62 research outputs found

    Company culture and the sense of safety

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    W artykule przedstawiono pojęcie, poziomy i funkcje kultury. W rozważaniach skoncentrowano się na kulturze przedsiębiorstwa i zwrócono uwagę na przesłanki poczucia bezpieczeństwa. Studium przypadku objęło diagnozę kultury organizacyjnej w małym przedsiębiorstwie usługowym. Badania przeprowadzono z wykorzystaniem modelu wartości konkurujących Quinna i Camerona i z użyciem kwestionariusza OCAI w aspekcie gotowości do zmian i poczucia bezpieczeństwa pracowników. Metoda umożliwia usystematyzowanie i interpretację szeregu zjawisk występujących w organizacji i ich konfrontację z oczekiwaniami pracowników.The paper deals with the interpretation of culture, its levels and functions. The discussion focuses on company culture and the premises of the sense of safety. The case study covers the diagnosis of organizational culture in a small service business and is performed with the use of Competing Values Framework formulated by Cameron and Quinn. This method allows for systematizing and interpreting a number of phenomena appearing in an organization and then correlates them with personnel expectations. Results of research with the OCAI method in a company make it possible to make conclusions about the existing state and preferable ways of changes that will be acceptable by the personnel in the aspect of sense of safety

    Impact of Organizational Culture Perception Efficiency of Workers Enterprise – Case Study

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    The subject of this study is organizational culture and it’s impact on improving efficiency. The article show how important it is the behavior of employees and their mutual relationship. To improve the efficiency is also influenced by driving style and way of management. The article presents the results of the authors on the example small manufacturing company. The case study includes a diagnosis of organizational culture and is done using the model of competing values formulated by Cameron and Quinn

    Green public procurement and requirements for contractors

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    Green Public Procurement is an undisputable potential, although still used to a limited extent in Poland. Creating demand is a domain of the public sector, since it is the largest beneficient of goods and services in the economy. The aim of this article is to show the importance of green public procurement, especially for the participants of this market - the Contractors. In particular, law regulations, related with public procurement, have been analyzed. According to assumptions of green procurement, the strategy of reducing negative impact on the environment should take into account all elements of the production chain, and therefore all suppliers. Standards selected properly for this purpose should cover the entire product lifecycle starting from its design, through manufacturing to disposal, and should address all environmental aspects that are affected by the company's business. The research also made an attempt to assess the engagement of contractors in the eco-procedures and the status of their knowledge on green public procurement

    Shopfloor management (SFM) jako narzędzie usprawniające sterowanie produkcją i wizualizację wyników

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    Background: Due to the small number of scientific publications covering the area of implementation of Lean Management in small and medium companies, this paper presents the observation and analysis of obtained results, which could be the basis for the implementation of Shopfloor Management (SFM) as a tool for improving both the operational production control as well as the visualization of results in small and medium companies (SME). Methods: The researches consist of the comparative analysis based on the scientific literature and the observation of effects of implementation of SFM method in selected company from the SME sector. Results: The advantages of the implementation of SFM method were found in such areas as: simplification of organisational solutions, use of visual management and shaping the desirable competencies of leaders. Conclusions: The presented results show that coordinated and constantly implemented Lean elements in the company from the SME sector, which previously did not use any tools of this concept, can give a significant increase of turnover, prompt eliminations of shortages as well as the change of the attitude of all employees to continuous improvement. The positive effects of Lean implementation, based on SFM method, were confirmed empirically.Wstęp: Ze względu na stosunkowo małą liczbę prac naukowych dotyczących implementacji narzędzi szczupłego zarządzania w małych i średnich przedsiębiorstwach (MŚP) niniejszy artykuł prezentuje obserwacje i analizę otrzymanych wyników, które mogą stanowić podstawę do implementacji metody Shopfloor Management (SFM) jako narzędzia ułatwiającego zarówno operacyjną kontrolę produkcji, jak i wizualne zarządzanie wynikami w firmach z sektora MŚP. Metody: Badania zostały przeprowadzone dwutorowo: w oparciu o analizę porównawczą, bazującą na studium literatury źródłowej i obserwacje efektów zastosowania metody SFM w wybranym przedsiębiorstwie z sektora MŚP. Wyniki: Stwierdzono korzyści uzyskane w efekcie wdrożenia metody SFM w postaci uproszczenia rozwiązań organizacyjnych, zastosowania zarządzania wizualnego i kształtowania pożądanych kompetencji liderów. Wnioski: Prezentowane badanie pokazuje, że skoordynowane i konsekwentne wdrażanie elementów Lean w przedsiębiorstwie należącym do kategorii MŚP, które wcześniej nie korzystało z żadnych narzędzi tej koncepcji, może dać wyraźną poprawę w zakresie wzrostu obrotów, wczesnego wykrywania i eliminacji braków, a także jako zmiana nastawienia całej załogi w kierunku ciągłego doskonalenia. Pozytywne skutki wdrożenia Lean, w oparciu o metodę SFM zostały potwierdzone empirycznie

    Diagnosis of organizational culture of the basis of the service company

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    W opracowaniu przedstawiono diagnozę kultury organizacyjnej w dużym przedsiębiorstwie usługowym. Dokonano jej z zastosowaniem modelu wartości konkurujących. W celu uzyskania danych posłużono się formularzem Camerona i Quinna. We wnioskach z badań ukazano potencjał, który można wykorzystać w celu dokonania zmian w przedsiębiorstwie. W pierwszej części artykułu opisano istotę kultury organizacyjnej, przedstawiono sposoby jej diagnozowania i kształtowania w celu wspomagania decyzji dotyczących zmian w przedsiębiorstwie. Druga część zawiera analizę i interpretację utworzonego profilu kultury organizacyjnej. W podsumowaniu zaproponowano przebieg i program zmian w przedsiębiorstwie w kontekście pożądanej kultury organizacyjnej.The organizational culture doesn’t arise suddenly, is formed over a long period of time, is bom from the interaction of its founding philosophy and experience of its members. An important factor determining the success of the company’s is organizational culture that supports the realization of the strategy and shapes the company’s image. The multiplicity of factors influencing the organizational culture and variety of subcultures expects researchers of this phenomenon to define precisely the research subject and the research boundaries. Aim of this study is to determine the cultural basis for the changes in the company

    Identification of preferred sources of information for undertaking studies in the Faculty of Engineering Management at Poznan University of Technology

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    Since 2010 a survey has been conducted among first-year students about sources of information which influence the decision of undertaking field studies in Safety Engineering, Management Engineering and Logistics in the Faculty of Engineering Management at Poznan University of Technology. The goal of these analyses is both to assess the effectiveness of promotion and also show trends in the use of diverse channels of information transfer of studies. The results of the investigation show that internet promotion via university and faculty website plays the dominant role but also direct promotion, such as opinion of older friends, is crucial. Furthermore, from year to year the analyses indicate the significant increase of official media and reveal that the prospective students rely on a few sources of information simultaneously

    Development factors of partnership sales networks in the supply chain of a telecom-case study

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    The operation of a supply chain is related to the flow of products and services between suppliers and buyers. Partnership sales networks play a special role in the supply chain in the telecom market. The article’s purpose is to analyse factors behind the development of partnership sales networks in the supply chain of a telecom. A network analysis method was applied. “Pajek” software, created by Vladimir Batagejl and Andrej Mrvar was used as a tool for analysis and visualisation. The results of the research allowed to examine main factors of the development of a partnership sales network of the analysed entity, which included: the reduction of the number of employees and the reduction of sales commissions. This served as a basis to develop a probable development scenario (until 2022)

    Knowledge management in scenarios of Wielkopolska development

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    The purpose of this publication is to present the knowledge management and recommendations of IT tools in foresight scenarios of Wielkopolska development. The presented work was created based on analysis of development scenarios, resulting from research carried out in research projects: "Foresight – Wielkopolska economic networks. Scenarios of knowledge transformation supporting innovative economy" and “Wielkopolska Foresight". The article contains information about the nature of Foresight. Furthermore, it presents the concept of knowledge and knowledge management as a basis to promote region's innovativeness. Further part of the work contains collected and systematized recommendations regarding the knowledge management in Wielkopolska. The last part indicates main directions of Wielkopolska development strategy about knowledge management

    Diagnosis of organizational culture of an enterprise in the context of its pro-innovative inclination - a case study

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    The article presents the impacted of organizational culture and its impact on the changing innovations in a large automotive manufacturing company based in Wielkopolska. At present, innovation is regarded as one of the driving forces of the company. Organizational culture that is properly focused on innovation can have a big impact on improving performance and gaining greater competitive advantage in the marketplace, especially in a rapidly growing industry. As part of the research conducted through the OCAI questionnaire, organizational culture was diagnosed in the selected company. Analyzing an enterprise and diagnosing an organizational culture will determin

    The Sustainable Development Strategy – A Case Study of Kompania Piwowarska S.A.

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    Enterprises have to search for a balance between the economy and the objectives set by the company. Achieving goals is related to the selection strategy. The strategy is a way to create value for stakeholders. The choice of strategy is conditioned by various factors. One of them is the responsibility of the social aspect. Corporate social responsibility is linked to the idea of sustainable development. Sustainable development provide quality of life on the available level of civilization. This development is not limited development opportunities of future generations. This is achieved by the rational management of resources with regard to caring for the natural environment. Sustainable development is a global strategy. The article contains selected study results of the company with the brewing industry. Among other things, indicated internal and external barriers to implementation the sustainable development. The company's own research conducted in the period December 2014 – February 2015