46 research outputs found
Exchange Field Induced Magnetoresistance in Colossal Magnetoresistance Manganites
The effect of an exchange field on electrical transport in thin films of
metallic ferromagnetic manganites has been investigated. The exchange field was
induced both by direct exchange coupling in a ferromagnet/antiferromagnet
multilayer and by indirect exchange interaction in a ferromagnet/paramagnet
superlattice. The electrical resistance of the manganite layers was found to be
determined by the absolute value of the vector sum of the effective exchange
field and the external magnetic field.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure
Magnetic Order in the Double Exchange Model in Infinite Dimensions
We studied magnetic properties of the double exchange (DE) model with S=1/2
localized spins at T=0, using exact diagonalization in the framework of the
dynamical mean field theory. Obtained phase diagram contains ferromagnetic,
antiferromagnetic and paramagnetic phases. Comparing the phase diagram with
that of the DE model with classical localized spins, we found that the quantum
fluctuations of localized spins partly destabilize the ferromagnetism and
expand the paramagnetic phase region. We found that phase separations occur
between the antiferromagnetic and paramagnetic phases as well as the
paramagnetic and ferromagnetic ones.Comment: 11 pages, LaTeX, 9 eps-figure
Perturbative calculation of the spin-wave dispersion in a disordered double-exchange model
We study the spin-wave dispersion of localized spins in a disordered
double-exchange model using the perturbation theory with respect to the
strength of the disorder potential. We calculate the dispersion upto the
next-leading order, and extensively examine the case of one-dimension. We show
that in that case, disorder yields anomalous gapped-like behavior at the Fermi
wavenumber of the conduction electrons.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figure
Magnetoresistance in Mn pyrochlore: electrical transport in a low carrier density ferromagnet
We discuss magnetotransport in a low density electron gas coupled to spin
fluctuations near and above a ferromagnetic transition. Provided the density is
low enough (, with the ferromagnetic
correlation length), spin polarons form in an intermediate temperature regime
above . Both in the spin polaron regime, and in the itinerant regime
nearer , the magnetoresistance is large. We propose that this provides a
good model for ``colossal'' magnetoresistance in the pyrochlore
TlScMnO, fundamentally different from the mechanism in the
perovskite manganites such as LaSrMnO.Comment: 4 pages, LaTex, + 3 figure
Magnetism and Structural Distortion in the La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 Metallic Ferromagnet
Neutron scattering studies on a single crystal of the highly-correlated
electron system, La1-xSrxMnO3 with x~0.3, have been carried out elucidating
both the spin and lattice dynamics of this metallic ferromagnet. We report a
large measured value of the spin wave stiffness constant, which directly shows
that the electron transfer energy of the d band is large. The spin dynamics,
including magnetic critical scattering, demonstrate that this material behaves
similar to other typical metallic ferromagnets such as Fe or Ni. The crystal
structure is rhombohedral, as previously reported, for all temperatures studied
(below ~425K). We have observed new superlattice peaks which show that the
primary rhombohedral lattice distortion arises from oxygen octahedra rotations
resulting in an R-3c structure. The superlattice reflection intensities which
are very sensitive to structural changes are independent of temperature
demonstrating that there is no primary lattice distortion anomaly at the
magnetic transition temperature, Tc = 378.1 K, however there is a lattice
contraction.Comment: Submitted to Phys. Rev. B. (03Aug95) Uuencoded gz-compressed .tar
file of Postscript text (12 pages) and 6 figures. Also available by WWW from
http://insti.physics.sunysb.edu/~mmartin/ under my list of publications or by
e-mail reques
Electron Correlation and Jahn-Teller Interaction in Manganese Oxides
The interplay between the electron repulsion and the Jahn-Teller
electron-phonon interation is studied with a large model for the
ferromagnetic state of the manganese oxides. These two interactions collaborate
to induce the local isospin (orbital) moments and reduce the bandwidth .
Especially the retardation effect of the Jahn-Teller phonon with the frequency
is effective to reduce , but the strong -dependence occurs
even when the Coulombic interaction is dominating () as long as
. The phonon spectrum consists of two components, i.e., the
temperature independent sharp peak at and that corresponding to the Kondo peak. These results
compared with the experiments suggest that in the metallic
manganese oxides.Comment: REVTE
Phase Transition in Perovskite Manganites with Orbital Degree of Freedom
Roles of orbital degree of freedom of Mn ions in phase transition as a
function of temperature and hole concentration in perovskite manganites are
studied. It is shown that the orbital order-disorder transition is of the first
order in the wide region of hole concentration and the Nel
temperature for the anisotropic spin ordering, such as the layer-type
antiferromagnetic one, is lower than the orbital ordering temperature due to
the anisotropy in the orbital space. The calculated results of the temperature
dependence of the spin and orbital order parameters explain a variety of the
experiments observed in manganites.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure
Polarization Dependence of Anomalous X-ray Scattering in Orbital Ordered Manganites
In order to determine types of the orbital ordering in manganites, we study
theoretically the polarization dependence of the anomalous X-ray scattering
which is caused by the anisotropy of the scattering factor. The general
formulae of the scattering intensity in the experimental optical system is
derived and the atomic scattering factor is calculated in the microscopic
electronic model. By using the results, the X-ray scattering intensity in
several types of the orbital ordering is numerically calculated as a function
of azimuthal and analyzer angles.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figure
Work function changes in the double layered manganite La1.2Sr1.8Mn2O7
We have investigated the behaviour of the work function of La1.2Sr1.8Mn2O7 as
a function of temperature by means of photoemission. We found a decrease of 55
+/- 10 meV in going from 60 K to just above the Curie temperature (125 K) of
the sample. Above T_C the work function appears to be roughly constant. Our
results are exactly opposite to the work function changes calculated from the
double-exchange model by Furukawa, but are consistent with other measurements.
The disagreement with double-exchange can be explained using a general
thermodynamic relation valid for second order transitions and including the
extra processes involved in the manganites besides double-exchange interaction.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures included in tex
Theory of Raman Scattering from Orbital Excitations in Manganese Oxides
We present a theory of the Raman scattering from the orbital wave excitations
in manganese oxides. Two excitation processes of the Raman scattering are
proposed. The Raman scattering cross section is formulated by using the
pseudospin operator for orbital degree of freedom in a Mn ion. The Raman
spectra from the orbital wave excitations are calculated and their implications
in the recent experimental results reported in LaMnO are discussed.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figure