean moons in particular: Ganymede, Callisto and Europa. During this latter part of the mission, the spacecraft and hence the CIS115 sensor will be subjected to the significant levels of trapped radiation surrounding Jupiter. Gamma and proton irradiation campaigns have therefore been undertaken in order to evaluate both ionising and non-ionising dose effects on the CIS115's dark current performance. Characterisations were carried out at expected mission operating temperatures (−35 ± 10oC) both prior to and post-irradiation. Models of the resulting degradation in dark current behaviour will be combined with expected doses during the JUICE mission in order to predict the performance of the CIS115 at the mission end-of-lif
Resolvent estimates for normally hyperbolic trapped sets
We give pole free strips and estimates for resolvents of semiclassical
operators which, on the level of the classical flow, have normally hyperbolic
smooth trapped sets of codimension two in phase space. Such trapped sets are
structurally stable and our motivation comes partly from considering the wave
equation for Kerr black holes and their perturbations, whose trapped sets have
precisely this structure. We give applications including local smoothing
effects with epsilon derivative loss for the Schr\"odinger propagator as well
as local energy decay results for the wave equation.Comment: Further changes to erratum correcting small problems with Section 3.5
and Lemma 4.1; this now also corrects hypotheses, explicitly requiring
trapped set to be symplectic. Erratum follows references in this versio
CALICE Report to the Calorimeter R&D Review Panel
The report describes the status of the calorimeter R&D for ILC detector performed in the CALICE collaboration. This status has been presented to the review panel at the LCWS07 workshop at DESY in June 2007