25 research outputs found

    Cardiac Medical Therapy Following Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Surgery

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    Natural Little Hierarchy from a Partially Goldstone Twin Higgs

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    We construct a simple theory in which the fine-tuning of the standard model is significantly reduced. Radiative corrections to the quadratic part of the scalar potential are constrained to be symmetric under a global U(4) x U(4)' symmetry due to a discrete Z_2 "twin" parity, while the quartic part does not possess this symmetry. As a consequence, when the global symmetry is broken the Higgs fields emerge as light pseudo-Goldstone bosons, but with sizable quartic self-interactions. This structure allows the cutoff scale, \Lambda, to be raised to the multi-TeV region without significant fine-tuning. In the minimal version of the theory, the amount of fine-tuning is about 15% for \Lambda = 5 TeV, while it is about 30% in an extended model. This provides a solution to the little hierarchy problem. In the minimal model, the "visible" particle content is exactly that of the two Higgs doublet standard model, while the extended model also contains extra vector-like fermions with masses ~(1-2)TeV. At the LHC, our minimal model may appear exactly as the two Higgs doublet standard model, and new physics responsible for cutting off the divergences of the Higgs mass-squared parameter may not be discovered. Several possible processes that may be used to discriminate our model from the simple two Higgs doublet model are discussed for the LHC and for a linear collider.Comment: 22 page

    Dynamical SUSY Breaking in Meta-Stable Vacua

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    Dynamical supersymmetry breaking in a long-lived meta-stable vacuum is a phenomenologically viable possibility. This relatively unexplored avenue leads to many new models of dynamical supersymmetry breaking. Here, we present a surprisingly simple class of models with meta-stable dynamical supersymmetry breaking: N=1 supersymmetric QCD, with massive flavors. Though these theories are strongly coupled, we definitively demonstrate the existence of meta-stable vacua by using the free-magnetic dual. Model building challenges, such as large flavor symmetries and the absence of an R-symmetry, are easily accommodated in these theories. Their simplicity also suggests that broken supersymmetry is generic in supersymmetric field theory and in the landscape of string vacua.Comment: 48 pages, 1 figure, added discussion about the spectrum and some cosmological implication

    Higher Derivative Operators from Scherk-Schwarz Supersymmetry Breaking on T^2/Z_2

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    In orbifold compactifications on T^2/Z_2 with Scherk-Schwarz supersymmetry breaking, it is shown that (brane-localised) superpotential interactions and (bulk) gauge interactions generate at one-loop higher derivative counterterms to the mass of the brane (or zero-mode of the bulk) scalar field. These brane-localised operators are generated by integrating out the bulk modes of the initial theory which, although supersymmetric, is nevertheless non-renormalisable. It is argued that such operators, of non-perturbative origin and not protected by non-renormalisation theorems, are generic in orbifold compactifications and play a crucial role in the UV behaviour of the two-point Green function of the scalar field self-energy. Their presence in the action with unknown coefficients prevents one from making predictions about physics at (momentum) scales close to/above the compactification scale(s). Our results extend to the case of two dimensional orbifolds, previous findings for S^1/Z_2 and S^1/(Z_2 x Z_2') compactifications where brane-localised higher derivative operators are also dynamically generated at loop level, regardless of the details of the supersymmetry breaking mechanism. We stress the importance of these operators for the hierarchy and the cosmological constant problems in compactified theories.Comment: 23 pages, LaTeX, one figure, published version in JHE

    Neutralino, axion and axino cold dark matter in minimal, hypercharged and gaugino AMSB

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    Supersymmetric models based on anomaly-mediated SUSY breaking (AMSB) generally give rise to a neutral wino as a WIMP cold dark matter (CDM) candidate, whose thermal abundance is well below measured values. Here, we investigate four scenarios to reconcile AMSB dark matter with the measured abundance: 1. non-thermal wino production due to decays of scalar fields ({\it e.g} moduli), 2. non-thermal wino production due to decays of gravitinos, 3. non-thermal wino production due to heavy axino decays, and 4. the case of an axino LSP, where the bulk of CDM is made up of axions and thermally produced axinos. In cases 1 and 2, we expect wino CDM to constitute the entire measured DM abundance, and we investigate wino-like WIMP direct and indirect detection rates. Wino direct detection rates can be large, and more importantly, are bounded from below, so that ton-scale noble liquid detectors should access all of parameter space for m_{\tz_1}\alt 500 GeV. Indirect wino detection rates via neutrino telescopes and space-based cosmic ray detectors can also be large. In case 3, the DM would consist of an axion plus wino admixture, whose exact proportions are very model dependent. In this case, it is possible that both an axion and a wino-like WIMP could be detected experimentally. In case 4., we calculate the re-heat temperature of the universe after inflation. In this case, no direct or indirect WIMP signals should be seen, although direct detection of relic axions may be possible. For each DM scenario, we show results for the minimal AMSB model, as well as for the hypercharged and gaugino AMSB models.Comment: 29 pages including 13 figure

    Models of quintessence coupled to the electromagnetic field and the cosmological evolution of alpha

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    We study the change of the effective fine structure constant in the cosmological models of a scalar field with a non-vanishing coupling to the electromagnetic field. Combining cosmological data and terrestrial observations we place empirical constraints on the size of the possible coupling and explore a large class of models that exhibit tracking behavior. The change of the fine structure constant implied by the quasar absorption spectra together with the requirement of tracking behavior impose a lower bound of the size of this coupling. Furthermore, the transition to the quintessence regime implies a narrow window for this coupling around 10510^{-5} in units of the inverse Planck mass. We also propose a non-minimal coupling between electromagnetism and quintessence which has the effect of leading only to changes of alpha determined from atomic physics phenomena, but leaving no observable consequences through nuclear physics effects. In doing so we are able to reconcile the claimed cosmological evidence for a changing fine structure constant with the tight constraints emerging from the Oklo natural nuclear reactor.Comment: 13 pages, 10 figures, RevTex, new references adde

    The Minimal Supersymmetric Fat Higgs Model

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    We present a calculable supersymmetric theory of a composite ``fat'' Higgs boson. Electroweak symmetry is broken dynamically through a new gauge interaction that becomes strong at an intermediate scale. The Higgs mass can easily be 200-450 GeV along with the superpartner masses, solving the supersymmetric little hierarchy problem. We explicitly verify that the model is consistent with precision electroweak data without fine-tuning. Gauge coupling unification can be maintained despite the inherently strong dynamics involved in electroweak symmetry breaking. Supersymmetrizing the Standard Model therefore does not imply a light Higgs mass, contrary to the lore in the literature. The Higgs sector of the minimal Fat Higgs model has a mass spectrum that is distinctly different from the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figures, REVTe

    Driver workload detection in on-road driving environment using machine learning

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    Drivers' high workload caused by distractions has become one of the major concerns for road safety. This paper presents a datadriven method using machine learning algorithms to detect high workload caused by surrogate in-vehicle (IV) secondary tasks performed in an on-road experiment with real traffic. The data were collected using an instrumented vehicle while drivers performed two types of secondary tasks: visual-manual and auditory-vocal tasks. Two types of machine learning methods, support vector machine (SVM) and extreme learning machine (ELM), were applied to detect drivers' workload via drivers' visual behaviour (i.e. eye movements) data alone, as well as visual plus driving performance data. The results suggested that both methods can detect drivers' workload at high accuracy, with ELM outperformed SVM in most cases. We found that for visual intensive workload, using drivers' visual data alone achieveed an accuracy close to using the combination information from both visual and driving performance data. This study proves that machine learning methods can be used for real driving applications