1,011 research outputs found

    Measurements of laser-hole boring into overdense plasmas using x-ray laser refractometry(invited)

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    Copyright 1999 American Institute of Physics. This article may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and the American Institute of Physics. The following article appeared in Review of Scientific Instruments, 70(1), 543-548, 1986 and may be found at http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.114938

    Effect of Background Evolution on the Curvaton Non-Gaussianity

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    We investigate how the background evolution affects the curvature perturbations generated by the curvaton, assuming a curvaton potential that may deviate slightly from the quadratic one, and parameterizing the background fluid density as \rho\propto a^{-\alpha}, where a is the scale factor, and \alpha depends on the background fluid. It turns out that the more there is deviation from the quadratic case, the more pronounced is the dependence of the curvature perturbation on \alpha. We also show that the background can have a significant effect on the nonlinearity parameters f_NL and g_NL. As an example, if at the onset of the curvaton oscillation there is a dimension 6 contribution to the potential at 5 % level and the energy fraction of the curvaton to the total one at the time of its decay is at 1 %, we find variations \Delta f_NL \sim \mathcal{O}(10) and \Delta g_NL \sim \mathcal{O}(10^4) between matter and radiation dominated backgrounds. Moreover, we demonstrate that there is a relation between f_NL and g_NL that can be used to probe the form of the curvaton potential and the equation of state of the background fluid.Comment: 14 pages, 8 figure

    Brueckner Rearrangement Effects in Λ5^5_\LambdaHe and ΛΛ6^6_{\Lambda\Lambda}He

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    Rearrangement effects in light hypernuclei are investigated in the framework of the Brueckner theory. We can estimate without detailed numerical calculations that the energy of the α\alpha-core is reduced by more than 2.5 MeV when the Λ\Lambda adheres to 4^4He to form Λ5^5_\LambdaHe. Similar assessment of rearrangement contributions is essential to deduce the strength of ΛΛ\Lambda\Lambda interaction from experimentally observed ΔBΛΛ\Delta B_{\Lambda\Lambda}. The recently observed experimental value of ∼\sim 1 MeV for the ΔBΛΛ\Delta B_{\Lambda\Lambda} of \hll suggests that the matrix element of in \hll is around -2 MeV.Comment: 7 pages, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Chaotic Repellers in Antiferromagnetic Ising Model

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    For the first time we present the consideration of the antiferromagnetic Ising model in case of fully developed chaos and obtain the exact connection between this model and chaotic repellers. We describe the chaotic properties of this statistical mechanical system via the invariants characterizing a fractal set and show that in chaotic region it displays phase transition at {\it positive} "temperature" βc=0.89 \beta_c = 0.89 . We obtain the density of the invariant measure on the chaotic repeller.Comment: LaTeX file, 10 pages, 4 PS figurs upon reques

    The Subdominant Curvaton

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    We present a systematic study of the amplitude of the primordial perturbation in curvaton models with self-interactions, treating both renormalizable and non-renormalizable interactions. In particular, we consider the possibility that the curvaton energy density is subdominant at the time of the curvaton decay. We find that large regions in the parameter space give rise to the observed amplitude of primordial perturbation even for non-renormalizable curvaton potentials, for which the curvaton energy density dilutes fast. At the time of its decay, the curvaton energy density may typically be subdominant by a relative factor of 10^-3 and still produce the observed perturbation. Field dynamics turns out to be highly non-trivial, and for non-renormalizable potentials and certain regions of the parameter space we observe a non-monotonous relation between the final curvature perturbation and the initial curvaton value. In those cases, the time evolution of the primordial perturbation also displays an oscillatory behaviour before the curvaton decay.Comment: Acknowledgments of financial support added, no further change

    Density Fluctuations in Thermal Inflation and Non-Gaussianity

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    We consider primordial fluctuations in thermal inflation scenario. Since the thermal inflation drives about 10 ee-folds after the standard inflation, the time of horizon-exit during inflation corresponding to the present observational scale shifts toward the end of inflation. It generally makes the primordial power spectrum more deviated from a scale-invariant one and hence renders some models inconsistent with observations. We present a mechanism of generating the primordial curvature perturbation at the end of thermal inflation utilizing a fluctuating coupling of a flaton field with the fields in thermal bath. We show that, by adopting the mechanism, some inflation models can be liberated even in the presence of the thermal inflation. We also discuss non-Gaussianity in the mechanism and show that large non-Gaussianity can be generated in this scenario.Comment: 15 pages, 1 figures, minor change
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