361 research outputs found

    Light-Cone Distribution Amplitudes for the Light 11P11^1P_1 Mesons

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    We present a study of light-cone distribution amplitudes of the light 11P11^1P_1 mesons. The first few Gegenbauer moments of leading twist light-cone distribution amplitudes are calculated by using the QCD sum rule technique.Comment: 18 pages, 9 figures, v3: a sentence revised in the introduction, to appear in JHE

    Real time statistical field theory

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    We have written a {\it Mathematica} program that calculates the integrand corresponding to any amplitude in the closed-time-path formulation of real time statistical field theory. The program is designed so that it can be used by someone with no previous experience with {\it Mathematica}. It performs the contractions over the tensor indices that appear in real time statistical field theory and gives the result in the 1-2, Keldysh or RA basis. We have used the program to calculate the ward identity for the QED 3-point function, the QED 4-point function for two photons and two fermions, and the QED 5-point function for three photons and two fermions. In real time statistical field theory, there are seven 3-point functions, 15 4-point functions and 31 5-point functions. We produce a table that gives the results for all of these functions. In addition, we give a simple general expression for the KMS conditions between nn-point green functions and vertex functions, in both the Keldysh and RA basesComment: 25 pages, 12 figure

    Possible test for CPT invariance with correlated neutral B decays

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    We study breakdown of CPTCPT symmetry which can occur in the decay process BBˉ→l±X∓fB \bar B \to l^\pm X^\mp f with ff being a CP eigenstate. In this process, the standard model expectations for time ordered semi-leptonic and hadronic events, i.e. which of the two decays takes place first, can be altered in the case that there is a violation of the CPTCPT symmetry. To illustrate this possibility, we identify and study several time integrated observables. We find that an experiment with 10910^{9} BBˉB\bar B pairs, has the capability for improving the bound on CPTCPT violating parameter or perhaps observe CPTCPT violation.Comment: Revised version to be published in PR

    S4 Flavor Symmetry and Fermion Masses: Towards a Grand Unified theory of Flavor

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    Pursuing a bottom-up approach to explore which flavor symmetry could serve as an explanation of the observed fermion masses and mixings, we discuss an extension of the standard model (SM) where the flavor structure for both quarks and leptons is determined by a spontaneously broken S4 and the requirement that its particle content is embeddable simultaneously into the conventional SO(10) grand unified theory (GUT) and a continuous flavor symmetry G_f like SO(3)_f or SU(3)_f. We explicitly provide the Yukawa and the Higgs sector of the model and show its viability in two numerical examples which arise as small deviations from rank one matrices. In the first case, the corresponding mass matrix is democratic and in the second one only its 2-3 block is non-vanishing. We demonstrate that the Higgs potential allows for the appropriate vacuum expectation value (VEV) configurations in both cases, if CP is conserved. For the first case, the chosen Yukawa couplings can be made natural by invoking an auxiliary Z2 symmetry. The numerical study we perform shows that the best-fit values for the lepton mixing angles theta_12 and theta_23 can be accommodated for normal neutrino mass hierarchy. The results for the quark mixing angles turn out to be too small. Furthermore the CP-violating phase delta can only be reproduced correctly in one of the examples. The small mixing angle values are likely to be brought into the experimentally allowed ranges by including radiative corrections. Interestingly, due to the S4 symmetry the mass matrix of the right-handed neutrinos is proportional to the unit matrix.Comment: 27 pages, published version with minor change

    Exact Master Equation and Non-Markovian Decoherence for Quantum Dot Quantum Computing

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    In this article, we report the recent progress on decoherence dynamics of electrons in quantum dot quantum computing systems using the exact master equation we derived recently based on the Feynman-Vernon influence functional approach. The exact master equation is valid for general nanostructure systems coupled to multi-reservoirs with arbitrary spectral densities, temperatures and biases. We take the double quantum dot charge qubit system as a specific example, and discuss in details the decoherence dynamics of the charge qubit under coherence controls. The decoherence dynamics risen from the entanglement between the system and the environment is mainly non-Markovian. We further discuss the decoherence of the double-dot charge qubit induced by quantum point contact (QPC) measurement where the master equation is re-derived using the Keldysh non-equilibrium Green function technique due to the non-linear coupling between the charge qubit and the QPC. The non-Markovian decoherence dynamics in the measurement processes is extensively discussed as well.Comment: 15 pages, Invited article for the special issue "Quantum Decoherence and Entanglement" in Quantum Inf. Proces

    SO(3) Gauge Symmetry and Neutrino-Lepton Flavor Physics

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    Based on the SO(3) gauge symmetry for three family leptons and general see-saw mechanism, we present a simple scheme that allows three nearly degenerate Majorana neutrino masses needed for hot dark matter. The vacuum structure of the spontaneous SO(3) symmetry breaking can automatically lead to a maximal CP-violating phase. Thus the current neutrino data on both the atmospheric neutrino anomaly and solar neutrino deficit can be accounted for via maximal mixings without conflict with the current data on the neutrinoless double beta decay. The model also allows rich interesting phenomena on lepton flavor violations.Comment: 10 pages, Revtex, no figures, minor changes and references added, the version to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Identity of the imaginary-time and real-time thermal propagators for scalar bound states in a one-generation Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model

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    By rigorous reanalysis of the results, we have proven that the propagators at finite temperature for scalar bound states in one-generation fermion condensate scheme of electroweak symmetry breaking are in fact identical in the imaginary-time and the real-time formalism. This dismisses the doubt about possible discrepancy between the two formalisms in this problem. Identity of the derived thermal transformation matrices of the real-time matrix propagators for scalar bound states without and with chemical potential and the ones for corresponding elementary scalar particles shows similarity of thermodynamic property between the two types of particles. Only one former inference is modified, i.e. when the two flavors of fermions have unequal nonzero masses, the amplitude of the composite Higgs particle will decay instead grow in time.Comment: 5 pages, revtex4, no figure

    B -> J/psi K^* Decays in QCD Factorization

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    The hadronic decay B -> J K^* is analyzed within the framework of QCD factorization. The spin amplitudes A_0, A_\parallel and A_\perp in the transversity basis and their relative phases are studied using various different form-factor models for B-K^* transition. The effective parameters a_2^h for helicity h=0,+,- states receive different nonfactorizable contributions and hence they are helicity dependent, contrary to naive factorization where a_2^h are universal and polarization independent. QCD factorization breaks down even at the twist-2 level for transverse hard spectator interactions. Although a nontrivial strong phase for the A_\parallel amplitude can be achieved by adjusting the phase of an infrared divergent contribution, the present QCD factorization calculation cannot say anything definite about the phase phi_\parallel. Unlike B -> J/psi K decays, the longitudinal parameter a_2^0 for B -> J/psi K^* does not receive twist-3 corrections and is not large enough to account for the observed branching ratio and the fraction of longitudinal polarization. Possible enhancement mechanisms for a_2^0 are discussed.Comment: 21 pages, 1 figure, a table and a reference added, some typos correcte

    Updated Analysis of a_1 and a_2 in Hadronic Two-body Decays of B Mesons

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    Using the recent experimental data of B→D(∗)(π,ρ)B\to D^{(*)}(\pi,\rho), B→D(∗)Ds(∗)B\to D^{(*)} D_s^{(*)}, B→J/ψK(∗)B\to J/\psi K^{(*)} and various model calculations on form factors, we re-analyze the effective coefficients a_1 and a_2 and their ratio. QCD and electroweak penguin corrections to a_1 from B→D(∗)Ds(∗)B\to D^{(*)}D_s^{(*)} and a_2 from B→J/ψK(∗)B\to J/\psi K^{(*)} are estimated. In addition to the model-dependent determination, the effective coefficient a_1 is also extracted in a model-independent way as the decay modes B→D(∗)hB\to D^{(*)}h are related by factorization to the measured semileptonic distribution of B→D(∗)ℓΜˉB\to D^{(*)}\ell \bar\nu at q2=mh2q^2=m_h^2. Moreover, this enables us to extract model-independent heavy-to-heavy form factors, for example, F0BD(mπ2)=0.66±0.06±0.05F_0^{BD}(m_\pi^2)=0.66\pm0.06\pm0.05 and A0BD∗(mπ2)=0.56±0.03±0.04A_0^{BD^*}(m_\pi^2)=0.56\pm0.03\pm0.04. The determination of the magnitude of a_2 from B→J/ψK(∗)B\to J/\psi K^{(*)} depends on the form factors F1BKF_1^{BK}, A1,2BK∗A_{1,2}^{BK^*} and VBK∗V^{BK^*} at q2=mJ/ψ2q^2=m^2_{J/\psi}. By requiring that a_2 be process insensitive (i.e., the value of a_2 extracted from J/ψKJ/\psi K and J/ψK∗J/\psi K^* states should be similar), as implied by the factorization hypothesis, we find that B→K(∗)B\to K^{(*)} form factors are severely constrained; they respect the relation F1BK(mJ/ψ2)≈1.9A1BK∗(mJ/ψ2)F_1^{BK}(m^2_{J/\psi})\approx 1.9 A_1^{BK^*}(m^2_{J/\psi}). Form factors A2BK∗A_2^{BK^*} and VBK∗V^{BK^*} at q2=mJ/ψ2q^2=m^2_{J/\psi} inferred from the measurements of the longitudinal polarization fraction and the P-wave component in B→J/ψK∗B\to J/\psi K^* are obtained. A stringent upper limit on a_2 is derived from the current bound on \ov B^0\to D^0\pi^0 and it is sensitive to final-state interactions.Comment: 33 pages, 2 figures. Typos in Tables I and IX are corrected. To appear in Phys. Rev.

    Exact Theorems Concerning CP and CPT Violations in C=-1 Entangled State of Pseudoscalar Neutral Mesons

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    Neutral pseudoscalar mesons in an entangled or Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen state are routinely produced in phi and B factories. Based on the peculiar properties of an entangled state, we present some general exact theorems about parameters characterizing CP and CPT violations, by using various asymmetries defined for the correlated decays of the two entangled mesons, which are rigorously calculated.Comment: 10 pages, published versio
